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Has someone a X-Wing for SF2?

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My son asked me, wheter there is a Star Wars mod for Strike Fighters. I have no idea.

Thatswhy my question to the wisdom of this forum. Has someone a X-Wing, Y-Wing, Tie-Fighter for SF?

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Not seen any mate, would be pretty cool to have some though

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I have only WIP TIE Fighter .....

should be beta in March...

if someone will do some terrains....


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can you not just adapt desert terrain 4 ? 

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what about just getting the GoG versions of XW or TF??? They run great on modern machines (albeit with the old graphics)

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I remember way way back in the very early days of SFP1 there was one of the 6 or 7 mod sites that popped up had plans for a Star Wars overhaul of the whole game. Plan was to skin a terrain to represent the Death Star. As far as I'm aware it never really came to anything unfortunately.

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I remember once TK posted that he would love to do a Sci Fi version of Strike Fighters (SF:SF?) and then users could make their own models.


Think of the possibilities -  we could have Vipers vs Tie Fighters, Angel Interceptors vs Babylon 5's Starfuries or even Spaceball One vs a Borg Cube!


Sadly it came to nothing for the PC, although TK did get to make his Sci Fi game as Star Vector for mobiles.

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To make a terrain, so that it looks like the Death Star would be difficult, but making terrains like the ice planet Hoth would not to difficult.

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AT-AT and AT-ST are just "tanks".


T-47 Snowspeeders would be needed...


i think it's a doable thing. We'd need a lot of specialty 3d objects (power generator, ion turrets, etc).  but, yeah.


I remember 10+ years ago, Bpao showed off an XW, T./F and maybe a T/B?? (I don't remember which exactly)

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Isnt there  a free 3ds model of the XWing, that someone could convert into .lod?

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