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Hello eyeryone

Just wondering if anyone knows why only one or zero enemy fighters show up while flying an escort mission? This goes for all games.


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Isn't it dependent on your install and what planes you have?

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No; they heard you were flying that day, and chose to stay home instead of dying. 



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If it's in campaign maybe you don¡t have the proper planes of that install


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It can depend on the terrain. If there are only few airfields, then you will see only few enemy fighters.

The other thing, if you select in the single mission screen Enemy Air Activity = light, then only few enemy fighters will try to engage you.

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And that's affected by the USERLIST.ini, if one is present. If not you may have to create one for the plane. I'm sure that the MIG-21s and -23s will show up. I think they show up regardless of mission if you're BLUFOR.

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Are you flying a mission that's too modern for the enemey fighters you have installed? 

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