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  1. I have not used DCS World before, are there any differences for the 'AV 8 B' plane, for example, in terms of flight feeling?
  2. So, apart from avionics,almost all of the planes give a realistic feeling of flight as a flight sensation. That's right ?
  3. Thank you all, let's see if I can get a result.
  4. My main goal is to improve the product that already exists (SF 2). I would like to see much more realistic graphics, terrains, weather events,3d clouds, 3d trees, moving wind turbines, rippling water bodies, VR compatibility, many improvements such as adding telemetry. Instead of buying the SF 2 pc rights completely, should I offer to make the improvements I want to the SF 2? (i.e., as a kind of sponsor or business partner). Basic things (such as company affairs, sales affairs and tax tracking) will belong to them. Because we will already have done business within the structure of a company but if I turn to a method where I will control things and contribute to improvements (such as producing land tiles, increasing the graph)? If I assume an acceptable part or all of the expenses. How about this situation?
  5. I started by asking questions here, so you might have thought I wasn't being sincere. If I first make an offer to the 'SF 2 pc' rights holders and make a contract with them and I can't find a good team, it would be the wrong way. Because I think the basis of everything is to find a good team.I've researched what it takes to make games very superficially before. After setting up the right team and allocating financial resources, I don't think it will be difficult to do what is necessary for things. I can allocate a few million dollars or more resources for this job. I just wanted to know if it would be difficult to build an experienced and willing team where I could achieve the desired result. However, this is not a commitment,it is just a status roll call !
  6. Don't think of it as a commitment, I just want to find out if there is an environment where I can get into this job. Before discussing the wage issue with the authorities, I wanted to ask if I could set up a team to start this business.Of course, I haven't discussed a fee with them yet, and I don't know how much they will ask for. What do you think the cost of getting into this business is ? For a start, a cost that could compete with the DCS World would actually be too much for me. Also, as things are going well, it will be better for me to grow the business even more, for this it would be more correct to start with single player.
  7. To be honest, I wonder if there will be a team that can do the job before I make them an offer. I can pay them the required amount within my means.
  8. Hello, When someone buys the rights to the SF 2 pc for the further development of Strike Fighters 2, do you think it would be difficult to find a team to do this job? I see that there are many people who are hoping for improvements in basic subjects such as graphics, terrain, avionics, but was it possible to find people who have the necessary knowledge and desire to achieve this job? It's very exciting to plan this job. Basically, is it possible to find a team to add a VR add-on to SF2,improve the graphics as much as possible, make them compatible with current systems? (no, I'm not kidding) I am making some improvements, the results I have received make me hopeful.
  9. Thank you, I think I'll wait to go to heaven to experience everything that is beautiful :/
  10. Hello everyone, I want to buy 6 dof systems, but I need to find out if Strike Fighters 2 has telemetry in order for the product to be compatible, does anyone have any information? Or where can I find out?
  11. Thank you all for your response.I'm trying some settings to make the flight more realistic, and although I'm not exactly sure, my current settings are below, I'm wondering about your answer if you have a better suggestion. [GameplayOptions] MissionStart=2 CockpitView=3 DisplayUnit=2 EnemySkill=1 Simulation=4 FlightModel=4 WeaponEffectiveness=1 Avionics=1 Targeting=1 HUDDisplay=1 Landing=2 Collision=2 Blackout=2 AmmoUsage=1 FuelUsage=1 [ControlOptions] ControlMap=Default.INI Sensitivity=0 DeadZone=1 ForceFeedback=1 ForceFeedbackGain=100 TrackIR=1 Logitech xtreme pro.

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