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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I agree. The precedent was set with the Baltimore and Maryland
  2. that helps quite a bit! Bridges may be "problematic", as there's no rivers placed. The "undulations" of the terrain may prohibit their inclusion. I still have to build the Jordanian oil refinery complex at Zarqa, too
  3. When I have a chance, I'll take a look at it. I haven't flown over it in a looooooooooooooooooong time!! just to be safe, make sure all the ground objects are there, the cat pointer is pointing to (wherever) it should be, and the usual checks
  4. did you hex edit the tank lod internally to change the skin name? check the Attachment Type = iirc, it's W_Germany (with the underscore)
  5. just release it. that's what I did when I did the upgrade a few year back.
  6. radiators, yes. oil coolers, don' t know, but as it's a radiator??
  7. min/max extents are set only in max (but are possibly 'adjustable' in the data ini). More ot less, if I under stand them correctly, they describe the physical space the object takes up. I do recall GregoryP making adjustments to them on some of the AvHistory FMs. this is from TKs Mirage3C, from the fuselage section: you can see they don't exactly match each other, which is what one would assume (oh! that word!!) if they describe the exact "space" taken up the 'world'. As I under stand collision points -- and I'm probably quite wrong -- they are the spots that the model "touches" other things, like mid-air collisions, missile and gun hits, the ground and so forth. In truth, I think a 3d guy might have to answer that one, cause I might be waaaaaaaaaaaaay off the beam!
  8. In Today's Daily Mail

    great stuff!! Been on the HORNET some years back when we were in Frisco. Really want to see YORKTOWN at Patriot's Point. Of course, can't forget MIDWAY down south of me in San Diego, it's on my short list!
  9. do NOT mess with mass fraction -- that deals with the aircraft's weight and the energy needed to move it. Put it back where it was, as a good number of the FM parameters are based off that weight.
  10. Isreal 2 retiled (this will more match several other 'regional' terrains). Targeting enchancemts/corrections as well looking north at Port Said & Port Faud
  11. quote from an old sci-fi novel: "human engineers think in modules, don't they?" wbs, even these little bits (guns and turrets and such) look pretty damn good!!
  12. I'd say it looks pretty good. How does it compare the photos of the real one?
  13. you talking about Anson's Greece map? That thing was crap. Not even worth downloading. You might like better, the "Eastern Med" map (conversion of the ww2 North Africa) to modern times. Already sf2na compatable. Isreal2 is being rebuilt right now too. 90% retiled to 'new tiles', and the targets are getting major fixes -- many things were definitely in the wrong places and/or incomplete. Check the main screenshot thread for teasers.
  14. Madagascar is already been redone for SF2. One of Dave's (not so) secret projects. Be paitent (and yes, Lemurland is still there)
  15. one of my favorite lines from "!0 Commandments".... Into the molten wilderness of sin.... and sometimes, one pays for such arrogance (I2 retile test)
  16. as we are on the eve of getting a new, fully carrier-qualified Sea Fury for Korea, it has come to my attention that HMAS Sydney has NO escorts!! (we can't count the Darings, as they don't come online until almost 1960!!) This lead me to think about "what can be used as a stand in for the 2 Battle class DDs??" The only answer I've found is, using one of the V/W class (even with the MAJOR differences!!) as the 'best closest match'. as we are desperately short of ship building capacity (and our 2 major contractors are pretty full up with work), how would this sit with you all?? Obviously, they would be titled as "Battle class DD, SI" (for stand in). At the very least, it would give the RAN CV something to be escorted/protected by. -- next question regards the RAN Sea Furys themselves ... I've got photo evidence showing them in Korean waters with AND without the 'invasion stripes'. So... which scheme would be preferable to you End Users? 1) no stripes 2) with stripes thanks for you attention! edit: oppsy! only 2 Battles in RAN service! which makes for a 'odd' fleet!
  17. Then, perhaps you SHOULD DO SO??? Uploads policies and practices are clearly stated in this post, pinned DIRECTLY at the top of this forum Please read it http://combatace.com/topic/60088-a-reminder-before-you-upload-a-mod/
  18. Nice Osprey Video

    had 2 fly in on Tuesday to Santa Monica Airport, I got to see them hover and land. SO COOL!!!
  19. that's be totally cool! Carlo (soulfreak/7eleven) has it for final testing. I should get his report early next week. I will issue it "as is" with the Hunter pit, and if you manage to do one whenever, Stary, easily issue an updated/replacement cockpitThanks! in the meantime, I'm rebuilding israel2 with all new tiles (IME based, except for the farm and bergwald tiles), and retargeting. It's really starting to look good!
  20. test on medium setting, and see what happens?? Worth a try, at least!! :)

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