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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. well, we're finally getting the DLC OzMirage after nearly 18 months.... (edit: I released my version almost exactly 2 years ago in july 2010!!, and just shortly after TK said he'd have one. So, go figure...)
  2. File Name: Sea Harrier FRS Mk.51, Indian Navy Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 24 July 2012 File Category: Harrier Sea Harrier Mk.51, Indian Naval Air Service = For SF2 series Games, Full 5 Merged and/or SF2NA ONLY!! = -An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod- *As stated above you MUST have a Full-5 Merged install with SF2:NA, at the latest (6/2012) patch level to take advantage of the 'carrier operations' in brings. Also, you'll need any/all version of the game with access to the "bits and bobs" from the stock F-15A Eagle's avionics, as this is referenced for the LUSH variant. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do =NOT= download this, as you'll be unable to use it.* This package contians 2 complete aircraft; Sea Harrier Mk.51 (with 4 skins) Sea Harrier Mk.51 LUSH (upgraded, with Derby & New avionics) These aircraft have been upgraded to the latest patch standard (as of June 2012) and are designed to work in a Stand-Alone India-Pakistan mods folder. They have NOT been tested in an "all-is-everything-game install". It is highly suggested it be used as created. If used otherwise, you're on your own; as no support is or will be available for those not following instructions. They are fully carrier rated. All weapons are included (almost), including new 'loviz' gray fuel tanks for the LUSH and 'standard' Mk.51 with lo-viz skin. Rocket pods, Magic missiles and dumb bombs use stock 3rd Wire versions. All skins are in jpg format - End Users ™ NOT up to speed with the latest patch levels take note. Decal randomization is TRUE on all skins. Also included is a modified Nations.ini, and a new 'RanksINAS.LST', adding the correct rank structure for the Indian Naval Air Service. This goes into your /Flight folder. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for more details, and of course the credits -without the hard work of several people, this mod wouldn't be possible. For historical purposes, all the TMF Original Release Readmes are included. Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  3. File Name: WW2 Phillipine Islands by Edward File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 15 Aug 2008 File Category: Terrains Edward's Original WW2 Phillipines Terrain I've added an expanded notes and install instructions section to his original readme -- I highly suggest giving it a very close look. Enjoy! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  4. there are online convertes; goolge "RGB to hex"
  5. well, honestly, to bring it into the 'modern world', or even into a 'what if' PRC occupied northern section (Luzon, Mindoro, etc - Samar, Mindanao & points south 'blue'), you'd have to rebuild the targets ini completly from the bottom up, replacing all the WW2-style airfields with the standard ones ... to say nothing of regions that'll need retiling to fit larger airfields (clark, with a runway4), and a major expansion of populated places on all the islands.
  6. yes but you need to know the RGB color values, and then convert to hexidecimal, as that what the game reads
  7. knowing that they say is acually quite important ... if it's "somebodys" personal mount, then those go to Level=2 If it's squadron level marking, they can be Level=1 or =0 It matters
  8. of course as a lot of marcello's skins use painted on numbering, some multi-layering and redrawing of panel and rivet lines will be necessary. To say nothing of creating the proper decals. Sounds like just the project to 'dip your toes in', and get started with I'd say! It ain't that hard!
  9. be interestering to get a translation of them! Are the individual aircraft markings, squadron codes, or what!!?? arent Chinese fonts readly availble for download all across the web??
  10. NEVER edit your cockpit or avionics inis unless you're changed HOW the radars and such work. what radpig is asking is about the text displays, background tga, and HUDData info the things he want to change are found in the HudData.ini, located in the /FlightData.cat. Extract, place in /Flight folder and edit away to remove the backgrond from messages, you'll need to extract the MessageSystem.ini, again from the FlightData.cat, place it in the /Flight folder and edit the relevant line (by edit, we mean 'comment out', via double slash //)
  11. well, that still dosen't answer the questions as WHY relatively usefull files -things that we might want to know, to updated existing threat libraries, are no longer available. like RP just asked about the wavs ... they've always been availalbe in one of the Flight cats, no longer. One wonders if all the 'interestering' stuff --and really don't give a damn about the lods- has been put in Cat002
  12. open the avioncs ini, and change the rwr list pointer
  13. File Name: Naval Units for Inda-Pakistan Terrain File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 July 2012 File Category: Other Naval Units for Inda-Pakistan Terrain = For SF2 series Games, Full 5 Merged and/or SF2NA ONLY!! = -An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod- *As stated above you MUST have a Full-5 Merged install with SF2:NA to gain access to several ship lods this mod requires. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do =NOT= download this, as you'll be unable to use it.* This package is designed for use =ONLY= in a seperate India-Pakistan Game mods folder. There is a possiblity that it WILL work in an 'all-is-everything mods folder', but this is highly discouraged. You do so at your own risk; so expect little to no support in that respect. This package includes the work of many fine people, and they are listed in the credits. A good number have been 'nationalized' from WBS "RN Frigate Pak". A good number of others are modified from various other sources (read: WW2) This package includes the following ships: INS Delhi CL (ex HMS Achilles -yes, THAT one) INS Viraat CV INS Vikrant CV INS Talwar FF INS Nilgiri FF INS Rajput DD (based on SF2NA Kashin) INS Talwar2 DD (base on SF2NA Krivak*) PNS Taimur DD (ex-RN "C" class) PNS Tariq FF (Type21 from 1993 onwards) Weapons and guns have been supplied. Radar specs have been adjusted as best as possible to SF2/NA standards. For those not having added the 2 ship sounds, a new Soundlist.in is provided. For those wishing toadd just the sounds, and already have modified Soundlist.ini in their installs, it's a simple copy/paste of the relevant lines into your existing ini. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for more details, and of course the credits -without the hard work of these folks. this mod wouldn't be possible. *Krivak II used; INS uses modified Krivak III, but we use what we gots* Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  14. Yankee Air Pirate 2 compared to Strike Fighters 2?

    yes and no ... but we all know that story... DAT's had the Skytrain since 2005??(diremember); the WoI Expansion Pak adds it too. Kesselbrut's Invader has been in the download section since 2009 (ok, it's the K, but a few simple ini edits can remove the wing tanks and create the earlier variant, of which NM skins are pretty available, if knows where to look) even in sf2 (the version I had), RS left me cold ... I mean, one of the easiest things to make is hangar & loading screens; and they never bothered??? I understand they wanted to sell stories, but sheesh...give the users something to look at when selecting the birds.
  15. i wonder if we can simulate wing-delamination, due to faulty glues??? great start Ed!
  16. the Cyrano radar always sucked (even in real life)!!! Now, if you're talking ROSE upgrades, that's a hole different beast!
  17. "Tommorrow, When the War Began"* *go ahead, google it.
  18. and if not, ROSE style cockpits are already done (more or less...). The rest (expecially for the A variant) is a oh-so simple ini edit. my money is on the stock MIII pit; pretty much what was used at any rate when the RAAF took delivery of them in 1964 (them leaving service in 1988, and moving to Pakistan). I did butt-loads of research on the OzMirage when I built mine (available in our handy-dandy download section! )
  19. been waiting almost 18 months; he made reference to it about 3-5 days after I released my version (based on the stock MirageIII -that was then AI only). I can only hope he releases all 3 RAAF variants ... F, A, and F/A, used just before retirement. But at least mine have 100% historic serial, per each squadron.
  20. Version


    Naval Units for Inda-Pakistan Terrain = For SF2 series Games, Full 5 Merged and/or SF2NA ONLY!! = -An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod- *As stated above you MUST have a Full-5 Merged install with SF2:NA to gain access to several ship lods this mod requires. If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do =NOT= download this, as you'll be unable to use it.* This package is designed for use =ONLY= in a seperate India-Pakistan Game mods folder. There is a possiblity that it WILL work in an 'all-is-everything mods folder', but this is highly discouraged. You do so at your own risk; so expect little to no support in that respect. This package includes the work of many fine people, and they are listed in the credits. A good number have been 'nationalized' from WBS "RN Frigate Pak". A good number of others are modified from various other sources (read: WW2) This package includes the following ships: INS Delhi CL (ex HMS Achilles -yes, THAT one) INS Viraat CV INS Vikrant CV INS Talwar FF INS Nilgiri FF INS Rajput DD (based on SF2NA Kashin) INS Talwar2 DD (base on SF2NA Krivak*) PNS Taimur DD (ex-RN "C" class) PNS Tariq FF (Type21 from 1993 onwards) Weapons and guns have been supplied. Radar specs have been adjusted as best as possible to SF2/NA standards. For those not having added the 2 ship sounds, a new Soundlist.in is provided. For those wishing toadd just the sounds, and already have modified Soundlist.ini in their installs, it's a simple copy/paste of the relevant lines into your existing ini. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for more details, and of course the credits -without the hard work of these folks. this mod wouldn't be possible. *Krivak II used; INS uses modified Krivak III, but we use what we gots* Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  21. i absolutely don't understand why you'r shocked ... have you LOOKED at the region, like on large scale map?? And compared it to the existing planningmap??? to do what you want (and what EJ would like), requires a map that covers the western half and complete southern section of pakistan, the southern third of Kzakistan, the eastern third of Iran, to say nothing of the n/w arabian sea.
  22. there's at LEAST 3 threads on that very subject in the SF2 Knowledge Base. it's one of the Top 5 questions ever asked...
  23. if you use the stock 3rd Wire Nimitz, the problem don't exist? oh, that one.

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