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continuing for a bit..

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the other thread got locked so opening a new one to say a few. now before you mods all start picking up the ban stick hear me out: there will be no religion sexual personal insults etc etc as tis not about those, and the "freedom of speech" bit rant is aimed at government conduct (it is thus enclosed in /rant/) - imagine one day government employees start coming here and all other websites and start deleting offensive posts (that themselves deem as) and this being a legally legitimate method. And moderators start self-censoring to abide the "law". If you think that is acceptable, i'll surely have a problem.


To use this concept on self moderating is probably misplaced - one extreme example that most ppl here'd know - cplengineering. Or say a private instant messaging chat group, if one starts getting unfriendly or don't agree with the circle's views then there's no point in being there. However on the scale of big social media websites or big public forums, while still privately owned(!), they are big enough that are presented with certain social responsibilities - what degree of filtering and self-censoring is deemed suitable. it seems the line is also gradually rising as the net becomes more and more regulated but one can still talk about anything that's acceptable ethically.


and with that said i think what's happening to CA nowadayz - this is unrelated to the locked thread, plz note - is the echo chamber effect amplified by the decreasing numbers. it is beginning to be less towards a public access forum that many ppl come to hang out and more towards a private IM group. But i reckon this can't be helped as every group in whatever form needs new blood new ideas etc for that cycling process.




Soo,, CAP2 anyone?!



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the terrain in CAP 2 looks SUPERB!!!

I'm not a real big Harrier fan, but as my financial situation dictates, might look into it!

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eh i don't mind turning into CAP2 topic. i'm a bit cautious about early access as there's still a risk the product could fail.. and personally as i like dynamic campaigns that part isn't working yet.

Although they say the price will gradually go up as they finish more stuff, so it is worth considering...


I don't imagine there're many harrier enthusiasts out there hmm... But as past experience show if it's a good game, the plane itself isn't that important!:)

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I was thinking that I might pick it up as well. From what I have seen of it, it's some serious eye-candy, and I DO like Harriers. I also have the early access jitters, but I took a chance on the 1st version of SF, and have never regretted it. Who knows, I might catch lightning in a bottle for the 2nd time.

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Most who remember the original Strike Fighters: Project 1 and are still around hopefully wouldn't be put off by this and can see the potential.


There must be a place for a SF level game with more recent era fighters now DCS has gone in the hard core direction.

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I always think this is an interesting phenomenon in itself. With the development of consumer PC there was this big emergence of fun desktop flight-sims. With the emergence of the internet, information that had been hard to obtain became available and ppl started demanding more and more realism. And so we come to this era of realism oriented flight sims. But here's the problem: development resource and innovation - Technological progress doesn't correlate to an increase of software dev resource, and so the amount of innovation one can produce from said dev remains unaffected. If you put more resources into "realism", you necessarily trade it off from other areas. A desktop flight sim is to be both realistic, and fun. But from a resources standpoint, these two are unavoidably a trade-off.


As they say progress always happen in a spiraling fashion. As the market becomes more and more saturated with "realism", I think there will be a return to the trend of "fun". Or, from the pov of a developer, "Yes, we already have access to all these information, but we choose not to spend resources on these. We choose to innovate on how to make the game fun instead. This innovation would not belong to LockMart, Boeing, NAA, Sukhoi or Mikoyan-Gurevich - of which we'd just be copying from them with a license, but it would belong to us ourselves. It is our own ideas and our own creation. And if we do a good job, ppl will like it." --- I believe one day such ways will return.

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go buy it guys, it's what it is now but I have strong believ it will grow into something bigger

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