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MiG-21bisD1-3 german updateprogram (What if)




I. This mod is written for SF2

(a special WoE version is available in the download section)



II. History:


In January 1991 the Bundesverteidigungsministerium (ministery of defence of the Federal Republic Germany) decided to phase out all MiG-21 which were handed over after the reunification of Germany and scrap them.

Two mounth later ingenieurs of the german DASA company (became later part of EADS) wrote a letter of memorandum to the chairmen of their company. In their memo they stated, that an updateprogram for the MiG-21 would be a profitable cashcow for the DASA company. As reasons for their statement they gave some points:

1. Repair and updatefacilities are already existing with the Flugzeugwerft Dresden

2. Skilled personal is available

3. Good connections to eastern Europe contries are given, because a lot of WP MiG's were repaired and overhauled in Dresden in the past.

4. The eastern european states are attempting to leave the zone of influence of the Sovietunion and will try to become closer to the western alliance.

5. The economic situation of the former WP states is so weak, that it is unlikely, that they will be able to purchase modern western equipment in the next decade. What means, that they will use the weapons they already have for a while.

6. The backbone of the fighter fleet of states like Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania is still the MiG-21. Its an easy and cheap to operate plane and it is believed, that this plane will held in operational status till the year 2000.

Conclusion: For states which are willing to become members of the NATO and still operating the MiG-21 is an offer of a german made MiG-21 update program a welcome gift. It brings the MiG-21 to NATO standard and helps the economic weak states to operate a significant fighter fleet.To support our selling attempts is is neccessary, that the Luftwaffe must operate the updated MiG-21 in significant numbers over a periode of 5 years minimum.


In March 1991 the chairmen of the DASA decided to start a MiG-21 update program. Close informal connections to the Bundeskanzleramt and the MOD changed the fate of the MiG-21 in german service. The former east german Jagdgeschwader 8, based in Preschen, was relaunched under the new name "Erprobungsgeschwader 8". As operating aircraft only the MiG-21bis was choosen.


In April 1991, the DASA offered 3 update levels for the MiG-21 with the task to improve the combat capabilities of the plane by minimal changes in original design. The project name was MiG-21bisD. The D stands for Deutschland, the german name for Germany.


MiG-21bisD1, electronic update. It consist of the replacement of the RP-22 radar with the italian Grifo-7M, the implementation of an avionics container at the tailfin root, which contains an internal jammer SPS-142, a chaff - flare dispenser and parts of the NATO compatible radio equipment. The weapon system was modified to operate Sidewinder missiles, side by side with soviet made weapons. Only the R-3R missile was withdrawn, because the radar was unable to guide this weapon. The first MiG-21bisD1 was ready in November 1991 and entered the german service in spring 1992. In August 1992 the first MiG-21bisD1 was sold to Poland.


MiG-21bisD2, agility update. With this update the MiG-21bis got a pair of canards to improve the agility of the plane, an inflight refuel probe, new NATO compatible radio and a new french made IFF system. The radar RP-22 was slightly improved by better computers, so that the range was increased by 10% and the target quisition time reduced by 50%. The weapon system changes consist only of the Sidewinder implementation. The first D2 was completed in December 1991 and entered german service in summer 1992. First costumer was the Hungary in spring 1993, followed by Croatia in summer 1993.

A subversion was the MiG-21bisD2Cz for the Czech Republic which based on the MiG-21MF-75 and was delivered in mid 1993. This planes got the updated RP-22DM radars taken from the former east german MiG-21bis, but still had the old R-13-300 engines.


MiG-21bisD3, full NATO compatibility. This modification included the MiG-21bisD1 avionic update and the D2 agility update. Additionally the plane plane got a new engine. The old R-25-300 was replaced by the RB-199 Mk.105 which was developed for the Tornado ECR. It was ~ 5% stronger than the R-25 and a good piece shorter. The now existing space was used for a bigger internal fuel volume. In Spring 1992 the first MiG-21bisD3 started for maiden flight, but the program came to a temporary stop, when the british company GEC Marconi Avionics offered their Blue Hawk and Blue Vixen radars to the program. In summer 1992 the implementation of the Blue Vixen was finished and in spring 1993 the plane became able to operate the new american AIM-120A AMRAAM missile. The first MiG-21bisD3 entered the german service in November 1993. It proofed as a reliable, capable and cheap to operate aircraft. In 1993 the "Erprobungsgeschwader 8" was renamed in JG75 "Erich Hartmann". It operated the MiG-21bisD3 and a later D4 update till it was replaced by the first Eurofighter Typhoon in 2004.

Poland got the D3 in 1995, Romania in 1996. India showed an increased interesse for a licence production of the D3, but when the USA denied the AMRAAM capability India retreated from program and purchased the MiG-21BISON from Russia.








I want to say thank you to Alejandro from Argentina who made the aditionally parts which i used to create this plane.

The great MiG-21 cockpit is made by Paladrian








-Unzip all files into your objects folder.









For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.


Hope you enjoy it.



Michael (Gepard)



Made in Germany

May 2014


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Interesting. An improved MiG-21 with Western electronics, AMRAAMs and Sidewinders would actually be pretty awesome. Plus the air refueling capability would help extend its range, which was always a handicap for this aircraft.

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Very Nice! Thanks.

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I had forgotten to include Alejandros canards and ECM container for the MiG-21bisD1-3 into the files. Sorry, my fault.

Thanks to GodLt who informed me.

A new updated version is uploaded now. it only needs the confirmation by an admin.


Sorry again.

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    • By Gepard

      View File MiG-21F-13M Fishbed-O
      MiG-21F-13M update program (What if)
      I. This mod is written for SF2

      II. History:
      In 1969, the Soviet Union delivered the first of 87 MiG-21Ms to the East German Air Force LSK/LV. This aircraft was eagerly awaited in the GDR, as it promised a greater range, a higher weapon load and an improved radar. But when the aircraft became part of everyday military life, the joy soon gave way to great disillusionment. It became apparent that the MiG-21M had lost a large part of its maneuverability compared to its predecessor models. The acceleration ability was also no longer what it was used to. The pilots were loudly critical, which was unusual, because in the GDR it was strictly frowned upon to criticize Soviet military technology.
      At first the head of the air force wanted to punish his pilots for their criticism, but his deputy convinced him of the opposite. If loyal elite pilots dared to criticize openly, then there must be something to it.
      Therefore, a series of training air battles was scheduled in which the MiG-21M had to compete against its predecessor models.
      In every single air battle, the MiG-21M was outmaneuvered and simulated being shot down. The aircraft was simply too fat and underpowered.
      The disillusionment was great. Therefore, it was decided to use the MiG-21M from now on only as a reconnaissance aircraft and fighter-bomber. In order to bridge the time until more modern MiG-21 variants arrived, the older MiG-21 versions were ordered to be modernized.
      The focus was on the MiG-21PF and the MiG-21F-13.
      The MiG-21F-13 was the most agile version of the MiG-21. It was loved by its pilots. But this aircraft had some disadvantages. These included the lack of an air target radar, a low weapon load and a less than reliable engine. These problems needed to be addressed. The project was codenamed "Moskito".
      At the end of 1969, the Chief of the GDR Air Force presented the "Moskito" project at a meeting of the top leadership of the Warsaw Pact states. Polish and Czech participants were interested, so an agreement was reached that the "Moskito" project should be jointly pursued by the three states of the GDR, Poland and Czechoslovakia.
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      Work in Poland progressed quickly. This was because Poland was already working on a double launch rail for air-to-air missiles. It was called Monsun and was originally intended for the MiG-21PF. It now had to be integrated into the weapon system of the MiG-21F-13. This was achieved within a few months.
      The Czechs' task was more difficult. Initially, the original R-11F-300 engine was to be replaced by the MiG-21PFM engine. However, there were some delays and problems installing the engine. In addition, the increase in performance was only achieved when the afterburner was used, not with normal thrust. It was only when the Soviet Union agreed to supply the R-13F-300 engine that real progress could be made. Normal thrust increased by 5%, and afterburner thrust by an incredible 25%. The test pilots were enthusiastic about the MiG-21F-13 with this engine.
      In the GDR, they were faced with the problem of developing an air target radar that would match the RP-21 in terms of performance. The RP-21 did not fit into the slim nose of the MiG-21F-13. Therefore, the radar rangefinder SRD-5ND Kwant was used as the starting point for radar development. By using semiconductor technology instead of vacuum tubes, it was possible to reduce the weight of the device, increase its reliability and triple the detection distance. Instead of detecting a large aerial target at 7 km, the new radar had a range of more than 20 km.
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      By mid-1971, project work had progressed to the point where the components developed by the three participating countries in the "Moskito" project could be combined in a prototype. Flight testing went surprisingly smoothly, so that the conversion of the first MiG-21F-13 to the new standard could begin in early 1972. In the GDR, the work was carried out in the aircraft factory in Dresden. Modernized aircraft were given the type designation MiG-21F-13M. The Polish aircraft were given the same designation, while the Czechs called their machines S-106M. Between 50 and 60 MiG-21F-13s were converted in each of the three countries. Czechoslovakia built another 50 new machines till 1976.
      The MiG-21F-13M saw its first combat deployment in the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The Soviet Union demanded that its allies compensate for the aircraft losses of Egypt and Syria by supplying MiG-21s. The GDR supplied the unpopular MiG-21M, while Poland and the Czechs each sent 12 MiG-21F-13Ms to Egypt. They were first deployed in the air battle of Al-Mansura, where they were able to shoot down 11 Israeli F-4Es without losing a single aircraft of their own. The Egyptian pilots were enthusiastic about the MiG-21F-13M.
      The MiG-21F-13M was flown in the GDR until 1985. In Poland and Czechoslovakia they were taken out of service in 1990. The pilots of the MiG-21F-13 loved this aircraft and considered it the best MiG-21 version ever.

      The MiG-21 cockpit is made by Paladrian.
      The missile dual rack is taken from Weaponspack.
      The tactical numbers are made by Paulopanz.
      The EastGerman skinpack is made by me, all other skins are stock game.
      -Unzip all files into your objects folder.
      V. This mod is FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL use is NOT ALLOWED.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.

      Michael (Gepard)

      Made in Germany
      December 2024
      Submitter Gepard Submitted 12/28/2024 Category What If Hangar  
    • By Gepard
      MiG-21F-13M update program (What if)
      I. This mod is written for SF2

      II. History:
      In 1969, the Soviet Union delivered the first of 87 MiG-21Ms to the East German Air Force LSK/LV. This aircraft was eagerly awaited in the GDR, as it promised a greater range, a higher weapon load and an improved radar. But when the aircraft became part of everyday military life, the joy soon gave way to great disillusionment. It became apparent that the MiG-21M had lost a large part of its maneuverability compared to its predecessor models. The acceleration ability was also no longer what it was used to. The pilots were loudly critical, which was unusual, because in the GDR it was strictly frowned upon to criticize Soviet military technology.
      At first the head of the air force wanted to punish his pilots for their criticism, but his deputy convinced him of the opposite. If loyal elite pilots dared to criticize openly, then there must be something to it.
      Therefore, a series of training air battles was scheduled in which the MiG-21M had to compete against its predecessor models.
      In every single air battle, the MiG-21M was outmaneuvered and simulated being shot down. The aircraft was simply too fat and underpowered.
      The disillusionment was great. Therefore, it was decided to use the MiG-21M from now on only as a reconnaissance aircraft and fighter-bomber. In order to bridge the time until more modern MiG-21 variants arrived, the older MiG-21 versions were ordered to be modernized.
      The focus was on the MiG-21PF and the MiG-21F-13.
      The MiG-21F-13 was the most agile version of the MiG-21. It was loved by its pilots. But this aircraft had some disadvantages. These included the lack of an air target radar, a low weapon load and a less than reliable engine. These problems needed to be addressed. The project was codenamed "Moskito".
      At the end of 1969, the Chief of the GDR Air Force presented the "Moskito" project at a meeting of the top leadership of the Warsaw Pact states. Polish and Czech participants were interested, so an agreement was reached that the "Moskito" project should be jointly pursued by the three states of the GDR, Poland and Czechoslovakia.
      Poland took on the task of modernizing the weapon system. Czechoslovakia would take care of the engine and the GDR would revise the sensor system.
      Work in Poland progressed quickly. This was because Poland was already working on a double launch rail for air-to-air missiles. It was called Monsun and was originally intended for the MiG-21PF. It now had to be integrated into the weapon system of the MiG-21F-13. This was achieved within a few months.
      The Czechs' task was more difficult. Initially, the original R-11F-300 engine was to be replaced by the MiG-21PFM engine. However, there were some delays and problems installing the engine. In addition, the increase in performance was only achieved when the afterburner was used, not with normal thrust. It was only when the Soviet Union agreed to supply the R-13F-300 engine that real progress could be made. Normal thrust increased by 5%, and afterburner thrust by an incredible 25%. The test pilots were enthusiastic about the MiG-21F-13 with this engine.
      In the GDR, they were faced with the problem of developing an air target radar that would match the RP-21 in terms of performance. The RP-21 did not fit into the slim nose of the MiG-21F-13. Therefore, the radar rangefinder SRD-5ND Kwant was used as the starting point for radar development. By using semiconductor technology instead of vacuum tubes, it was possible to reduce the weight of the device, increase its reliability and triple the detection distance. Instead of detecting a large aerial target at 7 km, the new radar had a range of more than 20 km.
      Making the radar's small antenna swivelable was a major problem. But after a few failed attempts, it was possible to develop a reliable mechanism.
      By mid-1971, project work had progressed to the point where the components developed by the three participating countries in the "Moskito" project could be combined in a prototype. Flight testing went surprisingly smoothly, so that the conversion of the first MiG-21F-13 to the new standard could begin in early 1972. In the GDR, the work was carried out in the aircraft factory in Dresden. Modernized aircraft were given the type designation MiG-21F-13M. The Polish aircraft were given the same designation, while the Czechs called their machines S-106M. Between 50 and 60 MiG-21F-13s were converted in each of the three countries. Czechoslovakia built another 50 new machines till 1976.
      The MiG-21F-13M saw its first combat deployment in the Yom Kippur War in 1973. The Soviet Union demanded that its allies compensate for the aircraft losses of Egypt and Syria by supplying MiG-21s. The GDR supplied the unpopular MiG-21M, while Poland and the Czechs each sent 12 MiG-21F-13Ms to Egypt. They were first deployed in the air battle of Al-Mansura, where they were able to shoot down 11 Israeli F-4Es without losing a single aircraft of their own. The Egyptian pilots were enthusiastic about the MiG-21F-13M.
      The MiG-21F-13M was flown in the GDR until 1985. In Poland and Czechoslovakia they were taken out of service in 1990. The pilots of the MiG-21F-13 loved this aircraft and considered it the best MiG-21 version ever.

      The MiG-21 cockpit is made by Paladrian.
      The missile dual rack is taken from Weaponspack.
      The tactical numbers are made by Paulopanz.
      The EastGerman skinpack is made by me, all other skins are stock game.
      -Unzip all files into your objects folder.
      V. This mod is FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL use is NOT ALLOWED.
      For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.
      Hope you enjoy it.

      Michael (Gepard)

      Made in Germany
      December 2024
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      2) Drop "Mig-21F" into Objects->Decals.
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      1) Drop "007 camo" into Objects->Aircraft->Mig--21F.
      2) Drop "Mig-21F" into Objects->Decals.
      Spinners- Providing the stock tw mig-21F-13 template
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              // Weapon Stations --------------------------

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      Its your turn now !

      Coupi ;)
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