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Animating a "whip" type antenna to bend according to speed, how to?

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So yeah, on the A-37B dragonfly there is a large "whip" type antenna that is straight when the plane is stationary but is bent backwards as the speed increases, I guess I could animate this with vertex animations and assign it to some kind of function (automatic highlift device or?). Any idea on how to set it up? Ideally I want the antenna to animate smoothly from 0 to maximum speed but it would be okay if the antenna bends backwards at some preset speed like 50kts.



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I was gonna say slow moving prop so it wobble in flight, but like blackbirds idea better

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And how does one do a vertex animation again? Haven't done those before so a bit of a help needed..

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just assign euler controllers for vertex anims ? i think

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Try This. Controlers set to 'TCB', Key Filters set to 'Modifiers' and here is a max file of the Antenna.



















ANT Test.zip

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wtf?  is that ur test model a\c...wait till u see one i made lol..wherever I put it...hmmm

see its sorted....

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I just had a thought, Could this work to make the wings of a large aircraft felx in a bank? Time for new wings on my 'Testbead Aircraft' :)

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Holy SH!T It's the Bandit!

Cool effect RAVEN, by the way what kind of plane is that, some kind of animation test plane?


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It's a A/C I just cobbled together for Animation testing, I just uploaded it to the Modders Roundtable.

Edited by RAVEN
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It's a A/C I just cobbled together for Animation testing, I just uploaded it to the Modders Roundtable.

Well I like the lines. It looks like a Mini me A-4 Skyhawk. Me thinks you should expand and finish it, looks very cool.

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