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Wow here are some mighty displeased people over there. 





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Holy crap SimHQ has become 4chan's /v/ board except for flight sims

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Seems to be the same set of people tbh - moaning over nothing as usual

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Hell, I got banned today from the ED boards.  4 years as a tester, being a subject matter expect for the development for the A-10C, developing and sharing with the community countless documents, answering questions about the A-10C on their forums, and being the Commander of the 476th vFG and freely advertising DCS World for them and I get banned for asking why a post got deleted that did not break any forum rules.  I can completely understand why people aren't happy with ED or how they manage their forums.  


It isn't moaning over nothing, if you express any opinion on the ED boards other than "everything ED does is perfect" you get attacked, your post(s) deleted with no notice and then when you ask you get banned.  If people want to think I fall into the "Seems to be the same set of people tbh - moaning over nothing as usual" category so be it.

Edited by paulrkiii
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Well that shit won't happen here. All I ask is you don't call someone a mother f***er or the like and you are fine. 

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Well that shit won't happen here. All I ask is you don't call someone a mother f***er or the like and you are fine. 


LOL, I'm a "little" more tactful than that :D

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LOL, I'm a "little" more tactful than that :D



A Hawg guy tactful? Now you're just full of shit. :lol:

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Hell, I got banned today from the ED boards.  4 years as a tester, being a subject matter expect for the development for the A-10C, developing and sharing with the community countless documents, answering questions about the A-10C on their forums, and being the Commander of the 476th vFG and freely advertising DCS World for them and I get banned for asking why a post got deleted that did not break any forum rules.  I can completely understand why people aren't happy with ED or how they manage their forums.  


It isn't moaning over nothing, if you express any opinion on the ED boards other than "everything ED does is perfect" you get attacked, your post(s) deleted with no notice and then when you ask you get banned.  If people want to think I fall into the "Seems to be the same set of people tbh - moaning over nothing as usual" category so be it.


That sucks, a temporary suspension would have been a much more tactful approach if the really had to make a statement. I hate the heavy handed moderation used by some forums. I got banned from the Bohemia Interactive forums once for one "slightly less tactful" statment. But anyhoo, there was an amnesty at some point, so still got my original 2002 register date account :)


As for the overall level of drama over these things - maybe a tad over the top. But these things matter to those who care about this hobby, it's not like there is a lot of choice in this field.

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That's the thing I never understood. Someone crosses the line, you close the thread or delete the post even, fine. Someone asks "Why?" you just say "violated forum rules" and close the thread. Now it's there for all to see that thread X was canned for going too far.

Continually shooting every person who notices its absence and dares to question it is stupid.


I'm not saying they can't put that line wherever they want, it's their forum. They want to make any negative comment forbidden, well alright. However, you should then make it clear that disparaging remarks are forbidden, not try and hide that fact while simultaneously not only killing those comments but any comments ASKING about those comments as well as those who ASKED. It defies common sense.

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Well that shit won't happen here. All I ask is you don't call someone a mother f***er or the like and you are fine. 

Rats...I really like that word, I use it at meetings, during speeches, and even at church...




Hell, I got banned today from the ED boards.  4 years as a tester, being a subject matter expect for the development for the A-10C, developing and sharing with the community countless documents, answering questions about the A-10C on their forums, and being the Commander of the 476th vFG and freely advertising DCS World for them and I get banned for asking why a post got deleted that did not break any forum rules.  I can completely understand why people aren't happy with ED or how they manage their forums.  


It isn't moaning over nothing, if you express any opinion on the ED boards other than "everything ED does is perfect" you get attacked, your post(s) deleted with no notice and then when you ask you get banned.  If people want to think I fall into the "Seems to be the same set of people tbh - moaning over nothing as usual" category so be it.


Annoucments, patches, vapourware, and over promises are fine....


But the "holier than thou" and "you owe me" attitude that some developers have towards the online community really boggles my mind. Particularly, barring some lucrative government or commercial contract, 99.9% of them are dependent on said community for all it its marketing, testing, and development needs (not including all the mods and third party addons that keep their product going long after their product has been released.) 


Unless Hollywood comes out with this generation's "Top Gun" or console companies start pushing "Ace Combat" in lieu of the next Madden or Call or Duty, IMHO such an attitude by the developers is going to do nothing but make simming even more obscure than it is now and relegate everything to an MS Flight Sim Add on...

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Try the BI forums.... they're even worse.  Dare you to speak about real combat experiences and see what happens, you'll have the kiddos there burning their internet trying to find a response.  Man I miss talking to adults again.... too many morons there, had to come back and talk to real people again.

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