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I have placed folders with modified .ini files in the mods/.../Weapons folder for certain weapons that would otherwise be available at the time of a campaign I am working on. The weapons still show up as available on the arming screens, however. Is there another way to remove weapons from a campaign? Simply removing the folders does not seem to work as the game pulls default weapons from the .cat files.

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When you create a campaign set "Weapon Supply" to "Limited" and "Campaign Difficulty" to "Hard". Should work.

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its like inception: not impossible just bloody damn difficult

depends on what youre trying to remove, but given you say the game pulls stock weapons i would (in your shoes) edit the aircraft data ini to no longer carry that weapon. you wont see it in that campaign. or anywhere esle you fly on that install

unless you are flying in an ODS or other post Vietnam era campaign, this should work. before the late 1970s there arent that many "one size fits all" missile or rocket types. Navy and Air Force Phantoms carried different Sidewinders and Sparrows, the Century series birds with exception of the F-104 didnt carry either of them  etc etc.

one other option is to do a new data ini for the offending weapon and set it to end service the year before your campaign. same names as the stock one that substitutes in so the game doesnt do that any more

the catch to it is do you want this change to only affect the campaign or the whole install?

final thing to change would be the aircrafts loadout ini. for basic mission types (like intercept) it will preload for you. you can have other load out types, but usually need the mission editor to see them (like 57th FIS intercept)

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