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I have good news and bad news...

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I have some good news and some bad news for you.


The good news is that I have news.


The bad news is that I forgot what it was.

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Oh...that's good then....errrm....or is it........

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I thought you were going to say you forgot to take your pill and might be late...wait, why did I just have a flash back to my early 20s...

Edited by ironroad

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I hate it when that happens.

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too much sugar?

Naw he's just old.  I've heard that that's what tends to happen to those belonging to the "elderly" species.  But then again it could just be an unsubstantiated rumour.

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Yeah...yeah it's an unsubstantiated thingie. Definitely one of those and not the old age thing.

I hate it when that happens.


Have you ever strolled into a room, on a mission, and then stop. And wonder "What the hell am I doing?" Then go back to the room you just left to realize what you went into the room for in the first place?


Anyone? No? Good me neither.

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