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I'm slowly building out my China 1937 install. I used Wrench's ww2 China terrain. There's a lot of planes that aren't available so I'm using stand-ins until Geezer's gorgeous models are ready. For the time being, A Bristol Bulldog (with cowling) is a pretty good Japanese A4N1. A Koolhoven F.K.51 is sitting in for a Japanese D1A2 dive bomber. Monty CZ's fabulous Avia B-534 is doing a good imitation of a Japanese Ki-10. 


The Gladiator, Cr-32, I-10 Rata, and Hawk III on the Chinese side were all available. Lots of quickie re-skinning for me, but the results aren't too bad. Lots of FM work to get SF1 FMs working well within SF2. They're all coming together like a well-oiled machine. Here's how it's looking so far.











Edited by ShrikeHawk
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Thanks! Yeah, I thought about the He-51. It's a good stand-in too. Good to know somebody else is interested in this battle.

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That terrain was re-designed with that (partly) in mind.

However, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with your tiles...you need to use ONLY the ones that came with that terrain. Don't mix and match them with anything else, unless you're good enough to re-make all the other to match. (looks like one of the GH sets to me)


as for the use of the stand-in aircraft, they look REALLY good in the roles!! nicely done (and yes, we're all waiting for Geezer's birds. but I think he's going to concentrate on early north Africa first.

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Yeah, you're right. Those are Green Hell 3.5 tiles. I just love 'em. I thought since this tileset used GH3.0 standards they'd match up perfectly. Obviously not.

I'm going to try and create new tiles that fit the GH3.5 ones. I'm not worried about it. Nothing involving graphics worries me too much. I've downloaded terraineditor for help.

Has there been no new terrain editor for SF2?

I could only find one for SF1.

And thanks. I did a lot of skinning and FM work and I like the result. The air battles are massive and intense and really, really fun! Videos are coming later.

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to re-do the new 'specials' or any of the others, you just need to rework my originals with new layers, and remove the bits covering the parts you want to show (the cities or river, for example). You won't even NEED the TE for that, as your 'new' tiles will retain the same names, and therefore the same "position" within the terrains data ini and the TFD. OTH, if the TODs are different (which I think they are) you may need to edit the data ini to look for the correct "terobject.tga" for the forest/jungles. It's a simple text edit.


there are only 2 TEs for SF -- the original (for desert) and the "WoE/V/I" one (which is marginally better). That's all there is, cause that's all you need.


You might want to think of making the terrain "multi season", as those farm tiles look a bit on the dry side. Maybe a 'wet' (standard VietnamSEA tiles) season and a "dry" season, using the GH3.5s. Just a thought.


just a small reminder, if you plan on releasing any of the reworking, ask me first (you know I'll say yes, but I need to see the request). Just a thing I have with my terrain work (considering the unlawful use of one by "other people")

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 (and yes, we're all waiting for Geezer's birds. but I think he's going to concentrate on early north Africa first.


Mostly true, but I am going to work on an occasional China War aircraft.  :biggrin:


Once I complete the batch of Gladiators - the MK 1 was used by China - I'm going to do a little work for 1937 China.  I've started skinning the A-12 Shrike, plus I'm going to map the Nakajima A4N, get it in the air, and then pass it onto Shrikehawk for refinement and completion.


I'm also going to make a batch of Asian river objects, that can be used for China Skies or Viet Nam.  The Rolling Thunder guy and I spent an afternoon getting him up to speed in FE2, and we laid the groundwork for some occasional cooperation in the future.

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Looking forward to it Geezer. I've been watching the progress of your Gladiator and it looks terrific.


Thanks for the confirmation, Wrench. That's pretty much how I thought the terrains worked. And don't worry, if I release anything I'll contact you first.

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Boys, while we´re waiting for Geezer´s KI-10, the best replacement is Capun´s PW-9C. Check it out!

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yeah, that does a whole hell of a lot of good, for the majority of people that CAN'T download their stuff.

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Aha! That's it. I couldn't remember what it was I had seen before. I was looking for it. Yes, this is a very good stand-in. 


Boys, while we´re waiting for Geezer´s KI-10, the best replacement is Capun´s PW-9C. Check it out!

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any one that points to that other should be tie up and wipped! 

there his only CA donwloads section nothing else!

Edited by cocas
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