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By potentesciamano
Dear All,
Today we proudly announce the release of a new, re-edited and upgraded version of the Yankee Air Pirate project known as: "YAP RW Phase One - Enhanced Edition (2025)".
We have spent more than a year and a half doing our best to correct all the issues, errors and mistakes contained in the original release. This includes removing assets used without proper permission or those that came from unauthorized sources. We apologize for the past. We were unaware of many of these aspects and concerns, and therefore we did not respect other's work as we should have done.
First, we would like to thank those who contributed to the project and gave us help, support, ideas or made their assets available. We all know that without the brilliant creations of this site, YAP RW could not even exist. So for that, I extend my sincere thanks to CombatACE for being such a great source of top quality works and talented modders.
For this release, we have paid special attention to the Credit List, doing our best to cite authors and ensure proper credit has been given. We realize that with all the complexities and edits that have been done, it’s very possible we may have forgotten to include credits for certain works or there may be inaccuracies with our source citations. If that is the case, please let us know and we will immediately correct it.
That being said, people should fully respect that all of the models/assets in our project cannot be used anywhere else without our direct permission, they remain exclusive to this project like John would have wanted but also allows us to better manage artist permissions so we hopefully don’t have any future concerns.
Please keep in mind that the YAP RW project is made by fans for fans. None of us were part of the original development team, and we never made a single cent out of the old payware products (plus we have no control over the old homepage and purchase options). We do not have debts with anybody for the old assets bought by John Shelton during the YAP1/2/3 Era and are only looking forward at this point.
We legally bought all the 10 asset packs, installed them while still running WOV and then decided to challenge ourselves by trying a conversion to the SF2 engine. We knew we were going to lose many unique features including aerial refueling, low clouds, carrier catapult positioning and more. But we thought it was still worth the effort. We worked a lot before releasing this version, but we know it is not perfect. We tried to correct all the errors, but there are bound to be mistakes and oversights and for now we feel satisfied with the current state.
If anyone has suggestions to make it better, well we are open to proposed fixes and improve what we can. We have a group on Facebook, and because it is already well established we plan to continue to use this as a primary collaboration forum. It's a private group, since we had to defend ourselves from hackers and so on, but the group is free and open to anyone who wants to join in. You are all welcome, just show us you want to support and appreciate the project and there will be no issues. Of course, we do not like denigrators, haters, detractors, generic trouble makers just like they are not welcomed here.
That's all. The new YAP RW version is free and is available for download on our new, independent homepage: www.yap-revamp-works.com, along with all the other chapters we revamped so far. This version there are 102 missions (92 combat plus 10 training), all revamped in chronological order and in logical sequence: we decided to go back to the original idea of reconstructing the Vietnam Air War per year and therefore will cover the early period from 1954 to 1966.
We will be honored to hear your comments, suggestions or any screenshots or videos you might make. And maybe you would be willing to contribute even more to the project. Thank you for your collaboration and have a nice day in the skies.
The YAP RW Team
Website and download pages: https://www.yap-revamp-works.com/
By Soulfreak
View File Fiat G.91T.3 Reduxe
Fiat G.91T.3 Reduxe for SF2
4 aircraft with 25 brand new highrez (8K) skins
I always liked this little bird and so I reworked it a bit.
1st you have to delete earlier Versions of the G.91T.3 in your Aircraft folder.
Elsewise there will be conflicts!!!
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
If asked, let overwrite
Animation key 1 = Canopy open / close
ErikGen: Creator of the original G.91 Models
Stary: Creator of Cockpits models
Spillone104: Part of the original Gina Team
ID(io)T Team: Original Frecce Tricolori Pilot
GKABS: original Pilot (reworked for PAF by Soulfreak)
Diego: GAF Pilot model
Ravenclaw007: GAF Pilot repaint & Weapons.
Soulfreak: All paintwork, all decals, Hangar & Loading screens & ini dance
Special thanks to the Dornier Museum. They provided me great references (t.O.)
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
If anyone will use this mod or parts of it, my permission is needed!
It was tested in a SF2 complete installation.
Schapen, Dezember 24th 2023
Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer
Submitter Soulfreak Submitted 12/24/2023 Category Other Origin
By Soulfreak
Fiat G.91T.3 Reduxe for SF2
4 aircraft with 25 brand new highrez (8K) skins
I always liked this little bird and so I reworked it a bit.
1st you have to delete earlier Versions of the G.91T.3 in your Aircraft folder.
Elsewise there will be conflicts!!!
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
If asked, let overwrite
Animation key 1 = Canopy open / close
ErikGen: Creator of the original G.91 Models
Stary: Creator of Cockpits models
Spillone104: Part of the original Gina Team
ID(io)T Team: Original Frecce Tricolori Pilot
GKABS: original Pilot (reworked for PAF by Soulfreak)
Diego: GAF Pilot model
Ravenclaw007: GAF Pilot repaint & Weapons.
Soulfreak: All paintwork, all decals, Hangar & Loading screens & ini dance
Special thanks to the Dornier Museum. They provided me great references (t.O.)
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
If anyone will use this mod or parts of it, my permission is needed!
It was tested in a SF2 complete installation.
Schapen, Dezember 24th 2023
Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer
By Soulfreak
View File Fiat G.91R.3 & R.4 in Luftwaffe Service
Fiat G.91R.3 & R.4 Luftwaffe (reworked) for SF2
3 aircraft with 26 brand new highrez (8K) Luftwaffe skins
I always liked this little bird and so I reworked it a bit.
1st you have to delete earlier Versions of the G.91R.3 in your Aircraft folder.
Elsewise there will be conflicts!!!
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
If asked, let overwrite
Animation key 1 = Canopy open / close
ErikGen: Creator of the original G.91 Models
Stary: Creator of Cockpits models
Spillone104: Part of the original Gina Team
Diego & Ravenclaw007: GAF Pilot models & repaints
Ravenclaw007: G.91 Weapons
Soulfreak: All paintwork, all decals, Hangar & Loading screens & ini dance
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
If anyone will use this mod or parts of it, my permission is needed!
It was tested in a SF2 complete installation.
Schapen, Dezember 26th 2023
Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer
Submitter Soulfreak Submitted 12/26/2023 Category Other Origin
By Soulfreak
Fiat G.91R.3 & R.4 Luftwaffe (reworked) for SF2
3 aircraft with 26 brand new highrez (8K) Luftwaffe skins
I always liked this little bird and so I reworked it a bit.
1st you have to delete earlier Versions of the G.91R.3 in your Aircraft folder.
Elsewise there will be conflicts!!!
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
If asked, let overwrite
Animation key 1 = Canopy open / close
ErikGen: Creator of the original G.91 Models
Stary: Creator of Cockpits models
Spillone104: Part of the original Gina Team
Diego & Ravenclaw007: GAF Pilot models & repaints
Ravenclaw007: G.91 Weapons
Soulfreak: All paintwork, all decals, Hangar & Loading screens & ini dance
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
If anyone will use this mod or parts of it, my permission is needed!
It was tested in a SF2 complete installation.
Schapen, Dezember 26th 2023
Carlo "Soulfreak" Heuer