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Given the usefulness of Mue's Target Area Editor and LODViewer I was wondering if a similar tool could be made that could see the PARTICLESYSTEM.INI, the BMP, DDS, INI, & TGA, files in the Flight and Effects folders, and be able to run selected effects so that they could be viewed without having to run the game?


I was thinking something like the LODViewer with the TAE's reload function for when one is editing an effect. Have the ability to adjust the appearance of the display area so the user can see what an effect looks with different background colors and light levels. I suppose it could even have an edit function for effects INI files in the same way that the TAE and edit *_target.ini files.


Please comment if anyone thinks it is possible or of interest.

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my dream is a effects editor with a display , you could change the settings and see the results right a way , that would realy help

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I was just about to ask this yesterday. I was adding them into weapons, then starting mission and launched them...  very tiring process.

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given I work VFX in Unity I was talking with Swambast months ago about possibility of some kind of Unity Shuriken system (the build in Unity particles editor) to SF2 translator but htat died unfortunately; also you seem not to be aware how utterly limited and 1990s the particle system by Thirdwire is, something I fight with on daily modding basis

Edited by Stary
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