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F-5A Tanks - but no tanks ?

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Greetings all you clued up SF veterans.I have downloaded the old SF1 F-5A and F-5C to use until someone finishes their SF2 update (I recall one was under construction some years ago ??).My problem is drop tanks.I cannot get the wing tip or pylon mounted tanks to show.I have edited the loadout and data inis to include them (as per FASTCARGO's F-5B) but they won't show on the screen in spite of appearing on the loadout screens.I would appreciate any help with this as to me the wing tip tanks in particular are a must for this bird.

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try this ,this will give you tanks till some one hashes this out,,, this is what I'm using on the F-15E ,,F-105G  F-18s it's better than nothing, this is from the load out file,,,


Loadout[03].WeaponType=TANK300_A4    <--------- swap what tank is written,,, to this
Loadout[04].WeaponType=TANK300_A4   <-------"                           "
This is in your aircraft Data .ini 
FuelTankName=Tank300_A4       < -------- put this entry in as written
Edited by yubba

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that won't and dosen't fix the problem...which is with the F-5s tanks. That would only prove that something can be loaded onto those hardpoints. Which we already know is possible.


Did you install the weapons correctly, or just dumped things into the /objects folder? 

Did you follow the correct steps in installing the weapons

Have the center line and tip tanks been converted for use in SF2? There are major differences in how the weapons are set up from 1stGens to SF2.

Have you actually LOOKED into the weapons folder for the 2 types of tanks (if the tanks have been updated to folderized versions) to see if the required main ini, data ini, "skin" (jpg or bmp) and tank lods are present? 


Things don't just drop in from 1stGen to SF2 without a little work, or downloading an SF2 weapons pak wherein all have been converted already

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Here is my F5A_TKLW silver-color wingtip tank(s) set up for SF2



In the data ini, make sure that both wingtip stations  use FuelTankName=F5A_TKLW

In the Loadout.ini, same, both wingtip stations use WeaponType=F5A_TKLW



The inis call for the left-hand tank and the data ini of the tank calls the right-hand lod for it

The fank's folder also has the right-hand lod ini to enable shadows for it.


150 gal tank is attached too, in SF2 format F5A_TKW.zip





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  oooohh  look tanks   index.php?app=gallery&module=images&sect

5 minutes ago this didn't have tanks in SFP-1 I think It's alittle much but for Birds you can't get tanks for use this 




Edited by yubba

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Greetings all you clued up SF veterans.I have downloaded the old SF1 F-5A and F-5C to use until someone finishes their SF2 update (I recall one was under construction some years ago ??).My problem is drop tanks.I cannot get the wing tip or pylon mounted tanks to show.I have edited the loadout and data inis to include them (as per FASTCARGO's F-5B) but they won't show on the screen in spite of appearing on the loadout screens.I would appreciate any help with this as to me the wing tip tanks in particular are a must for this bird.


That sounds like you haven´t installed the tanks for the F-5A+C right into SF2.

Try Crusader´s files, or:

In Gunny´s ordnance shop all needed tanks are included.


Or you can download some SF2 F-5 mods (SF-5A & CF-5A) which include tanks also.



Yubba, your comment is not very helpful. That shows only how to add the A-4 Tank to anywhere. It does not show how he can add the right fitting ones (F-5 Tanks). 

Edited by 7eleven

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this could be do able till you get the correct tanks



That sounds like you haven´t installed the tanks for the F-5A+C right into SF2.

Try Crusader´s files, or:

In Gunny´s ordnance shop all needed tanks are included.


Or you can download some SF2 F-5 mods (SF-5A & CF-5A) which include tanks also.



Yubba, your comment is not very helpful. That shows only how to add the A-4 Tank to anywhere. It does not show how he can add the right fitting ones (F-5 Tanks). 

It's called qaulity control we should have tanks right out of the box ,, don't like what I did don't use it. Meanwhile I got Tanks. as always enjoy

Edited by yubba

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"It's called qaulity control we should have tanks right out of the box" you do get them right out of the box if you use the proper SF2 versions. he clearly said he was converting a SF1 version so it's not an example of quality control.

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thanks to all of those who replied , I'm sure I'll get tanked up in no time !

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