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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. someone's been watching too many Iron Eagle movies. And don't we just love things hanging in space. None of this is new; this has been screwed around with since the first piston birds started showing up in 2005 or 06 Falcons require a station specific code. and they don't work for shit anyway. if you're going to step that deep into fantasy land, why not just build IR tracking HVARs ** and use the Mustang's built in rocket stubs (also been done 'way back when, with a different Mustang) ** ie: build/clone a new weapon from the existing 3W HVAR, as all that's required is ini work
  2. don't know, I've flown it!! (ie: made it flyable)
  3. Hold Her Steady Now!

    the beginning of aerial refuelling. Look up the Fokker "Question Mark" (iirc)
  4. this fucker does this all the time. guess it's time to dump his ass
  5. yes, looks like it was messed with by the modder. it happens all the time
  6. yeah, my work. always in batteries of at least 3 , with an EWR and/or a linked tracking radar (Firecan type) for soviet/eastern bloc units. One of the best things, are the recon photos taken over Cuba during the missile crisis. shows some nice layout for small and medium caliber gun units the book below just covers American stuff FM44_1 1965- US Army Air Defense.pdf
  7. also if they're under the "camonet", as the "collision mesh" (or the actual mesh of the object) interfers with the free flight of the projectile. Yes, I've seen it before because of that.
  8. yes they are, 5E, 5DE, 5SDE they're all 3W birds. You can tell, as the fuel tank is built into the aircraft lod. they're from DLC 28. check inside the main ini, and you should see the lod description as: if not, then you've got some "homebuilt" thats conflicting with something.
  9. delete any old data inis. it's a glitch caused by the "built into the aircraft lods fuel tanks". Or extract and replace with a new one
  10. Tell it brother!! I can't even count the time that frelling TE crashed on me with doing a "flood" fill of tiles or building TODs. Let's not forget the object limit for alphas and solids.
  11. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    it's pretty self explainitory. each line states the event altitude or distance from target.
  12. The Corona Virus Thread

    thank you for sharing that!
  13. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    iirc, meters, as is pretty much everything in the game. well, metric that is!!
  14. while I love the Vulcan's shape, I'd still vote for the Hawker Hunter (followed by the F-86)
  15. I, personally, find THAT statement highly insulting. I don't have to tell any long term members what I've gone through to bring out the best and most accurate product within the (serious) limitation of the game engine. Terrains for EVERY era .... BUT... I think we're seeing not only translation difficulties, but a general lack of understanding of the game itself, how it works under the hood, and how long it actually takes to bring out 95%+ accurate terrain map - or any other product. You all know that it took me 2 years for the KAW map so... So... for the first time in my 16 years involved with the SF series, I'm will to give the benefit of the doubt. (those that know me know that don't happen often, or at all)
  16. I have a backwards facing pilot, has been used on several things, and he was going to be the EWO for the A3D (should also be in the newest B-66 mods as well) With a little hex editing and renaming, can easily be re-skinned for what's needed. (may actually NOT be to necessary, as all pilot figure are folderized) can't remember who did the original work -- kjakker?? A3D_Nav.7z
  17. if you wouldn't mind, could you share you experience of making it through in the "Coronavirus Thread" in The Pub?? I'm sure there's a lot of us that will hopefully never experience it, but haven't heard any of the stories from survivors. If it's too personal or painful, we'll all understand. Stay healthy, friend!
  18. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    There's an AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI in ObjectData001.cat. What we've done, for example for say WW2 dive bombers, and many others, is ADD the AI sections to the specific aircraft data ini. They can be edited from there These are the relevant statements from the AI data ini: add and happy editing! (also, check out the AI sections in the WW2 dive bombers, SBD, SB2C, etc
  19. menrva has/is really doing a number on the map! Correcting target placments, place names, and the height field. The original map really is badly flawed (ask anyone that's been there -- and I know people that have) Good to see you back with us again! Stay healthy man!
  20. Well, THAT is interesting!!!
  21. I was thinking that too!!! Them's some detailed drawings too! hmm.... wonder if we can get gkabs to build us the APC....
  22. check the load ini, and see if the RackType= name is there, and then check the /Weapons folder for that rack. If it's missing, you might need to hunt it down. Or tell us the name and we'll try and get it to you.

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