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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. unfortunately, the 3rd Wire exporter, that creates the game usable lod (the physical model) only works with 3ds MAX. If created in, say Blender, the exported file must be in a format that 3ds MAX can read, and all the little fiddly bits (animations, mapings, etc) will most likely need to be completely redone when imported into MAX. So, in essence, without MAX, one is wasting their time. It's been attempted in the past, and the end result is the model winds up having to be nearly completely redone. for the skinning (after unwrapping) any decent image program can be used, but photoshop is still the best.
  2. how about using an actual in-game screenshot of the item? what you've attached looks more like a MAX render. REAL in-game screen shots are what's required. ( I also moved the file to the correct category - The What If Hanger) thank you
  3. no apology is necessary! :) you'll need farm (2 - straight and curved) desert (2 - straight and curved) city (2 -straight and curved) (maybe) sea (read: river mouth. quite handy at the Shatt-al-arab and "swamp" regions at the Gulf) "river fork" (large river to small river) "river y" (where streams split or join) any road tiles that cross the streams plus all the transitions farm/desert farm/city sea/desert (rivermouth again) I don't expect you'll be needing any "mountain" streams, so didn't mention them and TODs to match ALL of them -- that's the really hard part
  4. shoot, you're talking to the guy that's built 3 maps of the region -- I KNOW exactly what you're saying. for smaller "stream" type water courses, I'd suggest using the IsrealME river tiles, suitably redone to match the tiles you have. Examples can be found in my most recent rebuilt of the Israel 2 and IsrealME maps.
  5. where have I heard (said) THAT before???!!! Testify, brother!!
  6. Good Computer Chair?

    "Rudder and Balls" sound like a great name for pub!!!
  7. that book might be found "elsewhere" on pdf, if one searches hard and long enough adding a gun is truly a nothing job...with mue's lod viewer, it's a very simple matter to figure out where the muzzle flash should show up
  8. well, as we're NOT talking pre-production or prototypes, but "operational" ADC birds, they would have most likely used the same color schemes as the 102 and 106s in ADC service; a light grey. Yes, a few of the protos show they were black (as evidenced in photos in the Aerofax & WarbirdTech books I referenced in my original credits ). But, for things like these, I have no trust in Wiki ... but prefer the references I have; they tend to have bit more detail (and I'm sure their data is probably cut/pasted into the Wiki entries). Be happy to zip the books up and pm to either or both of you. oh, and just little advice on decals ...one doesn't need 24 ADC tail badges; just one decal set to Level=0, as they represent the 'command' (think if it like a insignia or nation name). I also would have gone to decals for the fuselage tags and wing stars. They're quite blurry when viewed in game ( sometimes are artifacts of skin size, or more likely material applied to the LOD).
  9. well, just think about the designations (letter/number) and what it means... "Y" always designated a pre-production version used for proof of concept and testing. All the way back to 1930s F (obviously) for fighter 12 for McNamara's "unitized numbering convention" for all services A for first sub-variant (should actually be "B" for production models, following the logic of the time frame) the name itself, "Blackbird" was ONLY reserved for the SR-71. The name I used on the original pack, as stated in the original readme, follows pretty much exactly HOW Lockheed did/does things. One of the major questions would be... why would ADC need an all black INTERCEPTOR? The SR-71 were black due to the use of radar absorbent paint (iirc, "Iron Ball"). They've no need to hide, as the air intercept radar would give away their position as soon as it was turned on and searching for targets (think of a flashlight in a pitch black room) but, whatever.
  10. You should have left the AircraftFullName= exactly as how I'd originally set it up. That will make it match the stock 3w and all 3rd party naming conventions. I recommend end users change it back to AircraftFullName=F-12A Starduster AircraftShortName=F-12A
  11. Better start looking for it in the Gobi Desert

    yes, and not too far from The City of the Builders of Memory edit.. opps, that's the Cayman Trough --- a bit further west
  12. Version


    Modern Darwin Terrain, CleanUp Pak For SF2 - Full-4 Merged Reccomended (but not fully required) (Reccomended to have the SF2:V VietnamSEA cat readily available) While working on the Oz-Mirage, I noticed some errors, shall we say, with the Modern Darwin terrain, so decieded to go through it do some clean up. It could still use a major retargeting, but this will enchance things a little until such time as that happens. Several areas have been completly retiled, some cities moved/removed/renamed/retargeted, and so forth...lots of fiddiling with the Height Field to remove some oddities were performed. I think it's much better now, thank you! <grin>. If you don't have the terrain already, use the following URLs to download it. The original terrain is here: http://combatace.com/files/file/6089-modern-darwintimor/ The SF2 Upgrade Pak is here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11564-sf2-update-modern-darwin-terrain/ If you already have it in your SF2 install, and have the SF2 update installed, this package is all you need. HOWEVER....if you wish to enhance the terrain, I'd reccomend Stary's GreenHell3, as it uses the exact same placements as the stock tiles (with some tree exceptions), and is REEEALLLY worth the download. Yes, I've tested the terrain with BOTH tile sets. You can get GH3 from here: http://combatace.com/files/file/11649-green-hell-3/ NO OTHER TILESETS, OTHER THAN GH3 and the STOCK ONE are RECCOMENDED!!! Otherwise, the TODs =will= foul up the targeting (ie: placements of buliding and GroundObjects). For those wishing to use GH3, a Darwin_Data.ini all set up for that use is suppled. Several changes to the targets, types, movements inis, along with the invocation of the LimitedNations=TRUE statement should bring this more in line with the Real World ™. New planning maps are supplied, too. A modified version of the PLAN Destroyer from my Formosa upgrade is included (changed a few things). No other GroundObjects (read: ships) are included; you should already have them in the game installs, along with the various SAMs, AAA, vehicles, and etc. Several new, custom TODs for the Grass-river tiles are included, for use =ONLY= with the stock VN-SEA tileset. Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, or be placed in their Real Life ™ locations. Several cities and other target areas may also fall into that classification. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. As always, the expected "Notes" section for whatever reason it's there for! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  13. CL, I know! I saw those too. Pity, like you I'd love to have a Mariner, WillyVictor and Whale (freeware, no-strings-attached-versions) in game
  14. Better start looking for it in the Gobi Desert

    about the average depth of the Atlantic ... and that area (iirc) is an abyssal plain
  15. File Name: XvT/BoP - Independant Operation: Corbin Resists File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 31 October 2015 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT/BoP - Independant Operation: Corbin Resists 10/28/2015 (works with original CD versions and new GoG version) The story line: You are a member of the Corbin Defense Force, a people that is proud, strong, if not haughty. They have refused to join the Empire, and have in such manner been punished by the Empire. Not wanting to seek refuge in the so called Alliance, they have decide to take it up to themselves to pay back the Empire and get revenge for all the lives lost on Corbin V. All missions are in order, and it is up to your honor only to proceed to the next one only after having won the current mission. Of course, they are all fun and can be easily be played out of the story. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! Good luck and good flying! Wrench Kevin Stein original mission set by Xcrown, circa 199-something Click here to download this file
  16. you do NOT need the airplane itself, especially an outdated data ini. All you need are the cockpit bits (bmps, tgas, lod, etc) cockpit ini avionics ini and make the appropriate entries in the A-6A.ini (or A-6E, E-TRAM, or EA-6B for SA2NA)
  17. have you tried ordering flight 2 (where 1-4 is) to do something?
  18. Version


    XvT/BoP - Independant Operation: Corbin Resists 10/28/2015 (works with original CD versions and new GoG version) The story line: You are a member of the Corbin Defense Force, a people that is proud, strong, if not haughty. They have refused to join the Empire, and have in such manner been punished by the Empire. Not wanting to seek refuge in the so called Alliance, they have decide to take it up to themselves to pay back the Empire and get revenge for all the lives lost on Corbin V. All missions are in order, and it is up to your honor only to proceed to the next one only after having won the current mission. Of course, they are all fun and can be easily be played out of the story. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes! Good luck and good flying! Wrench Kevin Stein original mission set by Xcrown, circa 199-something
  19. cockpit moving map displays (usually) read the terrain you're flying over planning maps. unless there's something wrong in the cockpit ini itself
  20. my question is: why is an American MP guarding an East German MiG?? Defector, maybe??? but truth, nicely done set ups!
  21. have you checked the nation in the skin's texture set ini? does it use decals or painted on markings? can you post the relavent sections of the data ini, and texture set ini, and decals ini (if used)
  22. if I could find that nat geo map, I would definitely include it!!! :) edit: I think the actual count of 'specials' for Hanoi is 11 tiles -- the river/city ones, the lake in the middle, the large lake to the n/w, etc
  23. no, it would be easier to actually rebuild "a specific tile" by redoing all the TOD building on it, to create the open space wanted to place the SAM truck. This means creating (what I call) a "special" tile that's only used for that purpose (3 examples below, all of Hanoi circa 1945. there are at least -as I don't exactly recall- 5 custom specials for just Hanoi)

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