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I'm open to suggestions

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I took a new approach to the Virtual Spotlight videos ... I'm wondering what you think.


Thank you for your time.




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wow!  quite a production!

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What I like about Clare's videos are they cut to the chase and no fluff. She also has a great voice that keeps your attention. 

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Its very good. 


In my experience people generally have short attention spans - so keeping it short and concise is a must where possible.

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Okay and what about this one?

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It was that bad?

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It was that bad?

Not at all Dude.  That was a joke.  And that was from a Jihadis perspective for whom the Haram things are pretty much everything...sorry should've put a smiley.


EDIT:  And I actually liked it.  Also, below is that other dude who didn't like it.

Edited by Atreides

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I'm out of the loop on that. I did a little digging on the HARAM image and found a bunch of funny stuff.


Things like ...


When you get into an argument with a woman it's like being arrested because everything you say can and WILL be used against you.

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I like both of them just great aside from the music. I'm not a fan of that type of music, so I found it a little distracting, although the one with Ryan isn't nearly as jarring as Clare's.


Maybe try one with classical music to mix it up? :biggrin:

Edited by JediMaster

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