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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. File Name: XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Traitor's End File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 March 2017 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Traitor's End 3/12/2017 This is the 12th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to just after the Fall of the Empire. With the end of the Uprising, and the destruction of it's leaders, things have (almost) returned to normal in these outlying sectors. In this set, you'll be resuming normal duties protecting Imperial interests, and running down the last remenants of Zaarin's forces in concert with Admiral Thrawn's efforts in several nearby sectors. These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft. Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonsense. There's also, for the first time, a "Hints" section. Don't read unless you want to cheat...remember the Secret Order WILL know this!! Please note that this mission set =WILL= require one or another of the available Ship/Craft Patches. When flying the Missile Boat, pay attention to the notation in all briefing descriptions: Wrench Kevin Stein original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000 Click here to download this file
  2. Version


    XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Traitor's End 3/12/2017 This is the 12th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to just after the Fall of the Empire. With the end of the Uprising, and the destruction of it's leaders, things have (almost) returned to normal in these outlying sectors. In this set, you'll be resuming normal duties protecting Imperial interests, and running down the last remenants of Zaarin's forces in concert with Admiral Thrawn's efforts in several nearby sectors. These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft. Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonsense. There's also, for the first time, a "Hints" section. Don't read unless you want to cheat...remember the Secret Order WILL know this!! Please note that this mission set =WILL= require one or another of the available Ship/Craft Patches. When flying the Missile Boat, pay attention to the notation in all briefing descriptions: Wrench Kevin Stein original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
  3. hmm.... might have you look at the DBS map. I've got ONE stinking airbase (Pt. Barrow's Wiley Post/Will Rogers Airport) that just won't flatten! Other than that, and writing the readme, it's done!
  4. Terrain editor!

    start here: http://combatace.com/forum/191-modding-terrainsenviroments/ look for Gepard's "My way to make a terrain" (or words to that effect) threads. and good luck. terrain building is not for faint of heart....
  5. Remember, you'll probably need a full 5 merged install of SF2 -WITH- SF2:NA to fully make use of the special features dealing with naval battle groups The IsraelME map is nation limited because it has to be. Nobody else goes over there and messes about (with the exception of Operation Musketeer in 1956). Just go over the real world history of the region. There really is no need for American CVBGs laying off the coast. Or soviet or ...or.... (what I'm not sure of is having the NavalMap=TRUE will generate proper SAGs, as no one in the region has anything bigger than 'destroyer' class ships) also, iirc, eburger redid some of the original stuff we did for the 56 war, and there already exists a CV zoned IME map
  6. RAVEN

    Excellent news!! Been going through that medical stuff with my sister -- I think women get it worse. We're glad you're getting back on track! We need more folks like you around here, brother!!!
  7. no one has asked the obvious question: are you trying to make SF2 terrains work in SF1???
  8. This has been discussed at great length over the years.. there's simply not enough 'sea room' on the Germany map. you need a 300nm "bubble", as you AWACs waill always orbit 200km out from the carrier. Can't be done on that map, due the location of "The Wall", on one side, and enemy SAMs on the other. IsraelME has been done that way for year. It's just not very practical. There are other terrains, covering that part of the world, that do it better.
  9. yes, TISEO works. iirc, the mirage factory's Tomcat has it. and someone (ravenclaw?) was working on the F-4 physical model (lod) some years ago that had it on the wing.
  10. Although lot of us DO have access to the DAT site for downloading their WW2 aircraft, a good number don't, for whatever reasons. This makes modding WW2 a 'difficult propisition' at times So, what FREEware WW2 aircraft would you like to see done by our (exteremely overworked) 3d Folks? Keep it real... only aircraft that actually made it into combat. Leave the Luft46 and SWOTP* in the What If forum. my short list -- when I think of others, i'll add them Axis: (all theatres) ju-88s do-17 he-111h (might be able to talk Monty into remolding the 111E into a later model?) Me-262 Bf-110 Kate Judy Jill Tony Nick Re2000 Re2001 Re2005 Mc202 SM79 Allies: (all theatres) A20C/G Havoc B-25 (many models! B/C/G/H) Beaufighters (several variants) Blenheim TBF F2A Buffalo (not so much, but nice to have sometimes) P-40E (in the works by Raven) Spit V (under development by Cocas) SBD (wolfs IS kinda old and needs a replacement!) * Secret Weapons of the Pacific
  11. Bofors guns will be all over Allied territory. Did't I make a US 120mm gun??? the M-42 "start date" is 1945, but probably didn't see much service until after the war's end. Same can be said for the M19 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M19_Multiple_Gun_Motor_Carriage the sad thing is, anything that's needed would need to be built (Crusader AA units, etc)
  12. would have been much simpler to just add a "EO camera" mod to the avionics, as I did for the U-2, without all this screwing around with faking it. The only other thing would be, adding the "shape" to the Rhino via fake pilot. But, in all honestly, what good what that do? and for the record, Pave Tack is a TARGETING system, that just happens to have video recorder. Some folks need to do a bit more research before posting things
  13. File Name: XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Uprising's Ending File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 March 2017 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Uprising's Ending 3/3/2017 This is the 11th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire. In this set, continuing the story from NTB10, Imperial forces have finally cornered the leaders of the Uprising. Having fought them back and forth across these Outer Rim sectors, they've been run to ground. You will be tasked with the usual missions - interception, scouting and finally, the destruction of the leaders and their command ship. Once this is accomplished, the local Fleets can return to the business of putting down that annoying "Alliance to Restore the Republic". These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft. Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. Please note that this mission set =WILL= require one or another of the available Ship/Craft Patchs. Wrench Kevin Stein original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000 Click here to download this file
  14. Version


    XvT/BoP Imperial Operation: Uprising's Ending 3/3/2017 This is the 11th set of a total of 20 mission sets/TODs that cover the time from from just before the Battle of Yavin, to after the Fall of the Empire. In this set, continuing the story from NTB10, Imperial forces have finally cornered the leaders of the Uprising. Having fought them back and forth across these Outer Rim sectors, they've been run to ground. You will be tasked with the usual missions - interception, scouting and finally, the destruction of the leaders and their command ship. Once this is accomplished, the local Fleets can return to the business of putting down that annoying "Alliance to Restore the Republic". These are to be used/placed into your ...Balance of Power/Combat folder. All missions have been edited for fairness & balance (hopefully!), due the the enhanced AI and weapons effectivness in XvT/BoP. All have new briefings and descriptions. I've added LOTS of radio messages to act as "in game hints" and to further plot lines. Please pay attention to them, as some may save your life or your mission critcal craft. Also, when possible, other craft in the mission can be selected for Player use, or for multi-player. As always, =PLEASE= read the install instructions. Of course, the usual "Notes" and other nonesense. Please note that this mission set =WILL= require one or another of the available Ship/Craft Patchs. Wrench Kevin Stein original set for TFCD by Michael Raven circa 2000
  15. FE is well worth the investment. Just do it!! :)
  16. Truer words have never been spoken! It really does foul it up!
  17. yup Mitch is looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong gone
  18. the "ground platte" came with The Factory Place, circa 2005. The only name I know is "Mitch" as the creator.
  19. RIP Bill Paxton

    unbelievable!! RIP, man.
  20. Lockheed S-3B Viking by FoxMontor



    Lockheed S-3B Viking by FoxMonter = For SF2, Any and All = This is the (hopefully) full, compiled package of FoxMonter' S-3B "Viking" Sea Control Aircraft, upgraded/updated/fiddled-to-fit the SF2 series. I've assembled all the skin/decal sets I could find into one big lump. Skins included in the pak are: VS-21 Fighting Redtails + VS-27 Sea Wolves * VS-29 Dragonfires + VS-30 Diamondcutters + VS-30DS (Desert Storm) ? VS-32 Maulers ? VS-33 Screwbirds + VS-33lo Screwbirds (Lo-Viz) + VS-35 Blue Wolves * VS-38 Red Griffins + VX-1 Pioneers + The suffix symbols designate the artist that created the skins/decals. The Key is below: *=HrntFxr +=Paul Nortness ?=IDK All decals and decal inis have been fixed and updated to SF2 standards. Several ini edits to the loadout, data and avionics also update them to SF2 standards (as of Aug, 2011). Wingfold and bombay animations have been seperated; bombay uses the standard Control/O (oh)key, and the wingfold is activated via the Shift/9 key. The cockpit is not equiped with an RWR display, so an 'audio-only' version is used. The flight model is unchanged. A new, SF2-style photographic hangar screen is also included. I've also included several sounds called for in the data ini. As always, READ the enclosed readme for full,detailed, easy-to-follow install instructions. With thanks to all the skinners, and FoxMontor for their work! Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein

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