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Russia updating the Su-33 with a GPS locator so it can use dumb bombs with great precision.

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But they are not using the american GPS System. The russians have their own satelitte based navigation system which is called GLONASS.

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My Russian is a little rusty...  Are Su-33 deployed to Syria?  Most likely they are using the Syrian war as a test for new equipment.

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Are Su-33 deployed to Syria?  


They're about to be, the Kuznetsov is is due to make its first combat deployment in October.

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But they are not using the american GPS System. The russians have their own satelitte based navigation system which is called GLONASS.


I used the word GPS cause is noy a synonymus of satellital positioning.

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They're about to be, the Kuznetsov is is due to make its first combat deployment in October.


Wow, I haven't heard anything about it. The Syrian civil war is simply escalating with time, now even Turkey is on the battlefield. I wonder what Putin and Erdogan are up to. The US presence in Turkey is about to be challenged.

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 Most likely they are using the Syrian war as a test for new equipment.


Oh yea.....!!

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Was thinking more along the lines of glorified live fire ex. The a2g capabilities of the 33 are really nothing impressive, that said some articles have stated the 29k is going to be embarked as well.

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