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My last WIP "What if history" project. Its made for "Ostseeausgang (Baltic Entrance)" terrain.

Blue side: Republic of Germany (maybee later scandinavian volunteer force)

planes: Saab 29TA Tysk-Tunnan, Saab-29TE Tysk-Tunnan, Saab-29TF Tysk Tunnan

Red side: Panslavik Republic Poland (maybee later volunteers of slavic nations)

planes: Lim-2(MiG-15bis), Lim-5(MiG-17F), Lim-5P(MiG-17PF),Lim-5M(MiG-17F Fighterbomber), MiG-19S, IL-28




Status: intensive testing of campaign and updating of the terrain




History (What if!)

In 1949 elections in the 3 western zones of Germany ended with the victory of the social democratic SPD (labour). First Chancellor became Dr. Kurt Schumacher. His politics had the aim to form a peacefull, independent and neutral Germany. He denied the integration into the western economicaly and military alliances.
On Sept.7th the Federal Republic of Germany was founded. One month later the communists formed in East Germany the German Democratic Republic. While West Germany got billions of  Dollars of Marshall plan support, the east of Germany had to pay very high reparations. Nearly 50% of all produced products had to give the the Soviet Union for free.

1952 the soviet dictator Stalin realised, that the Soviet Union was in a situation of economicaly and military overstretch. A direct confrontation with the Americans was not possible. The Soviet Union needed a phase of rest for 10, better 15 years to become a overwhelming superpower at least. But in 1952 a major part of the Soviet Union still layed in ruins and had to rebuilt first, what costs a lot of money and workforce. On the other hand the troops in East Germany and Austria costs more then the reparation and demounting of production plants could bring in. The safed money and the increase workforce due reduced troop numbers would be a big benefit for the Soviet economy. So Stalin decided "to bring the boys home".

Stalin saw in 1952 Europe departed into two zones of influence. A western zone dominated by the USA and an eastern zone dominated by the USSR. Between the two zones a line of neutral states was formed from Finland and Sweden in the north to Yugoslavia in the south. The only point of direct contact between Americans and Soviets was in Germany and Austria. So Stalin released a "Deutschland Plan" called note. In this note he offered a unified Germany if this state would be everlasting neutral and demilitarised. The governments of the two Germanys agreed to this plan and finaly the western allies accepted this plan too. In 1953 both parts of Germany unified and the Republik Deutschland (Republic of Germany) was founded. In the peace treaty was stated, that the RoG would be a neutral state for all times. The military force was set to a maximum of 150.000 men, 1.000 armoured vehicles, 150 planes and a fistfull nonhighsea capable small combat ships.
The united Germany started to built up a small Army and a tiny Air Force. The planes were bought in Sweden.
1955 Austria became reunified too.

In 1953 Stalin had reached one of his major aims. He secured his zone of influence by a cordon of neutral states. As next step he planed to tied the satellite states closer to the Soviet Union. But befor he could do it he died.
In the fight for the successorship Lavrenty Berija won the duell against Nikita Khrustchev. After his victory he realised, that the communist ideology was not efficent enough to form strong and longlasting close connections with the satellite states. To strong the anti communist ideas were rooted in big parts of the polish, czech, slovakian or bulgarian society. But one ideology could tied all slavic peoples together: The Panslavism. The idea of an alliance of slavic states that rules all the land between the 3 seas. From the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea and the Adriatic, a panslavic community of brotherhood.
Berija trough the communist ideology over board and replaced it by the Panslavism.
And he was successfull.  The Soviet Union, Poland, the Czechoslovakian Republic, Bulgaria and even Yugoslavia formed a block of common sense. Formally not even allied and independant this countries stood together against the West.

In 1958 in Poland the theory was born that all land which was settled in former times by slavic people had to become slavic soil again. Politicians draw a line along the rivers Elba and Saale and declared all areas eastern this line as still to liberate slavic soil. The in Germany living minority of slavic Sorbs was declared to suppressed brothers and sisters and it was demanded to liberate them from german oppression.

In Moscow this ideas was seen with pleasure and the polish governmet was given hidden signals, that the Soviet Union would support a polish attack by constant delivery of weapons, fuel and ammo. It was suggested, that the main target of the offensive operation should be the conquest of the german coastline of the Baltic Sea. In a next step the conquest of Schleswig Holstein was neccessary to open the baltic entrance for all slavic states for all times. With the canal "Nord-Ostsee-Kanal" in polish hands the West would not able to close the important shipping line from Baltic Sea to the open Ocean.

The Republic of Germany seemed to be an easy victim. The polish forces outnumbered the germans by 3:1. Poland was backed up by his slavic brother states, while Germany stood alone. So the polish government decided to launch a suprise attack.
But 18 hours before the polish troops crossed the borders the US president Eisenhower decided to hand over 100 Sidewinder air to air missiles to Germany.

Will this missiles be able to enforce the small german Luftstreitkräfte to withstand the panslavic storm?

Now its your turn. Take a seat in the cockpit of a german SAAB J-29 or a polish MiG-17. The fight is on!!





Edited by Gepard
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Interesting project Gepard! More updates later plz if you have them!


(If the sidewinders are Bravos, I say dump them dead weightsicon_evil.gif)

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Nice backstory but I agree on the B Sidewinders, maybe good against the Beagles, but those 17's...

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Yep, i agree with you, that the AIM-9B was not very usefull. But it is the only missile which fits in the timeframe.


Here an other screenshot. A polish Lim-5 group at sweep mission over german airfield.




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Czechoslovakian volunteers with S-105 on a sweep mission.




Planing map of a test campaign.




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The campaign still needs some finetuning.

It is set for 4 missions per day for a maximum of 100 missions.

While polish and german forces starts fight from beginning. The blue side is strenghend on day 10 with a swedish squadron of J-29F Tunnan and one squadron of Hunter J-34. On same day Denmark is entering the fight with one squadron Hunter F-51. Swedish and danish units are playable.

For the red side the Czechsolovakians enter the war also on 10th combat day with two squadrons of S-105/MiG-19S. One squadron is playable.


During tests of the campaign i found out, that it is difficult for the player to identify friend or foe when all planes have silver skins. So i'm making now some skins with fast id markings.


The screenshot shows a new camo for the T-54A tanks.



Edited by Gepard
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Perhaps i should remove the vulture insignia.

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The test of the campaign is satisfying so far. Swedish and czechoslovakian air and ground units appear at the correct places and with the correct equipment. Only the danish fighter squadron was not yet to seen, also they should already have had.

Here a screen shot of swedish J-29F Tunnan.



Edited by Gepard
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The danish squadron came a little bit late. They appeared one day later than expected. But no problem. As TK stated a long time ago, the given date is the earliest possible date, not a fixed date.




Now i'm waiting wheter the aircraft replacement of the units, which are already in fight will work properly. The date is over and some units are down to 1 surving plane. I think there is needed some finetuning again.

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The panslavic brother nations of Bulgaria and Yugoslavia sent some air units into the battle.







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Yugoslavian Sabres will make things really interesting!!

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Austria is entering the battlefield.





I have now made correct ranks for pilots from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Sweden and Denmark.


I'm still looking for a norwegian F-86F skin. Norway will be the last nation which is still to be included in this campaign.

Edited by Gepard
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if I may make a suggestion...


the TFD tool is excellent for generating all 3 planning maps. That way, you don't have to use the ***.bmp the TE generates. Give all the relief (mountains, valleys, etc). And they LOOK really good.

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Norway on the way!





The norwegian Sabre skin is not yet finished. It is a slightly mod of the already available outstanding skin of a german Canadair Mk.6.

I made only the yellow nose and a set of nose lettercodes. When i was half finished with te job i got doubts, wheter i make the letters in the correct form. I made the so, that the first letter is connected with the squadron and the last two letters are connected with the single plane. But then i got the idea, what if the first letter is for the plane and the two letters are for the Squadron?

I will try to find out!

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And it seems to be, that i was wrong with the norwegian coding system.

In the early time it was similar to the RAF system. Two letters were symbols of the squadron, the one letter was the code for the plane.

What means, that i can dump 51 bordnumbers and must start to make new ones. But this two times. One with the first letter in front and one with the two letters in front.


Next try:


from the right



from the left:


Edited by Gepard
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The numbers set for the norwegian Sabres is nearly done. It are now 52 numbers available, made for the squadrons 331 and 332.



At the moment i'm still looking for the correct crest for the vertical tail. The drawings and pictures i have are not good enough. It seems to be, that it is the crest of the Royal Norwegian Air Force. Maybe it are squadron badges. There is still some research to do. At the moment i use the crest of the RNAF.


The progress on the campaign development is slow. The ground war is not as working as intended. So i included two additionally polish airbases in the terrain. This helped a little bit, but i fear, that i must rework the network of the stratecic nodes again.

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The progress on the campaign development is slow. The ground war is not as working as intended. So i included two additionally polish airbases in the terrain. This helped a little bit, but i fear, that i must rework the network of the stratecic nodes again.

Gepard how do you test the campaigns?


Initially I tried cancelling the missions, meaning pressing ESC after entering 3D world, but campaign progression in that way appears very different from playing it normally. So now I make a "uber plane" and fly the missions one by one, they're easy wins but it's still very tedious for testing purposes. Any good ideas?

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Gepard how do you test the campaigns?


Initially I tried cancelling the missions, meaning pressing ESC after entering 3D world, but campaign progression in that way appears very different from playing it normally. So now I make a "uber plane" and fly the missions one by one, they're easy wins but it's still very tedious for testing purposes. Any good ideas?


The best way is playing the campaign with the planes which are included in the campaign. It is the only way to get a realistic view. But is very time consuming.

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The best way is playing the campaign with the planes which are included in the campaign. It is the only way to get a realistic view. But is very time consuming.

Yep my schedule takes me about a month to test all the routes in a campaign which is very long... I make backups so if something goes wrong I can restore to a previous mission, but it's still very tedious. Anyway thnx for the reply!

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Screenshot of a night mission.




I have never realized before, that the star constallations in SF world are close to reality. In background of this screenshot you see the star constallation Ursa Major (Big Bear, Großer Wagen)

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iirc, the planets are there too.


watch for the Pleiades cluster, too


back around 2003 or 4, there was a thread "stargazing in SF", no matter where you fly, the star patterns are (mostly) correct, even below the equator

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