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Everything posted by anunk47

  1. Ummm.. No I'm not.. Unashamed yes.. @sixstrings Yes.. very addictive! I'm not a hardcore gamer myself.. my hardware not an UFO tech hardware too.. but this game always installed on my PC since P4 era until intel-i series Laptop... the only downside thing is I'm not join this Family earlier.. :(
  2. Can't wait for Deadline result.. so far 1 out of 3 "Horses" I "Bet" currently leading.. hope "She" can win the race..
  3. Cool... Glad if It works for you.. Have you download GKabs Taliban Stinger site, GK Strella site and likewise for your Afghan Map? tips: you need tons of flare!
  4. Su-35S Flanker-E VKS

    I'm just a simple man, when I see "Gkabs post a new file", I click.
  5. try this.. been there before Go to your Taliban squad, Taliban DSHK, Taliban Stinger etc folder you have edit each the data ini.. Mine like: [MissionData] NationName=Afghanistan ( <---- change to taliban if you already set / create Taliban in your mod Flight folder / Nation.INI) ServiceStartYear=1980 ServiceEndYear=2020 GroundObjectRole=TANK Availability=VERY_COMMON Exported=FALSE <--- set to FALSE.. ExportStartYear= ExportAvailability= in my install, they do not appear in other map unless you put/add EnemyNation=Afghanistan in any of your terrain Mod.
  6. Humpday Heavies

    Sorry Guys.. Who throws banana peels on runway again?
  7. YES! the Triple T's! Tracker Tracer Trader will be Nice.. No Mohawk then.. (been around in DL section, haven't found it yet.. :( ) C-2 Greyhound and "TRUE" E-2A/B will be nice if you have a leisure time, since we already have stand-in E-2 hawkeye series pit.. Welcome back, have a nice day and Thanks, Sir!
  8. Pilot from Angel Interceptor, Hikaru Ichijo /Rick Hunter From Torno's VF-1 (all in what-if section) i think the closest thing to anime pilots we have..
  9. Su-35 prototype

    What I love of this mod, just stick some decals, change nations, Voila! You got a new Ace Combat Mod Baddy less than half hour!
  10. Su-35 prototype

    T.O.P! As always.. Thanks!
  11. SF2 T-34C Turbo Mentor Pack by Various

    Finally, something for Skuadron Latih TNI-AU.. So Much Thanks!
  12. Been Through this kinda problems too.. spent hours just to found out for ONLY single Aircraft Ordnances mess.. Don't Know If I could help.. but this what I've been thru, checks, done.. - Updated/adding/Copy-paste Weapon(s) from extracted downloaded Mod to Mod Folder: Some Modder have included Weapons set along with Decals, Pilots, Etc. To make it fast, (read: too lazy to check) sometimes I just copas and overwrite to my weapon mod folder. this is 100% my foul.. so.. Make SURE in weapon data.ini, Name of LOD are same with current LOD files.. 4 example: [WeaponData001] TypeName=GBU-10B FullName=GBU-10B/B Paveway I LGB ModelName=GBU-10B <---------- This LOD input should be Match with LOD's Name. If your 3d Model LOD name are GBU10B, rename it to GBU-10B, or change data.ini to GBU10B.. whichever suit you better.. This occur when Weapon data has the same file name and overwrite existing Mod, but the content of the INI files are not the same content with existing LOD file. just check what weapons are missing, if it still in your Weapons Folder, not accidently re-type, remove or anything.. Maybe the problems above occur. - Specific Station Code. Back to your plane and weapons.. did they have "SpecificStationCode"? IF yes, double check it.. This special coding are for specific loadout, so not all planes could carry those weapons. and check what Type of AttachmentType= too.. (USAF,USN,WP,CHINA etc) - Some Armament need Specific Rail/Racks mount. This too happen, weapon of choices are on hangar / loadout screen, mounted it, go FLY.. but when in game.. They're Gone! Check your Loadout.ini has "RackType=MER, TER, AIM-9_Rail, FT_mount" etc or something similar.. Loadout[01].WeaponType=Mk82 Loadout[01].Quantity=3 Loadout[01].RackType=TER and your Aircraft Data.ini/Weapon Station(s) : [Name of station] LoadLimit=500 AllowedWeaponClass=,TER,BOMB,RP,GP SpecificStationCode= AttachmentType=USMC,USA,USN be sure to check weapon Stations capable to carry those Racks, load limit, diameter or type of ordnance as Mr. DaddyAirplanes stated above. and SURELY you have those in your weapons Folder. sometimes problems above (Name of LOD are different from Data.ini) could happen too. - Weapon Date: Some weapon has start - End date coding.. which I guess everyone already aware.. be sure the weapon you wanna mount are in same time range with your plane, and show up in Hangar Loadout screen. -Type of Station and Mount. Go to AircraftData.ini.. check weapon stations Availability, does they allow IRM,SAHM,GP,BOMB,ASM etc? some Updated Aircraft Mod sometimes HAVE Add or Remove those capability.. TW Weapon Editor Utilities and CA Basic Knowledge are your best Helper.. _Sorry for my bad english, Im not a mod-er myself, so just be sure check old threads here. And why do I bump into this one old month Post Anyway? maybe my sleep deprived kick in.. or overthinking how to crack Iranian Hawk Sites. Goodluck Lad! hope you solve your Probs soon..
  13. My letter to CombatAce community and thank you everyone

    May GOD always bless You and Us too.. You'll never fly alone, Buddy! ah, I'm curious about your Manga.. feel free to share it too! I'm a "Otaku myself.. but not a mangaka.. It's a rollercoaster feeling reading your story, and how friends here reacted too.. Sad, happy and Inspiring.. all of you! Ganbatte, Ne.. Eagle-San!
  14. Kuwait getting the Baykar TB 2 drones

    Still "What- (BiG) IF" for now.. but, I do really hope we can join Bayraktar Owner Club someday.. TB-3 Indonesia, Navalized. / https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/11/the-carrier-candidate-bayraktar-tb3s-for-indonesia.html
    1st! doh.. this is not U-tube comment section.. Thanks for Upgrade, Mister!
  15. P-3A/B "Orion" Pak by Wrench/Florian

    Lovely.. Thanks!
  16. Jan 2023.. just got "Nam flashback" moment.. this Mod are one of the reasons I've registered here back in 2020.. and I regret none! Thanks so much
  17. So True.. Once we get used to it, any game will follow suit.. seem like most Flight sim has similar pattern in key commands
  18. SU-27U Flanker


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