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The last flight of the Argentinian Mirages family

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Argentina said farewell to its remaining fleet of  Mirage fighter  which have been operational since 1972 and played a crucial role during the South Atlantic conflict when they clashed with the British Task Force in 1982.


The ceremony took place last Sunday at the VI Air Brigade stationed in Tandil, Buenos Aires province, with the attendance of active and retired pilots, Malvinas war veterans, members of Air Force families, officials from the three services and security forces, and locals.

The event under the heading of 'Argentina farewells its Mirages, but Glory is forever' was an air and landing display from four different Mirage models from the Argentine Air Force




The last flight of the Argentinian Mirages family 

130.000 hours of duty and 43 years later.





























































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Thanks for sharing the pics!


Now is Kfir time (and maybe some F-16 from the US)

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Thanks for sharing the pics!


Now is Kfir time (and maybe some F-16 from the US)



Now is nothing time. I've they really needed or wanted a replacement they should have already chosen that replacement, but they didn't....... and they had offers, some of them quite interesting.

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Now is nothing time. I've they really needed or wanted a replacement they should have already chosen that replacement, but they didn't....... and they had offers, some of them quite interesting.


The contract with IAI for the Kfirs 10 Block 60 were almost signed, but finally they decided to wait for the new government. The new president Macri already stated they will tighten ties with Israel so I think is still very likely for Argentina to get those lion cubs.


About the F-16, it seems the USAF ofered several F-16C block 30 form AMARG. No idea If the offer includes guided ammo and BVR missiles.

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Argentina in the last 30 years was transformed In a totally pacifist country.

It has capacity in its military factories , But they only operate at 20%.

Mirages were replaced by IA Pampa III , few were sent to pilots not lose flight certifications.


It is expected that after the 10th December the new president sign the purchase replacements ....










Edited by SUICIDAL
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Pampa 3 is from my point of view a waste of time. Maybe valid for patrol the north border and check the narco flights, and of course to train pilots, but nothing else. The Kfirs as a transition plane until something better can be purchased is a very good option.

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I agree with you.but it is the only solution for now

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I wonder what percentage of the pilots were even born when they fought over the Falklands. :grin:

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Only Kirchner could go to China. read this off wiki but who know? The JF-10 and 17 may be close.


The FAA is seeking to replace its ageing force with a more capable and more serviceable modern aircraft. The acquisition of Spanish Mirage F1Ms, IAI Kfir Block 60s[16] and Saab Gripen E/Fs was considered, but as of February 2015, all of those deals appear to have stalled; The Mirage F1 deal was scrapped by the Spanish government in March 2014 after pressure of the UK to not assist in FAA modernization over tensions between the countries over the Falkland Islands.[17] The UK has also managed to veto the sale of Gripen E/Fs, as 30% of the Gripen's parts are manufactured there. The deal with Israel has reportedly stalled for technical and political reasons. China has reportedly offered JF-17/FC-1 or Chengdu J-10 to Argentina. The two countries have formed a working group to look into the transfer of 14 aircraft.[18][19] Russia had also offered to lease 12 Su-24 strike aircraft to the FAA, but Jane's reported that the Su-24 wouldn't be very useful to the FAA and that "it would appear that any proposed transfer of such aircraft is likely the result of Russia playing political games with the UK over the continuing crisis in Ukraine.".[20]



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