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I'm working on some "both side" campaigns based on Centurion's files for a Dhimar/paran set up using the awesome new skins.

So far, I'm progressing and learning a lot. 

Still, I've came across something that bugs me.

All Floggers suddenly lose their Parani roundels. They still sports the random decal numbers, though.  I didn't touch the skins. I just made the 23-MF flyable, only adding the pit and usual files. 

I've tried to see what could be wrong, but couldn't. Any idea where I should dig? 

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Have they been added to the nations list? I've always found it strange that SFP1/SFG/SF2 is based on Dhimar and Paran but are unavailable in the drop-down menu for single missions.

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Yes, I had that problem too but added them in nations.ini. 

Might miss some decal or something? 

Edited by Emp_Palpatine

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Well, which texture set?

Can you be more specific?


Nation in squad details in the campaigns ini is Paran. 

Skin is Syrian camp, which the plane do sport. But Even if Paran is specified (with the same name as in Nations.ini), no roundels. 

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you may have to extract the paran insignia from the cat, and create a decal folder for it. Then, rewrite the pathways in the decals ini


the textureset ini they speak of, should be placed IN that aircraft's skin folder. Creates a "paran only" aircraft

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you may have to extract the paran insignia from the cat, and create a decal folder for it. Then, rewrite the pathways in the decals ini


the textureset ini they speak of, should be placed IN that aircraft's skin folder. Creates a "paran only" aircraft

Well, now that's a complicated thing.


I will try to get my hands dirty, thanks Kevin! 

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Aaaaall right.


So, here I stand: 


I extracted SYAAFCAMO1 for MiG-23MF,

I extracted the Parani roundel. Put it in moded-Decals under a MiG-23MF folder AND, just to be sure, into the texture file of the plane. 

I matched all nation names in the inis.

I edited the decals.ini pathways. 

I've done so taking other aircrafts as examples.


Still, no joy. No roundel and the planes even don't sports the Syrian scheme, still in random soviet camo. I'm missing something there...

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did you change the names in the textureste ini? Is the folder itself named to match?


the textureset ini should look something like this (whre the * is the next number)


Name=Paran Came

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Well, just tried it and no joy.

Actually, I tried some quick thing with my nato fighters install. 

I made flyable GDR MiG-23, edited a new campaigns... And I still got the same thing, except the planes now sports the soviet red star instead of being plain camo. Well, according to the files and inis, they should have LSK camo and insignias.


I definitely do something wrong, even when all is included and ready to use and should be a matter of a few ini editing. Don't know what, though. 

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Here is the campaign files, heavy beta & work in progress of course. 

I've still to start the Dhimari side.

I've also uploaded the MiG-23MF, the only one I've made flyable yet. But others (23-BN for instance, as well as Tu-16) do have the same camo & roundel issues. 

Retribution war.rar


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Try forcing the insignia by naming the decal insigniaxxx, xxx being the number for Paran.

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No joy...


I'm frankly lost. I only made them flyable. What could be wrong?

The plane even don't use syrian camo but the soviet scheme... I am missing something with "making planes flyable" in campaigns.

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IF I'M RIGHT , because I didn't test your stuffs, just had a look at it


A) I think your Parani MiG-23MF flies with the soviet MiG-23MF data.


The Parani skin entries don't show up in the MiG-23MF.ini file textures list (only soviet, czech, est germany, poland, syria)


B) "AircraftDataFile=MiG-23MF_data.ini"


Where is this file?


I think you didn't rename the main folder, like "MiG-23MFparan" and the game is using the regular MiG-23MF data file, the soviet one.


So :


- Rename the main folder and the specific ini files to be different than the soviet one

- Add a MiG-23MFparan data file in your parani MiG-23MF folder.

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I'll try this.

What I fail to understand, though, is why I've got quite the same issue when I try to make a flyable nato-fighter campaign.
I've tried it for the LSK and everytime, the plane shows up with soviet camo & decals. I mean... I can't have butchered anything with the ini and decals there and these planes were already flyable.

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