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Sheriff last won the day on October 17 2016

Sheriff had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

88 Neutral

About Sheriff

  1. What happened to cockpits? Many of the aircraft have partial cockpits.See F-4B and A-7 below. I looked in cockpit folders and they only contained radar scope and a few instruments. No Panels? I used North Atlantic for base install. Will I have to retrieve cockpits from backup files?
  2. Ever since I bought Flying Circus III a few days ago, when I try to log on to Great Battles Main website or forum I get cannot connect to server message. This happens regardless of computer I am using. I tried accessing the site through the 1C Games site but link to Great battles and Flying Circus have same problem.Is that site down?
  3. Shahak Over Israel. SF2.

    Looks great BUT all my cockpits are blacked out. Could be because of a missing file? What am I missing.?
  4. Wings Over Ogaden

    What you see above is path to Mods folder.
  5. Wings Over Ogaden

    Here you go path.bmp
  6. Wings Over Ogaden

    Thanks O-11. Photo of what exactly. location path? All required mods are installed.
  7. Wings Over Ogaden

    I installed this campaign and it does not show up on list of Campaigns available. The Map can be selected for quick missions..
  8. So just to clarify. if I want to fly the upcoming Corsair against Axis aircraft such as FW-190 or BF-109 in historically correct environment I would have to : 1. Install DCS (no cost) 2. Purchase the 190 and /or the 109 3.Purchase the aircraft I want to fly against OR purchase an assets/ theater of operations package that contains the desired AI aircraft. Correct? Whatever the answer I suspect similar process if I want to fly expected F-4 against MiG-21 or 23 ?
  9. I deleted the dorsal fairing item from the aircraft data file and it now looks fine. Thanks for all your attention.
  10. You must have mistaken me for someone else. I have no CF-104 templ.
  11. Thanks, Wrench I'll check for fake pilot entry. Plus I see no private message.
  12. What causes THIS ??!! Aircraft superimposed on another.
  13. I reinstalled SF2 North Atlantic and now all terrains show up. Plus, I can launch from carriers. Thanks for all you support!!
  14. Thanks for all your input!!! As noted the ones circled in red are the ones that are available in game. I will recheck the Cat file entries today and install SF2 Europe from back up file.

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