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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. sound like someone just forgot to renew it; like a driver's liscence or insurance. it's happened before, TK will surely fix it. as to the rest (more PC titles/DLC), who can tell???
  2. as is being discussed here at CA and also over at the DAT site, some "Odd Behavior" ™ is being experienced by well, a LOT of us Prop Heads This is mostly a newly induced bouncy bouncy in the landing gear it seems the Game Engine ™ has become overly sensitive, for whatever reason, to suspension spring and damping factors So, I've opened this thread, and will pin it to the top, so we all can post the fixes. Let's not clutter it with discussion; just post what the tweeks are!! (in other words, open a thread below to discuss, or in the Mods/Skinning Forum. thank you!0 --------------------------------------------- I've taken a look at the TMF/Mod Mafia Corsairs, in particular to the -1 series for WW2. this is what I've found, the figures below seem to slow down or almost eliminate the "leaning forward and flopping back" In the TaliGear section, change the spring and damping to the figures below: SpringFactor=1.0 DampingFactor=2.0 it's not perfect, but MUCH better Remember: this "fix" is for the TMF Corsairs ONLY!!! The aircraft you should adjust are the F4U-1 (birdcage) F4U-1A F4U-1D F4U-1C F4U-2 (NF) F4U-4 you may also want to have a look at the Corsairs in the KAW mod, and adjust as needed
  3. and all the top headers (descriptors of operational usage and formation control) will need updating, parking slots will need assigning, Detect Systems, weapons (ehh...maybe...) it's not just a simple "add this" like I said LOOK at the stock ones for guidence
  4. TOD objects, these are 3rd party (aftermarket), either Stary's or Polaks old ones. can't do nothing with 'em (except remove and revert to stock) -- they're built into the TODs. In fact, they ARE the TODs. With the actualy 3d objects, and the various tile's inis, they MAY be editable. However, they are all one pieces. so, can't do nothing with 'em.
  5. yes, there is from 3rd Wire: http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm and also somewhere in our SF2/Tools downloads edit: found it!! http://combatace.com/files/file/13040-3rd-wire-toolkits-april-2012/ disregard the 'for april 2012 patch level". It's the latest one, and works with all , to date.
  6. several threads around here, someplace, as we had to update ALL the naval vessels to NA standards when THAT came out if you can't find it, I'd suggest extracting and STUDYING the data inis for the stock CVs. It'll become apparent what's needed, data ini statement-wise, quite easily
  7. Damn its Cold!

  8. no. it always reads separate objects AS separate objects.
  9. please define; the question makes no sense. are you speaking of terrain object building or TOD object buildings?? pictures help a great deal
  10. wrong thread, GreenLan. use the regular threads, if you please this is for screenshots ONLY!! -------- on the Clyde, side Defender of Glasgow's distilleries!!
  11. same thing sf2 just puts them in a different place. Just remove "mod folder" from your mind, and use the "regular" folder names
  12. no, the stock 51D is better (at least for late models!!)
  13. gerwin's tfd tool exports water bmps. I use it all the time for that. caveat: the Madagascar terrain has a SERIOUSLY fucked up height field. the odds are, it will NOT generate a proper _water.bmp. You'd be best advised to make a copy of one of the planning maps, and using the propoer colors (in index NOT RGB!!!), paint the land water the relevant colors. (maybe planningmap3, and resize to 512x when done) in short: the terrain has major issues. modify at one's own risk
  14. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO B-17G Flying Fortress Pak 9/1/2013 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = **Note: Having any SF2 series game is HIGHLY reccomended, as this mod references the stock destroyed An-12. Also, due to modifications to various inis, and LOD exportation coding (Unicode) this mod will -NOT- work in1stGen games installs at ANY patch level.** This is the release of Veltro2K's B-17G Flying Fortress Heavy Bomber. This mod ONLY represents Forts used in the ETO. To eliminate any confusion with any other B-17Gs you may (or may not) have, your in-game displayed name will read "B-17G Flying Fortress (V2K)" There are 2 skins/decal sets in this pak. These represent 2 squadrons fron the 91st Bomb Group (of the 4), based in England... 322nd BS - in standard OD over Grey (folder is called "OD43") 323rd BS - in overall natural metal (folder is called "NM44") The skins make use of the "Start Date" statement, and will change accordingly in June, 44 from OD to NM. Although, historically, OD aircraft were seen up until VE-Day. All skins are in jpg format. All new Squadron Codes, plane-in-group and serial number decals were created. One may consider the serials as 'generic' in nature, but ARE correct for the model depicted, AND are actual serials for 17G's as used by both squadrons. It was impossible, however, to match serials to plane-in-group letters. All markings are decals, making in easier for skinners to recrate other ETO units (and by inference, MTO units). All lighting is historically correct. There are =NO= nose arts. Those with the desire (and talent) are encouraged to do the necessary legwork on research, running down the correct match between nose art, plane-in-group letter and serial number. The Skin templates ARE included. Look for the seperate folder "B17G templates -v2k", inside this zip. It should be noted, do =NOT= use this mod in a PTO-centric mods folder; these aircraft were NEVER used in the Pacific. Those wishing to recreate 15th AF (MTO) units are encouraged to do so. Engine sounds, pilot figures, BRAND new Hangar and Loading screens (in SF2 jpg format) are included. Bombs and guns are not included; you should have them already. Operational service dates are rounded to 'whole months'. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other EXCEEDINGLY!!!! important notations. The last round of patching (May/June/July 2013) seems to have induced some "issues" with Player Flown Heavies ™ Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  15. Aero-Naval V-156F Vindicators during the Battle of France (yah, I know it's a StandIn, but.. what the hell, right?)
  16. no, it cannot be moved. unless linked to a 'fake weapon'. it's just an EOCamera
  17. what, no Recaro tag??? (btw, good to see you back, Pete!!)
  18. perhaps contacting the person that wrote the campaign would be in order?
  19. because position offsets for ALL airbases are based with the runway at a N/S orientation.
  20. no, you can still merge them (which is done automatcialy whenever a game is installed to the 'core files'). what I meant was, don't use SF2I to BUILD a ww2 mods folder from. the options ini is found at the ROOT of every mods folder, up in the (in my case -your name will be different, of course!!) -- C:\Users\Kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 as an example a tutorial on Changing Year Spreads is here: http://combatace.com/topic/68224-adjusting-beginning-end-year-spread/ the Mk 9s have a service end year of 1953 (RAF), and an Export end year of 1957. The export end year also ties into it's userlist ini. The last year/user stated in the userlist is Egypt, 1955 (along with SAfrica, and the Netherlands in 54). So, again, you're outside the aircraft operational year range. (it should be noted at this time, the userlist for the Mk.9s IS incorrect, but that's for another day) It is safe to assume, that if you choose a Mustang, there's problems??
  21. Should I get First Eagles 2?

    JM: I never do things accidently
  22. is it even possible? To "export heightmap as bitmap", then REimport to create a new terrain (skipping the DEM importation bit, as I can't find the damn DEM site!!). Then, using autotile to fill it in with the proper regional tiles (ie: VNSEA)? Meaning: using said imported heightmap to create a height field for a new terrain? (as the original one is so totally fucked up, that not even I can save it) otherwise, yet another terrain for the dustbin of modding history (unless I can find the a DEM for it, and start fresh!)
  23. since I do massive amounts of hand tiling, that's no biggie!! (well, other than wearing out the mouse and my carpal tunnel....) well, shoot!!! THAT's no problem!!! LOL!! (well, other than needing stary's jungle tgas/tods....) Actually, gives me ideas!! I thank you kind sir!!
  24. Should I get First Eagles 2?

    Yes plane and simple

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