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TB2 Nightmare

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57 minutes ago, Gepard said:

What kind of stuff you are drinking?

i drink coffee and tea only. you have normal arguments? if not, then I suggest not to kindle a flame here and go to the level of telepathy. Let me this hour think something about you, and you try to catch telepathically what I thought about you. Deal? You can send me your hatred telepathically too. You can even crap your pants with hatred of Ukraine and me personally, i will be hapy if you do. lets speak telepatycaly.

Edited by bazillius

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16 hours ago, Stratos said:

Guys keep calm and get back to Topic!

Tell this the hatepriest from Kiev.  From him came no single fact about the topic.

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5 minutes ago, Gepard said:

Tell this the hatepriest from Kiev.  From him came no single fact about the topic.

Gep, thats why I want everyone to keep on topic please.

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If anyone want my opinion those UAV would lose a lot of its effectivity against a up to date and decided enemy.

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1 minute ago, Stratos said:

If anyone want my opinion those UAV would lose a lot of its effectivity against a up to date and decided enemy.

I totally agree with you and every thing has it's 

peaks and then fall. Unless you keep up with technology and enhancement. 

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I want to stay far and clear of the politics, so don't take my words as anything other than a tactical military speculation/discussion.

I'd read twice, once from an ISIS insurrectionists and the other a Taliban, that they most feared armed drones. Other than the Nagorno-Karabakh war though, all the other uses were against insurgents fighting in asymmetrical warfare.  And as others have said, Armenia forces were ill prepared to defend against drones. I wonder if drones like the TB2 would fair as well in a war with more equally and modern equipped forces? Still, the TB2 looks like a very capable and lethal threat. I expect if there is an invasion, Russian tank, AFV and IFV losses will be higher than some expected. The way I see it though, with 67 battalions on the Ukraine-Russia border and 10 on the Belarus-Ukraine border, Russia owns the Donbass for good if that force goes in. My thinking is that the Ukraine's supply of TB2's doesn't change that outcome. I've read Russia needs to deploy 100 battalions minimum at the start to hold all of the Ukraine, so I'm not even sure they can force regime change in Kiev with what they have at the ready?

Edited by Arrow

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