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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Fictional Starship Size Comparison Video

    for PC, and my Winge7 machine can run it (which I doubt) ... the trailer looks excellent
  2. Fictional Starship Size Comparison Video

    Right? What, no Moya?? otherwise, TOTALLY AWESOME VID!!
  3. No folding wings on those, iirc. So, any set parking slots for deck will be far too small. Just eye candy ... i wouldn't sweat it
  4. It's also exceedingly random in choosing Red Side. Based upon availability, exported yes/no, users (like EJ said) and general chaos theory <gr>
  5. View File SF2 Hawaii/Northern Pacific Terrain, Modern (v.2) SF2 Hawaii/Northern Pacific Terrain, Modern (v.2) 9/5/2020 - For SF2, Any & All (Full-5 Merged, + Expansion Paks REQUIRED!!!) This is a rebuild of the WW2 Hawaiian Islands terrain into a more "modern" version (1950s and later). This is NOT a WW2 version; it is for post-war into modern times. Do NOT use this in your WW2 PTO mods folder!! You must also have SF2NA are part of you merged installs. This was built and tested in the NA environment. You may experience longer than normal loading times due to the number of terrain objects. It should be noted, due to the inherent scaling issue in the SF series, objects placed herein are, for the most part, representative of their Real World counterparts. See "Notes" for more information. When in game, on the Terrain Selection drop-down, you'll see: Hawaii (Modern) Even though the folder remains in it's original name of just "Hawaii". As is recommended, unzip this archive to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's recommended you -read- the document through after unzipping, but =BEFORE= installing. As always, the "Notes and Other Nonsense" section may make for entertaining reading. Down in that section is a list of required ships that you're going to need!! I've supplied SOME items, but you End Users (tm) are responsible for all the rest. !!PLEASE!!! read the "Notes" section for more more detailed explainations of this terrain, and it's limitations. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 09/29/2020 Category Full Terrains  
  6. I forgot to mention in the read-me, that I REALLY recommend using the free-camera view, and 'vist' the Arizona Memorial. You can 'fly' through the entrance, into the 3 rooms. In the last room, the shrine, you can read the names of the fallen on the wall. We've never had ANYTHING even remotely like this in any of the SF games*, and I can't thank Swambast enough for taking the time to build it. *including FastCargo's Gateway Arch in St.Louis in the Mid-West USA map
  7. I guess it's like the Jordan River -- in some places it's not even 2 m across!!!
  8. Allen: why don't you assemble a package of them, and release them?? I mean, why not???
  9. there are, and have been, 2 ships (albeit of a stand in variety) on the MidWest USA and CubaOTC terrains for a great number of years High Endurance Cutter "HEC" Cape Class WPB It's not like there's a lot of shipwrights around anymore.
  10. something like a node name "engine glow". Don't some of the stock non-AB aircraft use something like this??
  11. It's a pity you missed the "All In One Package" TK offered earlier this year. It was $100 USD, and had EVERYTHING!! All 5 games, both Expansions Pack and ALL the DLCs. It was most def worth the money. Well, water under the bridge as they say. Mabye he'll offer it again in the future?? TK you listening?? Maybe at Christmas time???? (hint hint! wink wink, nudge nudge)
  12. iirc, those are just skins. you'd still need SF2:NA (North Atlantic) for the aircraft itself, and the associated avionics.dll
  13. It is HIGHLY suggested you have all 5 of the stock games -- there are many items in each of them, that are referenced in a myriad of 3rd Party Mods (tm). This is especially true for terrains and several aircraft. It's also suggested that one have the 2 stock Expansion packs, as they not only add many aircraft, but various weapons and "other needed bits". ( for example, the older Sea Vixen references the EE Lightning's cockpit and avioncs)
  14. For military docs, like FMs and TMs, there isn't a copyright issue (i think!). For other things, for example Osprey or Squadron/Signal, there definately would be.
  15. And... some are for aircraft that DON'T have cockpits (like the AI Migs/SUs)
  16. this one falls half-way-in-between what-ifs. The aircraft and unit depicted are real, but the Soviet BORODINO class* CV isn't. Testing the new Banshee, got this naval strike mission against the Soviet CVBG in the western Pacific. *iirc, it's included in one of cocas's what if red carrier birds. if not, it may be a seperate d/l. I don't remember -- age and all
  17. chugster, could you be a little more specific, please??? Like, any aircraft in particular?? 98.6% of all aircraft downloads do come with a cockpit. Some are even the correct ones! . I do know for a fact, there are several that do not, but have referenced readily available stock 3rd Wire birds (example: the AI Vampires made flyable using the stock Hunter F1 pit). Those would include a modified cockpit ini, that has the necessary tweeks to 'center' it properly on the new bird. But, for the most part, the answer is yes.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 A-26N Invader Nightfighter Pack 2/21/2020 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods" This is a mod of the WW2/KAW era A-26 Invader into a make-shit night fighter/interceptor as used by the French Air Force during the Algerian War of Independence in the late 1950s-early 1960s. This mod was started at the beginning of the year (as you can see from the date above), and got lost in the shuffle, what with all the world wide insanity. I now present it to YOU! Because I can't think of anything else to do with it!!! :) In the early 1960s, during the aforementioned war, 8 French Air Force A-26B Invader bombers were modified to carry an Air Intercept radar and were used to counter airborne smuggling of arms and supplies to the rebels. They were assinged to ECN I/71. This model is finished in overall night black, with standard AdA markings. All markings, excepting the French tri-colored rudder, are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. On the number list ini, you'll see 4 serial marked with the star (*). These have been matched as having been used by ECN 1/71. The other unmarked serials are just 'generic', but those aircraft were used by the AdA (either in Indo-china or Algeria or both). All other bits are supplied; sounds, pilots, weapons - including a "version" of the SNEB 68 rockets and rocket pod "modified" for air-to-air usage (inis only -- I've tagged them to use the stock 3W Matra pods. And they DO work, with a little practice.) When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop-down menu, you'll see: A-26N Invader (NF) Designating this as a "night fighter" variant. As is always reccommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Also, as usual, PLEASE give the "Notes" section a look at!! Good Hunting & Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein "Another Find From The Archives!!!"
  19. Cat Extractor or Mue's Tool Kit has an extractor in it
  20. those M-14s look a little on the long side ...and do I spy to BARs???
  21. will the hangers be functional (meaning: plotted static parking positions, if one or more are open) or just "boxes"?
  22. you can change an object's year appearence (and disappearence) in the _targets.ini Obviously, they must be listed in the _types ini with their "ActiveYear=" statement, but you can turn off and on individual entries in the targets ini This, for example, is from the unfinished Modern Hawaii rebuild: Target[081].Type=IOWA Target[081].Offset=105.00,587.00 Target[081].Heading=310 Target[081].ActiveYear=1998 TK did something similiar on the IME map, where he turned off an entire airbase (down in the southeast corner of Israel) So, you can have a Zil from say, 1955, and replace with a GAZ (or whatever) in 1985 -these years are just examples. It would look something like this: stupid copy/paste isn't formatting right, but you get the idea
  23. nope. they phase shift into another reality/dimension

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