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BoB II Wing of Victory new update

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Ohhh it's alive?! Good good as it's still above the rest in some certain aspects :ok:

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I was always disappointed that A2A never went any further with this game engine. They had planned to do more in the form of an AVG P-40 game and to create a similar update for MiG Alley. BDG did a great job of finishing what Rowan had started with the original BoB. This game never got the popularity and credit it deserved from the combat flight sim community. Unlike IL-2, I really enjoyed the flight modeling and dogfight AI as well as the spectacle of engaging masses of escorted bombers at playable frame rates with decent 3d models and textures.

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I suck at flying them early kites:X


ShrikeHawk where art thou!! :biggrin:

Edited by Do335
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I have that game installed and was quite impressed with it. The main issue for me is the graphic quality at low altitude. I get really awful "mid screen shimmer" and haven't been able find any adjustments that fix the problem. Like Streakeagle, I was impressed with the flight modeling and consider it the best of the four flight sims I've tried. Will probably check out the update at some point.

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I just had some interest back to this game, but completely missed that news. Thank you very much, Do335. To me, it is still by large the most accurate and immersive terrain for NW Europe in the piston engine's era.

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I agree with you. It was a good sim, but it had a weak point on my computer: i got very often CTD. Perhaps the patch will fix it. I will give it a try.

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I agree with you. It was a good sim, but it had a weak point on my computer: i got very often CTD. Perhaps the patch will fix it. I will give it a try.

Same here, last time I installed it wasn't very stable. Plus was busy with sf2 korea at the time.

Gonna do the dance later when they roll it out.


ps it's a shame Mig alley never got that much attention.

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I principally used it in recent years for 1 v 1 against AI alternately flying the Spit and the Bf109. I also did lots of takeoffs/landings and aerial tours as well as flying the instant action missions against the huge waves of bombers with escorts. I can't recall ever having had even one CTD or other glitch over all that time. Maybe my hardware/drivers combo was just lucky? Since DCS released so many aircraft from the UH-1H, Fw190, MiG-21, Bf109, F-86, MiG-15... I have almost 100% spent all my flying time in DCS. I need to install BoB2 on the newer computer I have been running for some time now. My installed/flyable copy is on the PC I handed down to my son so he could play minecraft and Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare at decent speeds and quality.

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can't really add much to what was said, me too was anticipating P-40 sim from them based on that still pretty good engine; also yes shame as remake of MiG Alley would be much desired

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I remember Mig Alley as the most immersive sim of the time.

I had a lot of fun with it !

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