+russouk2004 6,959 Posted April 13, 2020 (edited) can I use this to make rudder pedals also work with rudder key press. ? also what does itemnumber do ? [RotorBrake] Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK NodeName=brake-1 MovementType=ANIMATION AnimationID=2 ItemNumber=6 rudders move back n fore as normal...on the H19 the pedals flats (selected red) rotate around the actual frame...would animate way work..? plus feet will need be animated too Edited April 13, 2020 by russouk2004 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Crusader 2,104 Posted April 13, 2020 ItemNumber= is the Animation ID # of the external model to which the cockpit animation is linked to You could use the Type=RUDDER_PEDAL function to get the pedals moving. With MovementType=POSITION_Y/X/Z and/or MovementType=ROTATION_Y/X/Z 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted April 13, 2020 Quote ItemNumber= is the Animation ID # of the external model to which the cockpit animation is linked to duh...ty man now you mention it...makes sense...but I havent any lol yeah,but needed to have 3 parts move same time....will upload vid of it in a bit. cheers Cru Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+yakarov79 11,409 Posted April 13, 2020 create 'fake nodes' and link with proper hierarchy then use cockpit ini TYPE= to move or rotate one node (for example rudder pedals) and another entry TYPE= for another node to use as a brake or something. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted April 13, 2020 so I basically create say,an invisible rudder,with fake animation ...ie...not actually animated but assigned a slot id... like so [Rudder Pedal] Modelnodename=Rudder_Pedal SystemType=ANIMATION AnimationTime=3.0 animationid=10 but no actual animation or rudder just maybe an invisible polygon called rudder and linked to panel like the real rudder pedal in the cockpit. ? vid of the animated legs,rudders and park and rotor brakes. cheeeers 4 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted April 16, 2020 Confused .com with Itemnumber? I can see what people mean...animated gear lever would be itemnubmer=1 if the gear animation on the plane is animid=1 but heres my query why is tach itemnumber=1 in starys mig15 cockpit yet the mig15 anim slot 1 is gears not engine ?.. and [ExhaustTemp2] Type=EXHAUST_GAS_TEMPERATURE_INDICATOR NodeName=ENGINE2_EGT_needle ItemNumber=2 < what would this link to on plane anim 2 on mig is gears shock anim.....what if cockpit is used for a plane besides mig 15 gauges wont work ? im scratching my head here totally confused lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Crusader 2,104 Posted April 16, 2020 In connection to the Type=EXHAUST_GAS_TEMPERATURE_INDICATOR function, the ItemNumber= line refers to the EngineID # in the data ini 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+yakarov79 11,409 Posted April 16, 2020 item number not always reflect animation for engine stuff- is usually the no of the engine (in case you have few engines and few gauges for each) item number for weapon station entry in cockpit represents weapon stations same as fuel tanks item number=1 is fuel tank no 1 in main aircraft data ini. as for animation (example canopy of Cobra aircraft data ini [Gunner_Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_9 AnimationTime=5.0 AnimationID=8 [Pilot_Canopy] SystemType=ANIMATION InputName=ANIMATION_10 AnimationTime=5.0 AnimationID=9 cockpit ini [Canopy-pilot] Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK NodeName=Pilot_canopy MovementType=ANIMATION AnimationID=9 ItemNumber=9 [Canopy-gunner] Type=EXTERNAL_ANIMATION_LINK NodeName=Gunner_canopy MovementType=ANIMATION AnimationID=8 ItemNumber=8 but you can have door in aircraft animationID=5 and then in the cockpit you can set animation for 1st slot in 3dmax but then in cockpit ini ou have to put: animation id=1 ItemNumber=5 (represents animation no 5 from an external model) rudder you do not have to animate or collective or cyclic stick.. Use cockpit ini to give movement [Throttle] Type=THROTTLE_CONTROL NodeName=Throttle MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=-120.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 [StickPitch] Type=CONTROL_STICK_PITCH NodeName=Control-pitch MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=5.0 Set[01].Value=-1.0 Set[02].Position=-5.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 [StickRoll] Type=CONTROL_STICK_ROLL NodeName=Control-roll MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=-5.0 Set[01].Value=-1.0 Set[02].Position=5.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 [RudderPedal_L] Type=RUDDER_PEDAL NodeName=PedalPilot-L MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=15.0 Set[01].Value=-1.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.0 Set[03].Position=-15.0 Set[03].Value=1.0 [RudderPedal_R] Type=RUDDER_PEDAL NodeName=PedalPilot-R MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=-15.0 Set[01].Value=-1.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.0 Set[03].Position=15.0 Set[03].Value=1.0 [Collective] Type=THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL NodeName=Collective MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=40 Set[02].Value=1.0 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted April 16, 2020 Thats clearer thanks guys.....got it yak if I want rudders animated and legs and feet move..... I have this below...I have the feet move and lower legs move with the rudders...(looks better) would below work ? [RudderPedal_PilotLFoot] Type=RUDDER_PEDAL NodeName=RudderR01 MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=-10 Set[01].Value=-1.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.0 Set[03].Position=10 Set[03].Value=1.0 [RudderPedal_PilotRFoot] Type=RUDDER_PEDAL NodeName=RudderR02 MovementType=ROTATION_X Set[01].Position=-10 Set[01].Value=-1.0 Set[02].Position=0.0 Set[02].Value=0.0 Set[03].Position=10 Set[03].Value=1.0 [RudderPedals] Type=RUDDER_PEDAL MovementType=ANIMATION AnimationID=4 Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=-1.0 Set[02].Position=1.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+yakarov79 11,409 Posted April 16, 2020 do not know. Never tried like this. but looks like this should work. if not you can also make right leg - type=rudder_pedal and left leg - type=rudder_pedal etc.. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted April 16, 2020 (edited) will let you know when get to test it later in game....going over all the bits to check for typos and any errors....just realised...as my H-19 isnt finished yet....when I try pit...its just a case of checking the helo I test it on...look in data.in for the items to alter....brilliant...yakarov ur awesome m8 ty Edited April 16, 2020 by russouk2004 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted April 18, 2020 Found answers to most of the problems...last Q...am I correct in thinking the gauge needles pivots axis Y is set to Z axis or am I mixing it up with the way rotors pivots are set to Y axis as some needles seem not to respond correctly when I use Y axis if ste at local in max they work in Y axis... thanks gents... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+logan4 861 Posted April 18, 2020 Needles should be fine on Y axis, one thing you need to keep in mind is to rotate the mesh itself so it points to the "0" position on the dial, so the mesh lets say points to 245degree but the pivot Z is matches the environment's Z axis , from there the game will rotate according the settings you give in the cockpit.ini. If you have that then no rotation issues should happen, the game itself not like when you want to start from 270degree or what ever the position on the left side. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted April 18, 2020 Cheers bud yeah...I set all needles to the zero or start of a dial or gauge...as in set pointing at 0 for rpm etc...ty m8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted May 1, 2020 (edited) how does the reflection entry work... do I need just map reflection in texture editor as normal or just prepare a texture and just add it via the cpit ini ? as set to tex ed...in lod viwer the texture shows normal not opaque on gauges....not a biggie as I can use refection tex as main glass gauge texture... cheeeerzzz Edited May 1, 2020 by russouk2004 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+yakarov79 11,409 Posted May 1, 2020 you need to map. Like anything else.. So if you want 'reflection' of pilot on canopy top left-right front..you have to map those positions on a bitmap. Reflection actually, in my opinion, is quite a fuzz in SF2. It is still image....so despite your position and position of the sun...reflection is always the same.... That is why I am not sure if some detailed reflection is good on gauges..etc...just my personal preference. despite the environment, you will have 'reflection' there Could be better to do just glass with some cool glossiness. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+swambast 729 Posted May 1, 2020 Russ, as Yakarov alluded two - there's basically two scenarios. One in which the gauge reflection is painted on and remains static and constant no matter what type of lighting hits it. It absolutely looks cool though. Another technique is to use a very high specular setting (white) on the glass dials and that will definitely allow the lighting to more dynamically (and realistically) interact - but man it will take a long time and experimentation to get it just right. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted May 3, 2020 Reflections resolved etc...my tga I made wasnt opaque enough etc... with gauges...I assume from looking at others that rotation is taken as clockwise = Positive number and needle going anti clockwise would be - even if rotation in max says -25.9 say...if needles rotating clockwise you put =Position=25.9 if needle rotates anticlockwise its then Position=-25.9 like pic 1.. 2nd pic... position I know...how is the value amount worked out blued out in pic ?...as in fuel tank thats easy amount of fuel a\c has...but this entry ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+logan4 861 Posted May 3, 2020 FuelFlow is usually calculated from what is used up in one hour, divided by 3600 (as 60min*60sec) so lets say the bird at max rate could drink 5000lbs in an hour, so 5000/3600=1.388 Engines with afterburners could have lot higher values depend on the scale of the dial. F-105 uses 6.667 as last entry (dial value 24000 as last) and the F-15 uses 27.78 (dial value 100000) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted May 3, 2020 is the rotation method I mentioned correct ? ty m8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+logan4 861 Posted May 3, 2020 Yes, correct, if they turn counterclockwise then values would be negative. For example on a verticalvelocityindicator you have both positive and negative values set in the parameters. [VerticalVelocityIndicator] Type=VERTICAL_VELOCITY_INDICATOR NodeName=Climb_needle MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=MPS Set[01].Position=-140.0 Set[01].Value=-200.0 Set[02].Position=-80.0 Set[02].Value=-50.0 Set[03].Position=-65.0 Set[03].Value=-20.0 Set[04].Position=0.0 Set[04].Value=0.0 Set[05].Position=65.0 Set[05].Value=20.0 Set[06].Position=80.0 Set[06].Value=50.0 Set[07].Position=140.0 Set[07].Value=200.0 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Crusader 2,104 Posted May 4, 2020 " ValueUnit=MPS " - MPS is not a valid entry. MPS (meters per second) is in fact the default Unit for vertical velocity if no ValueUnit= is specified. Value Units from the ObjectData dll: KG METERS FEET FT YARDS MILES NM KM FPS KMPH MPH KNOTS LB FPM DEG 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted May 5, 2020 (edited) Getting the hang of this....some things are obvious after you ask lol.... ok tried disabling co pilot in view in the DC3 but he still shows up...his head anyways...I know I can move pit forwards more to hide him....failing removing co pilot from main a\c...anything else I can do to get rid of the pest ? heres my entries for the gauges arrowed...seemno matter what,they refuse to work....every mesh has been checked and reset where needed,and the pivots all aligned to world...(which I know stops some gauges working if its set to X when should be Y) [TachometerL] Type=Tachometer NodeName=RPM_NDL_LEFT ItemNumber=1 MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=-150.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=80.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 [TachometerR] Type=Tachometer NodeName=RPM_NDL_RIGHT ItemNumber=2 MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=-170.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=80.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 [ManifoldPressureL] Type=MANIFOLD_PRESSURE NodeName=Manifold_NDL_LEFT ItemNumber=1 MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=70.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=250.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 [OilPressL] Type=Tachometer NodeName=Oil PressureNDL_LEFT ItemNumber=1 MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=30.0 Set[02].Value=1.0 [OilTempL] Type=Tachometer NodeName=OIL_Temp_L_NDL ItemNumber=1 MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-70.63 Set[02].Value=150.0 [Cyl head TempL] Type=INLET_TEMPERATURE_INDICATOR NodeName=CYL_Temp_L_NDL ItemNumber=1 MovementType=ROTATION_Y Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=-94.59 Set[02].Value=350.0 [CarbAirL] Type=INLET_TEMPERATURE_INDICATOR NodeName=Carb_Temp_L_NDL MovementType=ROTATION_Y ItemNumber=1 Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=-72.7 Set[02].Value=100.0 I know im a pest but how to learn this dark art lol TIA Edited May 5, 2020 by russouk2004 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+logan4 861 Posted May 5, 2020 Actually there is a Type=OIL_PRESSURE_INDICATOR in the game, not need to be a tachometer, though should work both ways. Probably you already checked but any typing error or numbering doubles or missing number in the section of "Instrument[xxx]="? Pilot is part of the AC .lod or the one that shows from the data.ini? If part of the lod I would arrange the mesh linking so the pit interior could be hidden when in cockpit view through the ac_data.ini. Like bellow: Component[013]=Hide1 [Hide1] ParentComponentName=Nose ModelNodeName=Cockpitinterior ShowFromCockpit=False DamageRating= MassFraction= HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE SystemName[001]=Pilot That analog_counter '0' is for 10000ft? I would try one of these setup [Altimeter10k] Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER CounterNodeFormat=counter_alt_%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=FEET Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=100000.0 ---------------------------------------------------- or [Altimeter10k] Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER CounterNodeFormat=counter_alt_%d MovementType=ANALOG_COUNTER ValueUnit=FEET Scale=10000 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Crusader 2,104 Posted May 5, 2020 I have this in my notes for altimeters, posted by another CA member some time ago Quote PRESSURE_ALTIMETER ---> usable for 4 digits altimeter (needle and digits) PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_1 ---> needle only for 3 needles pressure altimeter (needle only) PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_2 ---> needles and digits pressure altimeter PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_3 ---> needle and digits pressure altimeter (1 needle + 3 digits) I figured out how to get the analog counters to work. All of the digits must be named according to what they count ie: alt_dig2,alt_dig1 (named from left to right) for a 2 digit counter as in: [Altimeter] Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_2 <----the 2 is for 2 digits NodeName=needle_alt CounterNodeFormat=alt_dig%d MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=FEET Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=1000.0 for a 3 digit altimeter they would be named alt_dig3,alt_dig2,alt_dig1 (named from left to right) [Altimeter] Type=PRESSURE_ALTIMETER_3 NodeName=alt_needle CounterNodeFormat=alt_dig%d MovementType=ROTATION_Y ValueUnit=FEET Set[01].Position=0.0 Set[01].Value=0.0 Set[02].Position=360.0 Set[02].Value=100.0 the Set[02].Value corresponds to both the position of the needle and the movement of alt_dig1 so it must be 100 for a 3 digit altimeter and 1000 for a 2 digit altimeter. Otherwise the digits won't be in sync with the needle. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites