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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. We (the admins) have been getting some well, complaints, about the lack of information on some of the recent uploads. This is just a reminder to all CA Members that are making mods and uploading them. We always appriciate the contributions, but pleas follow these guidelines!! ==================== Important Information on File Upload Policies and the Minimum Requirements Thereof: At the very minimum, the following is required for an upload here at CombatAce 1) A screenshot of the mod; not a photograph of the Real Life ™ item, but an in-game shot, so people can see what it looks like. For terrains/terrain mods, a shot of your favorite aircraft flying over the terrain, highlighting terrain features is a good one. 2) A quick, simple description, this is what shows in the Announcement Threads below, describing for WHICH 3W Game series; meaning if for ONLY SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI, or Only SF2 Series, OR is usable in both; what the purpose of the mod (is it a "What If..", or a mod of an original aircraft or mod of another mod, etc) Generally, explain the purpose and intent of the Upload. 3) Inside the uploaded zip, a COMPLETE readme with full instructions on How To Install, if other parts are needed and where to get them; etc. There are several dozens of REALLY good, clear conscise readmes around that one can base theirs off of (I should know - I wrote most of them!) Also, list sources and if using someone else's as a base PLEASE make sure you have permission (as in for TMF Products). If the mod is from someone that has signed the Freeware Accords, PLEASE make sure you list their name, and Thank Them for their Original Work. It's the civilized way, doncha know! Thank you all for you kind attention to details; working together we can only create better mods, and a better 3rd Wire Community! Wrench kevin stein
  2. Version


    EF-4C Phantom II (Wild Weasel IV) -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:V =ONLY=!!! First off, it should be stated that =ANY= of the SF2 series that have the F-4C_67 in their aircraft list, will be able to use this mod. Check your in-game player-flyable list to be certain. This is a semi-major overhaul of the EF-4C as released in 2004, based off the stock F-4C. THIS version uses the stock SF2/2V, etc, F-4C_67 version and accomplishes pretty much the same thing. Almost all decals are from the original version by Crab02, etal. The only new decal is the tailcode/fin color flash, and that one is based of a stock F4SqTail from 3rdWire, redrawn to add the proper squadron ZG code. Loadouts are all stock items, so no weapons pak is even required. The canopy is activated via an animation key; use Shift/0 to open and close. Mission statement have been reduced to "SEAD" and "RECON" (although, for a specalized, high value aircraft like this, even RECON is suspect). I was unable to find more information as to if the EF-4Cs were use for anything other than SEAD (unlike the F-105F/Gs, that were sometimes used for regular STRIKE missions) As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install. Wrench Kevin Stein
  3. never knew it could do that either! That's freeking AWESOME!!!
  4. is 'parked planes and helicopters that are terrain objects. not just those generated by the game during missions, but for us terraformers to add say, parked inside a hangar, or on the ramp area. both civilian (general aviation), comerical and military. For both Red and Blue air. we have a few scavanged from various sources and so forth, and some very old ones (1stGen) that are utterly awful (missing and open meshes, unmapped meshes, etc). So, I just thought after all these years, I'd just toss that out for our 3dGurus. thanks!
  5. <cough> sea level rise due to global warming, perhaps??? <cough> look good!!!
  6. I just tried the folder method last week and again Monday. For some stupid reason, the engine (tm) is not recognizing their existence. It would make things so much simplier that way; no need to rename or edit I wonder if there's a trick I'm missing in the _types ini or something. Any help or advice is VERY welcomed!
  7. yes, it can be done (robert shaw, battle of the bulge) judicious (sp?) hex editing and renmaing. that's how I have like 6(?) different skinned SH-3 SeaKings!
  8. they are literally scattered EVERYWHERE, but those stuntman listed will have many. Also, some in the 20s have a bunch more. best thing to do, is have another multi-terrabyte HD and extract them ALL. Easiest way to find things.
  9. What Souli said. Allen pointed me towards them now, If I can really stretch the requests ... open hangers large enough for Bears, B-52s, C-5s and C-17s to fit inside !!!!!!
  10. DA: not for terrain objects. Trust me on this. Each has to be individual, and created by renaming and hex editing. It might be possible if used as ground object. Here's the actual in game. DC3, helos, PC-6 C-130E (bandidos)***, SJ100 (737 stand in -- it's really small!) A310, 747, 707 ** bandidio Herc is the one with the 'extra cargo bits" now hidden inside the hangar behind it.
  11. Like maybe in the Downloads section, perhaps under "Cockpits" ???? Please? things posted in threads tend to get lost quite easily
  12. DA: while it'd be nice to have the individual airlines, it may not be truly necessary. Just a generic white-with-a-stripe 707 or 747 or whatever with the name tag "parked *** airliner". As to having individual models for each, that's pretty much what I've done with the static HH3's -- with minor hex editing and renaming, I've like like 6-ish(?) 'national' versions. The good news about that ,as they're terrain objects, they only reside in the terrain's folder, so there's no cross-contamination of say, Norwegian Sea Kings on a Iranian air field I agree with most of what Ant just said, excepting for the use of the 1024x skins. My personal opinion -- and it's just that, mine alone! -- is 512 is more than enough. The Catalina's shown above where in 2048; I reduced them to 512, and they look just fine. I feel ya' there, brother!!! Must haves!!! (if at all possible!)
  13. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NUTS!!!! well, sorry, I tried! you can always give it a zero point value, and it'll be 'untargeted"
  14. For those of you that have "The Forest Bowl" terrain, use the free camera when at an airfield, and look around, especially in the open hangars. I think they add a LOT of eye candy and depth to the scene. Even if they just sit there and get blowed up! Don't forget the WW2 statics, culled from the various WW2 terrains (many of which originated from "that dude") P-40E, P-38F/H/J, P-51D P47D -razorback and bubble top, Blenheim, Beaufighter, Me-262, Bf-109 E/F/G (iirc), FW-190, Hurricane 1, Spitfire 1/5/9 Lancaster, B-17F/G, Beaufort, Bf-110C, Ju-87, Ju-88, Re-2000, Re-2001, A5M, Ki-27, Ki-45, Ki-48 to that list we can add a few items that have come out of their payware origins, and are now (somewhat) freely available PBY (land and water) C-47 & DC-3, F4F, G3M, G4M, Hawk75N, Ki-27, Ki-21, Ki-30, Ki-48, P-36 B1B, 707, A-10C, AH-1J, C-17, C-130E/J, F1EQ, F-4E (IRIAF), F-5EM, F-14, F-16C, F-22, HH-60, KC-10, KC-135/R, MiG-29 (IRIAF) A-1 (various), A-4E, A-6A, A-26C/K, AH-1G, B-57B, C-7, C-119, F-4B/C/D/E, F-100D/F, F-105D/F, KA3B, MiG-17FS, MiG-21PFS, O2A, PC-6, RF-4C, RF-101, T-28D, TH-55 (Hughes 300), UH-1B/C/D Russo also gave me a Cessna T-50 Bobcat on floats too! Along with 2 version of the HRS/H-19, standard and navy style with folded rotors (see Bowl) I have the really old SF1 statics "he" built 1000 years ago (33 units) Some aren't soooo bad, others are just unbelievably horrid (missing parts, open meshes, etc) --- I don't (actually) think we need a new category for static aircraft, even if we can assemble the majority, maybe under "object mods" or "building", as they ARE treated like terrain object buildings. I truely appriciate the offer Jim, and will no doubt take you up on that!!!
  15. check the Anatolia, Panama and maybe the "eastern Med" map for PB bridge. It might fit your needs
  16. PureBlue did a long suspension bridge, with slightly downard curving ends. Is this that one?
  17. Indeed, that's true. You can't use the stock lods for statics. The landing gear doesn't show, and they look like derilects.
  18. Unfortunately, there's nothing WE can do about that. You have to (try) and contact 3W customer support and see what's what. Good Luck, and we hope you're able to get the game soon!
  19. I can't stop laughing !!! !!!

  20. don't forget, you can turn terrain objects on and off with the activeyear= and inactiveyear= in the targets ini, and also in the types ini. Actually, quite easy (well, ok me, as i've been doing it since dinosaurs roamed the earth -- and no Raquel Welch!) examples below: or this example from the _targets.ini Target[078].Type=AAA Target[078].Offset=541.14,537.89 Target[078].Heading=45 Target[078].ActiveYear=0 You can do that for whole target areas, too [TargetArea139] Name=NVK NARVIK FRAMNES Position=496138.00,1434012.00 Alignment=FRIENDLY Location=1 AirfieldDataFile=airfield_Büchel.ini ActiveYear=1970 InactiveYear=2017 Radius=5000 NumSquadrons=1 so, yeah, it's not too hard!!!
  21. like was said above you MUST have the color coded CV zones on the _water.bmp. and everything spawns randomly
  22. re: Santa Teresita air field. no need to make it neutral, just remove the airfield data ini call out in the targets ini. it then just becomes another area, with a non functional runway (i've done this before) as to the power station, sub-station, check out the "Object Liberary 1" (the "af***" items) there's a couple of industrial buildings, with smokestacks that can be made to work (af52 & af53). Also, the vPower1, 2 and 3 from VNSEA. These are high-tension wire towers (with no wires in between. they're the 3 objects to the right of vIndustrial4). And Julheim's and wingwinner's factory items.
  23. Looks great! I'm glad you took on this task! Many Thanks!!
  24. couldn't that be considered a move on the company to go greener???
  25. well, get a number and get in line!!! these moments are spreading!!!

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