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  1. View File SF-2_Yak-44_AEW&C Soviet NAVY AEW&C Yakovlev Yak-44 [DRLOiU-Dalnee RadioLokatsionnoe Obnarujenie i Upravlenie] Histiry Yak-44 - Deck aircraft of radar surveillance, guidance and control (RPLNU / DRLOiU) and electronic countermeasures (EW). Developed by OKB im. AS Yakovlev in the mid-70's. The prototype of the Yak-44 (Yak-44RLD) aircraft was the American E-2 "hawk of the eye". The basing of the aircraft was supposed on the atomic aircraft carrier of project 1143.7 "Ulyanovsk". Because of the difficulties in developing on-board equipment, only the Yak-44 model was built. In 1993, the work was frozen due to lack of funding. INSTRUCTIONS Mod based on E-2C by TW. Works in SF-2 NA or Full 5 Merged Tactical two-color numbers yellow/red in DATA.ini, I disabled two internal vertical stabilizers . Credits E-2C Hawkeye-TW Skin & decals- SaVaGe Special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards SaVaGe Submitter SaVaGe Submitted 05/29/2018 Category What If Hangar  
  2. SF-2_Yak-44_AEW&C

    Version 1.0.0


    Soviet NAVY AEW&C Yakovlev Yak-44 [DRLOiU-Dalnee RadioLokatsionnoe Obnarujenie i Upravlenie] Histiry Yak-44 - Deck aircraft of radar surveillance, guidance and control (RPLNU / DRLOiU) and electronic countermeasures (EW). Developed by OKB im. AS Yakovlev in the mid-70's. The prototype of the Yak-44 (Yak-44RLD) aircraft was the American E-2 "hawk of the eye". The basing of the aircraft was supposed on the atomic aircraft carrier of project 1143.7 "Ulyanovsk". Because of the difficulties in developing on-board equipment, only the Yak-44 model was built. In 1993, the work was frozen due to lack of funding. INSTRUCTIONS Mod based on E-2C by TW. Works in SF-2 NA or Full 5 Merged Tactical two-color numbers yellow/red in DATA.ini, I disabled two internal vertical stabilizers . Credits E-2C Hawkeye-TW Skin & decals- SaVaGe Special thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards SaVaGe
  3. img00004.JPG

    Where can I download this version of the aircraft carrier Kuznetsov, on which there are no static aircraft? We need such a ship with a clean deck.
  4. View File VF squads F-111B Dominator Markings for F-111B Dominator/ Insignia -decals. VF (fighter sqradron) numbers & vert tail markings based on squadron /air group (CVW) codes of NAVY F-4 squadrons (TW). Need F-111B Dominator by Wrench Good figth Submitter SaVaGe Submitted 03/07/2018 Category What If Skins  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Markings for F-111B Dominator/ Insignia -decals. VF (fighter sqradron) numbers & vert tail markings based on squadron /air group (CVW) codes of NAVY F-4 squadrons (TW). Need F-111B Dominator by Wrench Good figth
  6. SF2_MiG19SK

    Thank you. Another aircraft in my collection "parallel world"
  7. Caf Mikoyan SM-12K Firefly

  8. MiG-19 with side air intakes. Deck version. Perfectly. Will I see this in downloads? I already want to see the collection "parallel world"
  9. F-4M_GA

  10. File Name: Kometa.7z File Submitter: SaVaGe File Submitted: 21 February 2017 File Category: What If Hangar Comet KSK-aircraft "K". Experimental aircraft- analog cruise missile ?S-1. Comet Stalin. History: ...The first flight carried out analog test pilot Amet-Khan Sultan from the Air Force Institute Chkalov airfield in January 4, 1951, then the test was moved to the Crimean Air Force test site. From May began air starts counterpart aboard the Tu-4. Total participated in the testing of four aircraft "K", which Amet-Khan, S.Anohin, F.Burtsev, V. Pavlov and P.Kazmin completed 150 flights. With the transition to working out starts on the real target was adjusted guidance and control system "Comet" - an analog of relief after walking on the target, like a combat missile, and only in the final section of the pilot shut off homing, took it over and come back to the airfield. All flights went well, although the pilots consider them extremely difficult. In one such flight analogue Amet-Khan escaped suspension with an inoperative engine that could only run at the water, the other - at Burtsev turning off the autopilot and he hardly overpowering servos, barely able to turn away from the target ship... Test-Pilot Amet-Khan Sultan: - Soviet military flying ace, a veteran of World War II, twice Hero of Soviet Union(Total downed aircraft - 30 personal + 19 in group) Credit: - Spillone: canopy Su-11 - Stary: ?iG-15 Bis cockpit HD ---Piloter, seat-M15, sound(??) -TW:-LOD, skin from cruise missile ?S-1 Data.ini MiG-15 rework me+ holes.tga Weapon: 2xNR-23+NS-30(standart MiG-15) Attention: Only airstart or start from carrier, no take-of no landing to airfilds but no gears. Test in SF-2NA Good hunting Click here to download this file
  11. Kometa.7z



    Comet KSK-aircraft "K". Experimental aircraft- analog cruise missile ?S-1. Comet Stalin. History: ...The first flight carried out analog test pilot Amet-Khan Sultan from the Air Force Institute Chkalov airfield in January 4, 1951, then the test was moved to the Crimean Air Force test site. From May began air starts counterpart aboard the Tu-4. Total participated in the testing of four aircraft "K", which Amet-Khan, S.Anohin, F.Burtsev, V. Pavlov and P.Kazmin completed 150 flights. With the transition to working out starts on the real target was adjusted guidance and control system "Comet" - an analog of relief after walking on the target, like a combat missile, and only in the final section of the pilot shut off homing, took it over and come back to the airfield. All flights went well, although the pilots consider them extremely difficult. In one such flight analogue Amet-Khan escaped suspension with an inoperative engine that could only run at the water, the other - at Burtsev turning off the autopilot and he hardly overpowering servos, barely able to turn away from the target ship... Test-Pilot Amet-Khan Sultan: - Soviet military flying ace, a veteran of World War II, twice Hero of Soviet Union(Total downed aircraft - 30 personal + 19 in group) Credit: - Spillone: canopy Su-11 - Stary: ?iG-15 Bis cockpit HD ---Piloter, seat-M15, sound(??) -TW:-LOD, skin from cruise missile ?S-1 Data.ini MiG-15 rework me+ holes.tga Weapon: 2xNR-23+NS-30(standart MiG-15) Attention: Only airstart or start from carrier, no take-of no landing to airfilds but no gears. Test in SF-2NA Good hunting
  12. Это потому, что его там нет. Редактор оружия идёт вместе вепон паком. Качаешь пак оружия и при распаковке будет вепон эдитор.

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