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Cocas and myself are back working on NEW Beaufighters for your WW2 (and Firedog) flying pleasures.


however, we've run into a slight snag. Neither one of us is experienced enough to properly set up the pivios for the rear MG on the Mk6 and later variants of the Beau. I'm not sure if it's an ini issue or the "facing" of the K gun itself. Daniel's not sure either.


So, I'm begging for help form ANY of our experienced 3d modders to assist with the small (I hope!) issue.

The aircraft, all 4 or 5 variants are 90% complete, just needed minor skin and decal work (easily done by me)


I have the max file for the aircraft, and we're willing to pass that and the entire aircraft folder to someone who can finalize this. (also setting or telling me the muzzle/light position to fix that too, as the LOD viewer isn't helping! -- it shows the gun pointed forward!). As once that's set, this one LOD can be used for various Mk6, Mk.X and TF.Mk.X for ww2 and the post-war world via the 'remove component trick'.


Please, folks, we REALLY want to get these birds done an into your hands for your WW2 flying. These models are far superior to anything else that's out there (that many of you can't access anymore - me included)


If interested, please post here or PM me.





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For a rotating gun, it needs to be pointed forward in the 3d model. This seems weird, but it's set up the same way as tanks and ships. You will need to figure out which mesh has the correct pivot and use that in the _data.ini. This will usually be the main part of the gun which is pointing forward when you look at it in the LOD viewer.

Once you've figured this out then you set up the yaw limits for the rear arc of the aircraft. I haven't got my SF2 computer with me at the moment to check, but if you have a look at the B-52s I made it might steer you in the right direction.



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it's not a turret, but more of a swivel mount.

I'e never set one of these up.

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it's not a turret, but more of a swivel mount.

I'e never set one of these up.

doesn't matter.... do as  Dels said

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ok, so this is what I have for the gunner statements in the /crew section:






















the attached pics show how the gun is sitting, in game 'at rest'. The nodes are the correct ones, as cross-checked via the OUT file and the LOD viewer.


it still isn't pointing 'up', and I still don't know where the muzzle is... the lod viewer won't give me that, as the gun is pointing forward!!


like I say, never done this before, and it's all new to me

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try to put min picht to 30 or 45 to for it up maybe

the pivots are world align and all xform were reset before link was done world aling pivot just before export.

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in the future maybe if make a 2.0 right now there outer models lacking on several fronts that need to be modeled and kind sick off beaufighters

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Kevin this is what I have on one of my French Birds



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the shape the bird isn't the issue here...getting the fucking gun to work IS!! :)


Once that's done, all I need do is make some serial decals, reposition my old decals, whip out a few skins, and they can start to be released


I DID get the muzzle light/position corrected. Oddly, it had to be set to the position the gun is at rest (meaning-pointing forward!!)


but it still not tracking in pitch, and keeps disappearing (at odd times) into the fuselage. If I set the default pitch angle to - (minus) *something* it points up.

This is why I asked for help ... I dont understand how this stuff works; is it ini dancing, or max??

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I DID get the muzzle light/position corrected. Oddly, it had to be set to the position the gun is at rest (meaning-pointing forward!!)




Thanks for that piece of info! Getting flash/muzzle positions adjusted has driven me bananas in the past. I've seen some flexible gun set-ups that seem to be impossible to get right so there is a chance you have a model issue that may not be repairable with ini edits. Sorry, not much help. :dntknw:


PS: The gun angle settings you have "should work", assuming no model issues. You might want to try using the same node for both pitch and yaw, similar to Veltros example.

Edited by baffmeister

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if the gun is doing opposite of the ini statements...it might be the pivot isnt set \ aligned correctly in max....is the max file available?

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indeed it is Russ.

Do you want to have a look at it?

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give me a bit (just got home from Christmas dinners and such), and I'll zip up the "base" VIF, and the max file and pm it to you


thanks, brother!!

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I know this sounds crazy but what if you adjusted the below entries into "negatives".





\\New entries\\


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yes, and it almost act right....

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hows this ?.only tested in air....will look on ground in morning.....all that was wrong was the pitch pivot wasnt aligned to world....

not sure if ive set muzzle correct as test game hasnt any enemy a\c

I need to enable all the textures in max as i only enabled the main skin   will check it in morning that its all exported correctly

ignore pilots etc as this was tested in my test game...which has only a few essential basics...

mean while....



Edited by russouk2004
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partly my fault, too, as I didn't send along the pilots, and decals and such


but THAT is looking MUCH more like it!!  :biggrin:

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thank you very much Russo i was  pretty sure i had the pivot aling to world much slipped me

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partly my fault, too, as I didn't send along the pilots, and decals and such


but THAT is looking MUCH more like it!!  :biggrin:

no problem it wont affect the exporting ...so long as I ake sure all the textures are assigned ok....you may need fine tune the pitch angles in the ini.....Im just checking the max model,and will post it to you asap

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