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Hurricane Matthew

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Just watched a video on the devastation in Haiti.


Hoping that everyone in Florida does the sensible thing, and get's out of it's way 

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They are making sure to give plenty of warning after Sandy and Katrina. The order to evacuate was perfectly timed this go around to avoid loss of life. Now for you silly folks "toughing" it out may God keep you and may one day we figure out why you'd endure such misery when Las Vegas is open 24/7 and the airlines are offering cheap flights. I better not see you on the rescue boats or you'll forever be shamed.


Good kite weather though. :)

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I am a Florida native and currently reside in Orlando. I only lived outside of Florida for the 8 years I was in the Navy (mostly in California). I have seen a few storms come and go. The worst one in my lifetime, Andrew, occurred while I was in the Navy. Up to now, none of the storms have ever badly hit my location, which was mostly the Tampa Bay area. This will be my first serious one while living in Orlando.


It would be nice to get out of the way, but I work for Toho Water Authority for the City of Kissimmee and my wife works for the City of Orlando. We both have to ride out the storm at home and then come in when possible to assess and repair damage to the affected water and waste water control and monitoring systems. I was sent home early today and will wait for orders tomorrow. If the storm hits with as much strength or more than Charlie did, I will be pulling long shifts for a week or more straight until everyone has water and can flush their toilet.


With both of us in the same career field, we will have trouble getting our own house in order until we get county-wide systems back in order. Hopefully, the storm misses, weakens, or just happens to do minimal damage so we won't suffer at work or at home.

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Streak, you guys stay safe.  


Having gone through Sandy and its aftermath, I was lucky in that the biggest issue that I faced was loss of power and heating for most of the week. I had to stay at my place of employment for three days and nights. It took my state's DOT at least 6 days before traffic signals were put back in operation. 


Some, like my friend Doc, were not so lucky.  His home was destroyed (flood waters peaked at his first floor ceiling), and it took almost two and half years of fighting with insurance companies before it was rebuilt.

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So far things are going smooth. The rain/lightning of the normal Florida weather had already been causing a lot of problems the past few weeks. I saw one radio go down and somehow my co-worker got it back up despite the weather. I know he didn't climb the tower, so he must have been able to reset the radio and restore its configuration. Two lift stations (that pump the waste water out of neighborhoods) are at a steady high alarm, but one is keeping up, the other has one bad pump and may end up spilling. Out of 400 lift stations, that is pretty good considering how much rain has been coming down (the rain seeps into the lift station wells and overloads the system). But the weather has been pretty mild up to now. Some wind gusts and some rain bands, but nothing extraordinary considering our usual daily schedule of thunderstorms. I hope it just grazes us and I can go back to work without having to fix much if anything.

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It's one thing to see things on the news, and read about them in the paper. But until you actually hear about it from someone else with first hand experience... it changes everything.


You stay safe and I hope Matthew (ironically the name of someone I really do not like) doesn't cause too many problems.

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The rain has continued to be very light, still getting lots of strong wind gusts. I don't see any damage around my house. I would rather have everyone prepare for the worst and have everything turn out okay than the other way around like Katrina. There's still a lot of people that lost power and I am sure the surge on the coastline is going to do some damage, but our power never even blinked. Very mild for a hurricane that was once category 4.

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10 mlies from Port Canaveral here on Merrit Island 12 miles south of the

Space Center a few shingles missing power out for 2 hrs Cat 4 the Space Center was built here for a reason

Edited by yubba
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Yubba, did you try to log in to my server on hyperlobby? I saw a yubba on the chat log. If it was you, did you get in successfully?

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sorry I should have reported earlier,, after changing my terrian back to stock I got in,,. flew the f-4j that I got customize with hud and F-15e avionic it ran great I had 45,,on the ping and 60fps flew in and landed seemed to be pretty smooth didn't notice any lag,,

Edited by yubba

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That is good news :)


If we have Crusader/Supacharga, Creature, Yubba, and myself all participating at the same time, we have enough for some fun flying.

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They are making sure to give plenty of warning after Sandy and Katrina. The order to evacuate was perfectly timed this go around to avoid loss of life.


Good kite weather though. :)

Everything is always perfectly carried out when you are just a few weeks to a very important electoral contest and no Federal authority wants to be blamed for a tragical failure. Much more than when you live in New Orleans just AFTER the elections took place and nobody gives a damn...

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All in all the Space Coast got hit pretty light. Those who live out on the barrier islands got the worst of it, but then they live out on the barrier islands which will always get the worst of it. That's why I live inland. :grin:

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