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Strangely painted buildings ans trange trees.

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I'm getting this using the Stary Vietnam repaint, any idea of what's causing it and how to solve the problem? Thanks!!







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Sometimes the above happens to me, when the wrong artwork has been assigned to the model in 3dsMax.  When the model is exported to the game, the LOD looks for the art assigned to it in 3dsMax - even if it is the wrong art.


If this is the case, only the modeler can fix the problem: assigning the correct art to the model and then exporting a new LOD.


Edited by Geezer
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There is something wrong with the picture file, which contains the painting of the TODs.

Try a reinstallation of the mod.

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Wrong TODs or wrong texture assignments in the terrain's _DATA.ini. Reinstall the mod.

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Obviously a new deceptive camouflage campaign to confuse attack and bomber crews so they will unload their ordinance on schools, hospitals, orphanages, and baby food factories for their twisted propaganda doctrine.


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I have to go with CL's estimation.


but in reality, like Menrva said, wrong skin for the TOD (aka "Solid Object Texture =") in the tile listing

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Thanks guys! that solved the problem!

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