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ok!! got all the lod stuff from baff, and it's like a completely different bird! thanks baff!!


doing something I shouldn't (because of the eye issue), but here's partly reskinned with the invasion stripes (note the open canopy!!)

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Baff, we should set the Canopy animation to manual i guess.

BTW Bob, all files are also in the "Seafury FM" PM ;-)

Edited by 7eleven

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Beautiful Fury guys! Looking forward to fly it!!

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Baff, we should set the Canopy animation to manual i guess.

BTW Bob, all files are also in the "Seafury FM" PM ;-)


I'm going to stay away from that bird for awhile and let you and Wrench do your thing.  [ that's a relief!]

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ok, have 3 full sets of skins an decals (courtesy of Paulo's SeaFury pack of Simon's old bird)










updated the box art hangar screen, has a 'new' (and different!) cockpit, new AvHistory engine sound, minor tweeks and such. The only oddity I'm experiencing is on the Fleet Carriers (Victorious type), it don't catch the wire. Neither AI or player on autopilot (this is the BIG thing -- the AIs has to land themselves).

OTH, on the Colossus class (Theseus, Glory, Sydney) there's no issue. This leads me to believe theres a problem with the CVs themselves. But it's livable with!

Also, in eburgers SF2NA CV mega pak, the start date for HMAS Sydney is incorrect in both the data and userinis. S/B 1948.


So, looks like we're just about good to go. Hoping to assemble the package and a release by the weekend. If any of the major modders want to inspect before, let me know. (looking a Baff and Carlo!)


screenie below: hms theseus and her seafurys

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You can send it to me Kevin, if you like...

Then I take a look. ;-)

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Quote:  The only oddity I'm experiencing is on the Fleet Carriers (Victorious type), it don't catch the wire. Neither AI or player on autopilot (this is the BIG thing -- the AIs has to land themselves).


Let me check my install, I recall adjusting the aim point on an aircraft carrier in my KAW install but don't remember which one. I adjusted the parked planes on the Colossus class as well due to some issues.


Edit: Here's some data from the Victorious carrier I have installed. It looks like I was messing with the aim point and probably the parking as well. Might be worth a try.



Edited by baffmeister

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Been quiet here for a few days. Just to say I'm still working, fixing data inis for all planes with LODviewer. (While it's a great tool it also means workload has ironically risen. But yea it's a good thing.) It's almost done atm and after I've got a solid database gonna start separating the campaigns into phases.

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hopefully, we'll have the Sea Fury for you in a few days ("2 weeks!!!").  Carlo is making some adjustments on the hit boxes.

It's nearly ready!!

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hopefully, we'll have the Sea Fury for you in a few days ("2 weeks!!!").  Carlo is making some adjustments on the hit boxes.

It's nearly ready!!

Oh thank you Wrench and Carlo. High poly model check. Low level LODs check. Nice skins check. Good FM check. :) I think it'll be of the better ones among the kaw planes.

But yea fixing the hitbox etc. can be brain dizzy so no hurries.

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tell me about. just for grins and giggles, I did it -for the first time- on Veltro's G-55 I just re-released. Hopefully, I got it right (or closer than it was!!)  <vbg>

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OK the DATA inis are done for the moment, sans the Sea Fury. Many fixes are applied.



Landing speed of some ac further tuned. The corsairs can finally properly land after bumping the flaps CLiftDC and cmdc.



Cruise speed is 65% (props) / 70% (jets) of MaxspeedSL. So they retain energy entering dogfights.



Climb speed is 110% of corner speed, unless predefined. This prevents some ac corkscrewing upon entering mission.





Most are separated into [nose], [fuselage], [tail] sections, so they get reasonable vulnerability to gunfire. The F9F-2/5P/F2H-2/F-84 have wingtip tanks as components.


All hitboxes fine tuned.


ModelNodeName callouts fixed. ParentComponentName callouts fixed.


Damageratings mostly are set as [nose] disabled, [fuselage] destroyed, [tail] destroyed, [wing] destroyed, [outerwing] destroyed, [verttail] disabled, [stab] disabled.


Structuralfactor mostly set as [nose]/[fuselage]/[tail]/[vertail]/[stab] 2.5, [wing] 2, [outerwing] 1.5.


Armor values. Jets, dedicated ground attack, bombers have [nose]/[fuselage]/[tail]/[vertail]/[stab] 12mm of aluminum armor, [wing]/[outerwing] 10mm. Prop fighters have 10 and 8 respectively.





Component ownership of systems sorted.


All hitboxes refined. Pilots are 0.5m in width, 1m in length, 1.2m in height, as per TW default value. Fuel tanks hitbox position determined by flight manuals if they're found on the net. Tanks' hitbox size determined by fuel volume, using prop gas 0.72kg/L and jet gas 0.78kg/L


Structuralfactors for pilots are 5. For fuel tanks are 2 for jets, 1 for props. For engines, jets and radial prop 2, inline prop 1. All fuel tanks set as selfhealing. Inline prop fighters have no fire suppression for tanks and engines. Ground attack props and jets do. This is to simulate vulnerability of avgas and inline piston engine to gunfire.


All pilots have some armor protection. All wing tanks have min 6mm of steel armor. Fuselage tank usually have 9mm of steel. Bombers and dedicated ground attack ac varies between 9-12mm. IL-10 has 16mm. Inline piston and jet engines are unprotected except F-84. Radial prop engines and Firefly have 4mm steel armor. Dedicated ground attack have 12mm. IL-10 has 24mm.


Wing mounted guns are converged at 1200ft. This is for ground strafing use.


PropRotationDirection set as appropriate per 3D model.



Animations. Engine cowling/radiator flap animations added/fixed. Some missing CanopyAnimationID for [pilot] added. Ownership also sorted.



Landing gears. InsideNodeName, HideGearNode=True, ShockAnimationID, ReverseShockOrientation=TRUE, ShockStroke, ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE measured or set as appropriate. Added DetachNode[00X]= for damage effect.



Misc other fixes.




It appears I'm unable to UL to combatace so here's a mediafire link. One can pop them into a KAW install with minimum fussing I suppose. Ofc they'll all be in the Wing over Korea pack update.






Huge thanks goes to mue and the LODviewer!

Edited by Do335
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Spent a day calculating NormalMissionRadius and MaxMissionRadius. Now squadron airbase relocations are more frequent.headbang_zps38ixjbeu.gif







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Video for today... infantry combat :biggrin:

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eh.. thanks for the sticky, Dave. :hi:

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the infantry sure would have use of reduced movement speeds and turn speeds, not to mention separate ground object class so we wouldn't have cases where there are like 5 infantry "units" vs say 16 tanks as I recently experienced

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Hi Stary, I have bumped them up exactly for infantry vs tanks combat. Apparently in korea the US inf Divisions all have organic tank battalions but the NK/Chinese have very little. (At beginning of war the NK 105th armor bde had some 120 T-34s but later expended them all on the Pusan perimeter and later the Chinese 1/2/3rd armor divs distributed all among inf units for support.) I have contemplated using all armor ground units like TK's stock campaigns, but it would appear a bit funny I reckon if the red side gets hordes of Tanks. Plus.. Korea has lots of hills, means even fewer tanks.


So to give infantry a chance they now have relatively quick move speed and very small hitbox, thus it becomes quite hard for tanks or aircraft to hit them. For example strafing aircraft do not lead, if the squad is moving there's good chance to avoid the strafe. The weapon system etc is ofc revamped so they actually shoot their guns unlike before. The result is they're still mostly hapless when attacking but can give tanks a run for money when defending.


On the campaign level this is largely irrelevant ofc as the strategic node joust mainly depends on player mission score, but tank units will have fewer objects than Infantry divisions so the latter can afford more losses just to compensate.


(In turn the small hitbox of inf squad irrevocably required precision of strafing CAS aircraft, especially those with wing mounted guns that simply have to score hits at gun convergence point. So I've spent some time testing and adjusting strafingAI and rocketattackAI values which works now.)


The catch is how such a prolonged large volumn of bullet trajectory calculations will affect FPS in campaign mode, like we've experienced with bomber formations and maybe to a lesser extent anti-air machinguns. It'll have to be tested after I finish saving TK's posts on the TW forums...

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sure, having backups of the TW forums is more important now I think so thaks for the efforts

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sure, having backups of the TW forums is more important now I think so thaks for the efforts

Nan, come to think of it you guys have learnt all you need via dealings with TK but I'm still topping up here, like game mechanisms and what ini callouts means what, it's just there're so many.

Edited by Do335

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And hey Stary what's happening to these... WIP? (assume Starfire and Tigercat cockpits, and assume it doesn't hurt to ask :angel: )

Edited by Do335

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Guest minaunicorn

I have done everything right to Install this. I know how to make a mod folder, I have all the games and packs. Campaign is fine but if I try flying the AD-4NL off a carrier it falls into water, its showing a destroyer or cruiser as the carrier. I also notice there is no SCB-125 LOD in that folder. Whats going on here?



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The SCB-125 is the STOCK Essex class carrier, provided by 3rdWire, via SF2:V

Which is why it's been said that a Full-5 merged install is required to create the KAW mods folder, FROM the SF2NA exe.


I've never had a problem with any of the Skyraiders, but not launching from a carrier would definitely cause a KER-plonk into the drink!!  :blackeye:

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Guest minaunicorn

I have everything installed. Did a mod from SF:NA, still go in the water. Strange...

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did you install the modified SCB-125 data ini, that backdates it to 1943?




this one has Kjakkers' mod with the working 5" in the '4 corners'

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