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I miss this stuff....

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Oh, I hope not!!!!

It's too fun!!

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I continue to fly FE2 semi-regularly, time permitting. :biggrin:

I usually switch back-and-forth between modded FE2 and my hybridized WoFF install (backport of PE-era terrains and BH&H2 aircraft into WoFF.exe version 4.18, the last "deadly trees and fences" edition of WoFF). Have also been spending the last year or so tinkering with some FM mods for FlightGear, and terrain/FPS optimization tweaks -- see this link if interested in what is going on there. I also did a few experiments with photo-scenery and FE2, with samples available under this thread. I will consider experimenting further with that -- since I like the ground tile improvements that it offers.

In other news, development on the Bleriot XI is now in its later stages -- I however don't know about the specifics of the project since I am no longer involved in its day-to-day doings (the FM is done for the aircraft, by the way). If interested in details about the Bleriot XI project, possible release dates, etc. -- recommended is to contact the developer of the 3D model (Swambast) directly.

Cheers all,


Edited by VonS
Fixed typos.
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Yes, there are others available, but I've always been a fan of the "low and slow" FE2 simulation...


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"In other news, development on the Bleriot XI is now in its later stages "


Best news I've had in a while. Thank you for the update.

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