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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I've passed some requests to the modler, and we'll see what he does. I did notice the piviot point is off on the flaps, they should also go back and down, but that'll be fixed. The fins may be too low, compared to some photos and drawings I used the Hawkeye's FM, including adding fake components (why does TK insist on using "**_mid_wing", when there isn't one???) It flys just like the E-2 (no surprise), except for bouncing it's butt!! But I've asked Veltro to recheck everything. thanks guys!
  2. Talk about necrothreading ... There's this little tutorial in our ever-overlooked Knowledge Base (this is from the SF/Wo* KB, and is a little dated) I'd also suggest heading over the SF2 downloads section, in particular the "Add On Cockpits" . However, iirc, Paladrain's Fishbed series of cockpit are located in the SF1 downloads. They work just fine in SF2
  3. you have to start ALL Of that in the Terrain Editor. The TFD is not designed for full-out tileing of terrains lat/long grids don't exist, they are constructs of the planning map good luck, you've picked the hardest thing to do in this game
  4. they're useless against fighters. Hence, they're used only on INTERCEPTORS, to down Russian bombers. That's why CAP is removed from the mission tasking (or should be) in the data ini
  5. We all know the game don't know one carrier from another!! I'll be they'll work fine on the RCN bird farms!!
  6. for those of you who've never experienced it ... ======== back on topic, GREAT play on words, Alfie!! Have you tried the torpedo attack mode yet? Pretty interestering!
  7. What is this B-52 carrying?

    what's funny, after the PDF fail, I went and did the usual search, and found the dual carrier as resin bits for the model kits!! https://www.click2detail.net/store/p64/1%3A72_GAM-87_Skybolt_Set_(Type_1)_for_B-52H.html both types of noses
  8. It's in the wrong category, and I'll be moving it to proper "F-16" one. Thank you for your work
  9. well, if one leaves the engine data sections alone, only the aerodynamic sections would need "replacement" Since these are "equalivant" to the E models ... Let me fiddle and I'll get back to you! Since the Fubat512 KAW FM greatly increases "pilot work load" -- you have to really make a conscious effort to plan and play out the engagement, maybe leaving it more relaxed might be better? Thank you for the compliment!! I always love seeing your work, and how GOOD it always looks. I know how much research it takes to get the serials/squadron correct!! EDIT: ok, looking it over, it HAS the latest KAW version of the FM, and all the hit boxes are also updated & corrected. I have nothing to do to this one, but simply enjoy flying it!! Thank you again, paulo!!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 NAA B-45B Tornado "Gunship" What-If Pack by Veltro2k 3/27/2021 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" This is the release of a "What If..." variant of the North American B-45B "Tornado" light jet bomber. This version is totally fictional, but the model itself is based on some modifications performed on a few "C" models (ie: the solid nose). This aircraft represents those as if they had entered service with the 84th Bomb Squadron of the 47th Bomb Wing. Historically, all bomber versions only served with the 47th in it's 3 squadrons. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All serial numbers are spurious, but are taken from another aircraft (also a bomber) of the same year vintage. There are 12 serial/buzz numbers. Squadron color markings ARE historically correct for the 84th. All necessary parts have been provided, with one caveat. The Mk.7 (61kt) nuclear bomb does =NOT= include the nuke explosion effect. As there are several around, you End Users (tm) may need to do some editing/renaming. I use the one from the Gunny Ordinance Pack. Other weapons include under-wing 5" HVAR rockets & rails, GP bombs, and torpedos. There are 4 20mm cannon in the solid nose. Unfortunately, due to needing a real gunsight (K-14), the bombsight won't/doesn't work. You may have to 'glide bomb' or best guess it. When in-game, you can identify this aircraft by it's Displayed Name on the aircraft Drop Down Selector. You'll see: B-45B Tornado (WI) The "WI" standing for "What If". As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE READ THEM!!! Also, please read the "Notes" for other info, "historical" notes and some operational suggestions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein with thanks to Veltro2k for building it
  11. View File SF2 NAA B-45B Tornado "Gunship" What-If by Veltro2k SF2 NAA B-45B Tornado "Gunship" What-If Pack by Veltro2k 3/27/2021 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" This is the release of a "What If..." variant of the North American B-45B "Tornado" light jet bomber. This version is totally fictional, but the model itself is based on some modifications performed on a few "C" models (ie: the solid nose). This aircraft represents those as if they had entered service with the 84th Bomb Squadron of the 47th Bomb Wing. Historically, all bomber versions only served with the 47th in it's 3 squadrons. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. All serial numbers are spurious, but are taken from another aircraft (also a bomber) of the same year vintage. There are 12 serial/buzz numbers. Squadron color markings ARE historically correct for the 84th. All necessary parts have been provided, with one caveat. The Mk.7 (61kt) nuclear bomb does =NOT= include the nuke explosion effect. As there are several around, you End Users (tm) may need to do some editing/renaming. I use the one from the Gunny Ordinance Pack. Other weapons include under-wing 5" HVAR rockets & rails, GP bombs, and torpedos. There are 4 20mm cannon in the solid nose. Unfortunately, due to needing a real gunsight (K-14), the bombsight won't/doesn't work. You may have to 'glide bomb' or best guess it. When in-game, you can identify this aircraft by it's Displayed Name on the aircraft Drop Down Selector. You'll see: B-45B Tornado (WI) The "WI" standing for "What If". As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE READ THEM!!! Also, please read the "Notes" for other info, "historical" notes and some operational suggestions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein with thanks to Veltro2k for building it Submitter Wrench Submitted 03/27/2021 Category What If Hangar  
  12. that's what Julheim did on his F4D Skyray. Oddly, I've gotten AI wingmates to fire their rockets in Scorpions (possibly because of the aformentioned cheat. As it's an A-A rocket, think "HasGrowl=TRUE". read the data ini for the MMHE1)
  13. What is this B-52 carrying?

    they're skybolts, but I can't cut the image out of my SSP book (stupid pdf reader....) the "Boeing B-52 In Action #1153" has a couple of picture of those missiles.
  14. that's how they work -- they were mass fired at the target, from a "crossing angle" (90 deg deflection) and one hoped for a hit or two. No prox fuses were ever used on any of the unguided rockets, from F-89 through F-86D and F-102s Are you using the original MMHE?? There is a 'better' one in the F-89 Scorpion v3 pack. It's called "MMHE1". Did them almost 10 years ago. It's a bit of a cheat, but they have a sustainer that keeps them flying straight, so they act more gun like. It's still a crap shoot, but with practice, you can get some hits.
  15. why didn't you just use the data ini from the Canadairs I did?? They have the updated KAW FM
  16. you don't repack them. you extract to a "location" (ie: a folder called, let's say 'extracted files'). Take out the ones you need, put them in the relevant folder withing the game's mods folder, and ignore the rest.
  17. SF2 NAA B-45A & B-45C Pack

    No, it wasn't. I think you're confusing strike aircraft (this bomber) with it's recce cousin (RB-45) but thank you for your compliment
  18. Having had to do that 3-4 years ago with an HD crash, I can tell you can't migrate the exes. The installers have to be run, just like the first time you got them. OTH, saving the mods folders is a brilliant idea; then you can copy/paste them over the (newely) created mods folders from the (new) installs IIRC, once the new mods folder are generated, you should (the operative word!!) be able to re-use the original (archived) Options and Version inis. What I did when I had to reinstall, I didn't. I wanted new everythings until I could copy over all the other folders.
  19. That is all far too much work, for far too little reward. Just let the game engine handle it. That's how it was designed. The userlist ini for all the aircraft, and the limited nations & nations list in terrains it there for exactly that reason. Why add more confusion? Also, nice to see you back again!!
  20. no disturbing, legitimate questions. THOSE are always welcomed!! glad you got it fixed!
  21. Ok, I have the lamp placed where it's supposed to go, but its not illuminating the runway in front! For some reason, it's lighting up (seemingly) sideways!) below are the specs for the light: //left nacelle only landing light// [LandingLight] SystemType=LIGHT Position=-4.97,6.55,-0.12 LightSrcOffset=0.0,0.00,0.00 Color=0.88,0.88,0.88 Brightness=0.05 LightSrcRange=65.0 CanFlash=FALSE LightNodeName=LandingLight IsLandingLight=TRUE the image below shows what it looks like. Can some one kindly steer me in the right direction in aiming the headlights?? (I was once licensed by the State of California (tm) to inspect and certify lighting malfunctions & repairs, but this one's got me!!) TIA!!
  22. not exactly perfect, but close enough to what I wanted!! (it's also a cool shot with the moon!!) thanks guys!
  23. (facepalm) duh!! it's been a hard year....
  24. yes, the fuck ups are included in the new games. July 2013 is the final version of the games

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