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Near the end for US F-4s

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 Phantastic plane... :hi:

Edited by Coupi

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Been through Holloman a time or two. I was surprised when I looked up and saw one of those babies flying around. A real airplane! That brought a smile to my face.

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Makes me sick to my stomach. 

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Why? Everything has its time. As a target drone the Phantom replaced the Sabre for the Navy and the F-102 in the Air Force. While I'd love to have Phantoms Phorever, the QF-16 offers a more modern target, about as much of a leap ahead as the Phantom was for the planes it replaced.

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When Holloman is down to their last F-4, it should be flown to the USAF Museum and displayed as is.

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There was a time when the F-4 Phantom was the yardstick by which every other new jet fighter was measured.


It is a legend and it is both robust and beautiful as well. I sure hope we preserve a great many of them!!!


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Makes me sick to my stomach. 


Hopefully it will not suffer the same fate as the QF-106s did. The last of them were taken out to the Gufl of Mexico and dumped into the ocean.


I'm glad I had the opportunity to see the fullymanned F-4 fly towards the end of its of career. I was taken back when I happened to see an QF-4E painted up in SEA colors fly at an airshow a few years ago. My first thought was "that can't be right."

Edited by ironroad

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