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YAP RW Team announces the release of Vietnam Air War "Phase One - Enhanced Edition (2025)"

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On 13/03/2025 at 7:09 PM, Sheriff said:

What happened to cockpits? Many of the aircraft have partial cockpits.See F-4B and A-7 below.

I looked in cockpit folders and they only contained radar scope and a few instruments. No Panels?

I used North Atlantic for base install. Will I have to retrieve cockpits from backup files?



Hello! Both these two cockpits are Third Wire SF2 stock ones, so the "missing" textures should be included inside the original game CAT files. We did not add or remove anything from these ones. We think that this happens because if you are using North Atlantic, which is a "modern" gamem and thus does not have the Vietnam Era F-4B ad A-7A/B textures. Looks like the best base game to play YAP RW PO EE (2025) is definitively Strike Fighters 2 Complete Edition (SF2CE), so we advice to use that.

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@wrench: i guessed that this is the problem; by publishing it here i wanted to make it known to the developpers of the revamp-series

@potentesciamo: the "glitch" i mentioned is not the overlay of debug-informations - which is quite easyly avoided - but the hybrid mig-21/mig-17 in the shelter, sort of "overlayed" parking aircraft as Wrench pointed out.

thank you for the answers ;-)




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Dear Friends!
Thansk to the generosity of three YAP RW players, Members of the FB Group, we now have a dedicated Google Drive space where we can upload and store all the YAP RW chapters and make them available for download.
YAP RW Phase One - Enhanced Edition (2025), Rising Sun RW Phase One (2025), Flight School RW (2025) and Drug War RW (2025) are already uploaded in the latest, recently updated version, along with some BETA contents.
Here's the link to the website homepage: www.yap-revamp-works.com
Then, since we had enough money to get a 200 Gb yearly plan, we decided also to save some space for the old, original products. The official YAP3 homepage (http://yankeeairpirate.net) suffers from various issues and it is nearly impossible to update, since the plugins are too old and outdated. Moreover, the purchase section in damaged and no more accessible. We were never able to acces that, and now all products are denied.
So, we decided to replicate it in our new homepage and also share all the original products for free, offering the ones we purchased as customers. For now there are only the YAP3 SETS 1, 2 and 3, but we will continue on creating pages and upload packages on Drive in the next few weeks.

05 - YAP3.jpg

04 - Drug War RW 2025.JPG

01 - YAP RW PO EE 2025.JPG

02 - RS RW 2025.JPG

03 - Flight School RW 2025.JPG

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