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With the all that's transpired in Venezuela over the past few months and the arrival of roughly 100 soldiers from the Russian Federation this week, this South American country has grabbed even more of my attention. I was always under the impression that they had an unusual collection of aircraft and were aware that even my countries' RCAF sold them 2nd hand CF-5As at one point. That said, I was surprised to find that their current air force is comprised of Sukhoi Su-30Ms (35) and F-16As (16.) That leads me to think a war of air supremacy between them and any likely adversaries, probably wouldn't be a stowing-fighters-in-revetments engagement that we've seen in some recent Middle East wars. They also have Mil Mi-17 (10) and Eurocopter Cougar (6) helos and  a Boeing 707 tanker.

All the aircraft are currently available for SF2 with the exception of the Cougar helo and I didn't check for the 707. Correct me if I'm wrong in my assumption though, that the Mi-17 is more or less the same helo as the Mi-8M which has already been modded? Unfortunately the terrain doesn't exist - closest to the theater is Central America and coastal Ecuador.  Knowing nothing about how terrains are created for this game, I'm imagining  a country the size of Venezuela (roughly 900-800 miles if your place a rectangle around it) with 3 significant mountain ranges, some deep basins and highly varied coastline would be one heckuva challenge.  Not to mention that some part of Brazil or Columbia containing air bases would have to be created too.  Without any skill to make it happen, I'll just dream about it.  ;)

I'm curious though if any other fans of this game think Venezuela would be an interesting theater to run some SF2 missions in?

[Edit] I hope I'm not coming across as callous or insensitive, with suggesting a theater in which countless civilians are currently suffering. Like the handful of other conflicts raging around the globe, hardly a day goes by where I don't thing about those people - especially the children. But maybe it isn't cool to consider gaming in a theater where events are currently unfolding?

Edited by Arrow
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Like how you think @Arrow.  Really think if - Heaven Forbid - it gets to a shooting war on more than SF2; the US Navy will have Super Hornets racking up Flanker & Viper kills like they were over Fallon... and easy nylon letdowns.


Especially as the US Navy TopGun program has used F-16s for some time...

ACT_8577 copyright 6:"US Navy  F-16 Topgun Agressor"


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Well yes, if the US Navy were to get involved IMO it will quickly be game over for Venezuela. If however it was an air superiority war involving say the Brazilian or Columbian Air Forces, that could be a different story.

Something else to consider, is whether an air operation involving the US would have to be solely undertaken by the Navy? Both Columbia and Brazil are on friendly enough terms -& more importantly unfriendly enough terms with Venezuela- that air bases there could be made available for the USAF. Not to mention, Panama is within operational range of Venezuela for a number of USAF aircraft and can be flown to from the US without the need to fly over a foreign countries air space. In the event of a conflict, Panamá Pacífico International Airport (formerly Howards Air Force Base), could possibly be leveraged to support USAF aircraft. The latter is no doubt highly unlikely due to the late 90's treaties. And what about the Marines - wouldn't they want to get in on the action?

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It would also be interesting to know if all the Venezuelian planes are really operationnal and would be able to fight effectively

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It seams that those Soviet planes are full operational, but like Iran, those US don´t for obvious reason. Who knows?

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8 hours ago, jeanba said:

It would also be interesting to know if all the Venezuelian planes are really operationnal and would be able to fight effectively

The word is that the Su-30's are fully operational and they still have 12 on order from Russia. It's hard to say about the F-16s, but from all I've read I get the impression that the Venezuela government dumps a lot of money into their military. Whether the Falcons can still fly & fight, is probably dependent on whether a foreign nation on friendly terms with Venezuela has active F-16 squadrons and enough parts to trade. I personally can't think of who that nation might me - Pakistan or Turkey perhaps?

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On 3/28/2019 at 11:33 AM, Arrow said:

Well yes, if the US Navy were to get involved IMO it will quickly be game over for Venezuela. If however it was an air superiority war involving say the Brazilian or Columbian Air Forces, that could be a different story.

Something else to consider, is whether an air operation involving the US would have to be solely undertaken by the Navy? Both Columbia and Brazil are on friendly enough terms -& more importantly unfriendly enough terms with Venezuela- that air bases there could be made available for the USAF. Not to mention, Panama is within operational range of Venezuela for a number of USAF aircraft and can be flown to from the US without the need to fly over a foreign countries air space. In the event of a conflict, Panamá Pacífico International Airport (formerly Howards Air Force Base), could possibly be leveraged to support USAF aircraft. The latter is no doubt highly unlikely due to the late 90's treaties. And what about the Marines - wouldn't they want to get in on the action?

I honestly didn't consider the USAF getting involved as an option due to basing rights issues; but I'm sure French Guiana, the Netherlands' Antilles and a few other neighbors might be amenable to some kind of a basing deal if the person asking wasn't Donald J. Trump and if the cause was just!  Problems are nobody really likes Trump and everybody remembers the messes Iraq & Libya became after "regime change" operations.


Obviously the Marines would love to join in, especially if it meant they could use their F-35Bs from amphib carriers.

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13 hours ago, JosefK said:

Problems are nobody really likes Trump and everybody remembers the messes Iraq & Libya became after "regime change" operations.

With the recent change in political climate in Brazil, if the USAF wants use of the Boa Vista or Manaus Air Force base they'll likely have them. That said, Columbia is by far the more ideal location, with both Barranquilla and Marandúa Air Force bases being much closer and strategically located to Venezuela's largest cities and military bases. The Brazilian bases would require 1 or more refuelings and if I recall the geography correctly, for some air craft that would involve refueling in Venezueluan air space. Leveraging bases in Columbia would most likely  be a bigger political challenge though.

Edited by Arrow
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