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  1. Thanks.. If I have a problem, I will come here again..
  2. Hello everyone. I've been producing terrain tiles for sf2 for a while, I'm new to this business, I didn't manage to create terrain from the very beginning, so I changed the tiles of the EAW EURO map that I downloaded earlier(i hope this won't be a problem :/ ). As I said, I have developed myself only in the production of tiles, and I have not managed to do anything about making airports, producing various objects for installation on land. For this reason, I am wondering if anyone among you would like to support me in order to make the map even more beautiful. (such as airport, power pole, wind tribune, garden fence). I'm sharing some images from my work with you, I hope someone will support me and we can do a good job.
  3. I didn't understand what you said,so there's no way to do this?
  4. Hello everyone, how can I place textures inside a 3d airplane cockpit? what programs are needed ?
  5. Helicopters flight model

    It looks successful, but I had difficulty in rotating the helicopter around itself like in reality. Also, I couldn't manage to make the helicopter hang in the air (with Logitech 3D Extreme Pro).

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