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My Apologies to French Members......

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Like I said no flame war from me. I love France!


The original post, was full of wrong facts and blatant insults. Left out Mexico. Probably the only war France ever really lost.


Just wanted to point that out.


Our track record has been quite miserable lately but as Churchill said, "There are no winners in war. Only survivors."

Edited by CrazyhorseB34

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Ok enough talking now!

Time for retaliation


Let's see :

Geneva protocol prohibits the use of :


"asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of all analogous liquids, materials or devices"


"bacteriological methods of warfare"


Ok ça va l'faire >:^D


Take ZAT !!!



edit : Oh la vache !!!


Edited by Cliff7600

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The original post was a joke, and I took it as is.


What is interesting about Mexico is that the french higher authority basically believed they had won in the sens that they got what they wanted (money).

They did not realize that the consequences were absolutly disastrous :

- Relations with Austria, US ...

- Useless attrition of the army

- Bitterness of the army


There are several such cases in history

Edited by jeanba

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Can't rewrite history. No matter how good you are at poetry.

Don't get me wrong, I was talking about the defeat of Spain, forced to admit the Mexican independance in 1821, i.e. before Mexico really became the state of Mexico. The French indeed faced the legal government of Mexico, i.e. the state of Mexico, as the puppet Mexican Empire of Maximilian was recognized by very few nations. You're right on this point. But I would not really called it a defeat. The French withdrew their expeditionary force and removed their direct military support to Maximilian, instead of being defeated on the ground. Before that, they had dominated the middle part of the War. The defeats in the last part of the War were suffered by Imperial troops, i.e. Mexicans. It can be compared to the US withdrawal from Vietnam in 1973, before South Vietnam standing alone faced successive defeats at the hands of its Northern counterpart, down to its final doom in 1975. Ow, finally, with such a comparison, it's true that it rather sounds a defeat...

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I like France all right but for me Napoleon was an asshole and a butcher, whatever qualities he may have had. His brother on the contrary was King of Holland for a while and was a very decent chap...... Too decent  appearantly because he had to return to France on order of the Emperor.....

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Don't get butt hurt people, its a joke, not a dick, so dont take it so hard. 

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I like France all right but for me Napoleon was an asshole and a butcher, whatever qualities he may have had. His brother on the contrary was King of Holland for a while and was a very decent chap...... Too decent  appearantly because he had to return to France on order of the Emperor.....

King Louis was not that a decent chap: paranoiac, hypocondriac (a VD patient), abusive husband (his unwilling wife Hortense, daughter of Empress Joséphine, cheated on him several times - like mother, like daughter)... King Louis was father of Napoléon III; and his grandson "Loulou" could have become Queen Victoria's son-in-law, had he not been killed by Zulu warriors while wearing the British uniform. Strange fate, this family had. Another interesting anecdote about this strange family: an other of Napoléon's brothers, Jérome, clearly not a man of war, performed poorly as a divisional commander at Waterloo, stuck into futile attacks against the fortified Farm of Hougomont. But his grandson Charles J. Bonaparte met more success as an US Attorney General under the presidency of Teddy Roosevelt: he is considered as the founder of FBI !


About the Dutch at Waterloo, the largest part by large fought of course under command of William Prince of Orange, within the Allied Army. As usual, Wellington put the blame on them, and on the Belgians serving in their ranks, for the fits of panic that occasionally struck his army. All of the Dutch and Belgian generals had served in the Grande Armée, most of them had been awarded and knighted as Baron d'Empire by Napoléon. But there was a handful of Dutch old followers on the opposite side. A battalion of the Old Guard, the one that covered Napoléon's flight and vainly tried to rally the routed, was commanded by a Lt-Col Duuring, a Dutchman who had served in the French Army for 19 years without ever seeing the need to apply for the French citizenship. One of the very last signs by Emperor Napoléon before his Second Abdication, was to grant this citizenship to Duuring, mostly to protect him from prosecutions by his compatriots.

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One has to read something different about Dutch/Belgian in 1815. French sources are all in the usual pro-french bullshit where everyone is happy to see Napoleon and willing to desert to him. English sources claim the Belgian/Dutch to be coward. 

Belgian/Dutch sources are way more moderate. And their role at Quatre-Bras was essential in allowing Waterloo. 


The original post, was full of wrong facts and blatant insults. Left out Mexico. Probably the only war France ever really lost.



Blatant insults indeed. This was way past joke. I could do the same while figuratively pissing on Yanks Nam or Irak veterans' graves. (ahaha, Saigon! Ahahah! Tet! Ahahaha! Mogadischu) Won't do it, though.

And by the way, we lost way more wars than the very secondary Mexico expedition. I could do a list, a truer one. We lost scores, but never because of bad soldiering but crappy planning. 

We did not get our ass kicked by Somalis. We won. Say that to someone who ran the Mogadishu Mile.

Left Mogadischu and Somalia nonetheless. 
My above point exactly. 

Edited by Emp_Palpatine

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