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Files posted by Wrench

  1. MiG-17AS Fresco, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)

    MiG-17AS Fresco-A, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara
    = For SF2, (Hopefully, For Any and All with Access to the MiG-17 Fresco-A)
    This is a re-packaging of the MiG-17AS, (iirc) by Starfighter2, as used by the Cuban Air Force. His original readme is also included, for you history buffs. As the FAR were the only users of the 17AS, this is a 'nationalized' version; both the _data.ini and Userlist.ini reflect this.
    It makes use of (almost) all stock items, in particular the Fresco-A's lod. So make sure the plane-jane MiG-17 (no suffix letter) is available in your game install. In a pinch, you can edit the main ini to point to the MiG-17F lods, as they are mapped identically (don't forget to rename the skin maps to match the 17F's). A slightly revamped/repainted version of the "F6 Pylon" pak has been included for the outboard Atoll mounts.
    The skin is a base natural metal, with a partly repainted (from a partial template) tail bmp to add the FAR rudder flash. New Bort number decals have been created for the approx 40 used by the FAR (*note: this number of aircraft may have also included standard Fresco-A and Fresco-C). These numbers are 'best guess', as only a few listings had been found during my research. The font used is also the closest match I could find.
    The cockpit is Ordway's Mig Pit. The avionics ini has been 'tweeked' to add the radar ranging gunsight. A new 'generic' MiG-17 Hangar screen is included (albeit with Soviet markings on the aircraft). The canopy has also been activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it)
    As always, please READ the enclosed 'readme' for full, detailed install instructions.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)

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  2. MiG-17F Fresco 1024x Skin Templates

    MiG-17 Fresco 1024x Skin template:
    These are new templates, based off and resized from the original little itty bity ones as originally issued by 3rd Wire. I call these "semi-HiRez, as they are now resized to 1024x1024...to me HiRez is anything OVER 2048!!
    This set is designed to allow you to create new skins, either natural metal or camoflague types. I have NOT plotted out the overlaps for camos, but this can easily be done in you imaging program (Photoshop, Gimp, PSP, etc) by enlarging the camo skin bmps, and adding them as another layer. Repainting should be relatively easy after that.
    I've redrawn, as best I can, all the panel, rivet lines, inspection plates, etc. Some of the rivet placement is a 'best guess', as the original size of the bmp was ONLY 256x256, and are badly blurred. (apparantly, the original builders like to add a lot of "noise" to the skin map)
    Please read the enclosed readme for more note from General Interest (an fascinating sort of fellow!!)
    Happy SKinning!
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)



  3. MiG-17PF (SP-16) Upgrade Pak Ver.2

    MiG-17PF (SP-16) Fresco-D upgrade for SF/SG/ WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2 & SF2-V
    UPDATED 4/21/09

    This version is designed to completly REPLACE the mod I released some time ago.....
    This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF (SP-16) 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor. This has been tweeked to use a modified UV-16 rocket pod as an air-to-air weapon, along with new-ish versions of the S-5 unguided rocket. This aircraft is also equiped with the RS-2U 'Alkali' beam-riding missile. This mod also makes ue of the 'station specific code' for the rocket pods, disallowing the use of other weapons as a saftey measure.
    Most of the data for this weapons tweek was worked out by Lexx_Luthor in a thread over at the 3rd Wire Message Boards, using some data I've discoverd in the past. (see "Notes" section below for more details). The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's, so they are the most current.
    There is also a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines.
    And, ONLY available in this mod, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen; the original 'artwork' type is also still included
    You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the new rockets and rocket pod, if you are adding this mod for the first time. However, there HAS been a slight change in the UV-16AA rocket pod. These changes are documented below, in the "Weapons Installation" section.
    As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions.
    Or, in other words.....
    You WILL also be reading the enclosed readme, by order of the State Ministry of Instructions, which contains fully detailed, step by step procedures for installation. There is also a substantial section by Comrade "General Notes", that you will find interestering and explanitory. If not, the uranium mines of Siberia await....

    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)

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  4. MiG-17PF Fresco-D Upgrade Pak - Ver 2

    MiG-17PF Fresco-D upgrade -Ver2.0 for SF/SFG/ WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2 & SF2-V


    Updated to Ver. 2 4/20/09

    This version is designed to completly REPLACE the mod I released some time ago.....
    This is an almost complete rebuild of Madcaddie's MiG-17PF 'Fresco-D' limited all-weather, radar equipped interceptor. This has been tweeked to use a modified UV-16 rocket pod as an air-to-air weapon, along with a new-ish version of the S-5 unguided rocket.
    Most of the data for this weapons tweek was worked out by Lexx_Luthor in a thread over at the 3rd Wire Message Boards, using some data I've discoverd in the past. (see "Notes" section below for more details). The Flight Model parameters themselves have been copied directly from the latest Fresco-C's, so they are the most current (as of the 08 Patches for WoE).
    I'm releasing the ENTIRE aircraft, minus the lods of course, as they exist in all versions of the game,
    EVERYTHING is included, all the inis, new 'SovietSilver' larger skin bumps, etc.
    Also included is the cockpit, basically Mago/Paladrin's MiG-21MF; with some small modifications to the radar display. And, ONLY available in this mod, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen; the original 'artwork' type is also still included
    This is a completly new skin, created from a new template, made by me, based off the original 3rdW units. I've resized it up to 1024x1024, with completly redrawn rivet and panel lines. Also included is a revamped "M17PF.bmp" for the nose radar bubble, also resized and repainted.
    You =WILL= be using the weapons editor to add the new rockets and rocket pod!!!!!
    As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions. Well, almost easy...don't forget you'll be adding weapons, if you've not downloaded this before...
    Happy Hunting!!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  5. MiG-17PFU Fresco-E Upgrade Ver. 2.5ish

    MiG-17PFU Fresco-E upgrade Ver.2 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2/SF2-V


    Version 2.5ish Upgrade 4/20/09

    This is a simple upgrade that will bring this aircraft to the latest patch standards (08 Level)
    This is ALL the other mods complied into a complete package, all inclusive, and is designed to TOTALLY replace any earlier upgrades..
    The changes implimented herein are mostly in the switching of the Izumrud nose bubble to a 'pilot seat', ala FastCargo's trick. This will allow it to show on aircraft parked on the line. Included is Mago/Paladrain's cockpit from the PFM. While not a perfect match, it's the 'bestest closest fit', and works REALLY nicely!!
    The avionics ini has been updated to include an audio-only RWR; not sure of what type, probably some kind of a Serina, but it does work. The cockpit ini has also been modified to use the original style radar and radar display that Pasko created. No other changes have been made to it. So the instructions given in the original 'readme' still apply for target aquisition, tracking and firing. The is the 'Interception Procedures.txt' included in the main folder.
    You'll also find an updated data ini to 08 standards The data ini also has had the gun aim angles adjusted to fire almost perfectly through the center of the sight. Given the lack of ammo in Red Air, this ought to be a big help. You'll also find working landing lights for those pesky night intercepts....you never know when the Political Officer will wander across the runway, drunk as a skunk. This'll allow you to see him and swerve to miss (or not)
    It is designed for use with any/all weapons paks, or none. I've incuded the Alkali A & B missiles from the 06 Bunyap Pak; still in their RS-2US and RS-2U naming conventions, in the 'seperate folder' format now usable in all post patch games. For those with SF2 and SF2:V, the weapons data ini for each missile is included in each of the folders. As I don't have these games, you all'll have to figure out the numbering on your own. But, with TKs release of the SF2 weapons editor, this should pose no major problem
    As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)

    1 comment


  6. MiG-19 New 1024x Natural Metal Skin

    MiG-19 Farmer New 1024x1024 Natural Metal Skin
    This is simply a re-do of the stock 3rd Wire MiG-19S Farmer-C skin into a larger, higher resolution unit. This is a simple replacement for you stock, itty-bitty ones. I call them 'semi-hirez', as they're only the 1024, which is a pretty good size for 98.6% of all the machines out there.
    All the panel and rivet lines have been redrawn, and it's painted a generic 'natural metal' color.
    Please see the enclosed readme for simple install instructions (nothing complicated this time!!! )
    kevin stein


       (2 reviews)



  7. MiG-19P Farmer-B Mod

    This is a modification of the stock MiG-19S Farmer-C into the limited all weather, radar equiped 19P. Since the base aircraft exists in all versions of the game, no LODs are included. In fact, everything, but the radar nose, cockpt, and few other bits, are all stock items!
    =NOTICE: you MUST have the latest weapons pak installed to make use of the Izurmud radar nose, and missiles!!=
    Hopefully, you'll have Magoo & Badger the Bad's MiG-21PFM's cockpit around somewhere, as you're going to be needing it!! If you don't have it, go and get it. You'll probably be wanting it for your Fishbeds anyway, so head over to "SF/WoV/WoE" downloads section, and pick it up!!
    This package includes some 'new' weapons, so you'll be using the weapons editor to add them.
    There are full, detailed install instructions in the readme. There are also some explinations as the the "what's and wherefore's", and an extensive credit list.
    Most of the credit goes to Lexx_Luthor, for his ideas concerning the 'radar bubble' nose, on this and 19PM Farmer E.
    Happy Hunting!!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  8. MiG-19PM Farmer-E Mod -Ver 2.0

    MiG-19PM Farmer-E upgrade Ver.2 for SF/SFG/WoV/WoE/WoI and maybe SF2/SF2-V


    UPDATED to Version 2.0 5/5/09

    This is a simple upgrade that will bring this aircraft to the latest patch standards (08 Level)
    This is ALL the other bits from before complied into a complete package, all inclusive, and is designed to TOTALLY replace any earlier upgrades.
    The changes implimented herein are mostly in the switching of the Izumrud nose bubbles to a 'pilot seat', ala FastCargo's trick. This will allow it to show on aircraft parked on the line. Included is Mago/Paladrain's cockpit from the Mig-21PFM. While not a perfect match, it's the 'bestest closest fit', and works REALLY nicely!! Other data ini edits remove all 3 gun barrels and the xtra weapons pylon. A new skin, based off my 1024 templates is also included, with the ejection ports and fusleage gun-blast shielding removed. Decal ini edits move the bort numbers aft and make them slightly smaller; meaning they're not -quite- correct, but at least now something will show up on the nose. For those wishing to resking for Czech or Hungarian usage, you'll have to plot the new postions yourselves, as they placed them on the aft fuesleage.
    The avionics ini has been updated to include an audio-only RWR; not sure of what type, probably some kind of a Serina, but it does work. The cockpit ini has also been modified to use the original style radar and radar display that Pasko created. No other changes have been made to it. So the instructions given in the original 'readme' still apply for target aquisition, tracking and firing. The is the 'Interception Procedures.txt' included in the main folder.
    You'll also find an updated data ini to 08 standards. I've split the Alkali stations, to allow for a "mixed" loadout of either/or the IR or SAH versions of the AA-1, even though I've turned up nothing that says that a mix could be used. It's part of my gaming belief system "playbility & fun sometimes takes precedence over historicality" (and everyone knows what a stickler I am for historical correctness!!)
    The original 'box-art' style hangar screen is included, along with a new WoE 'on the runway' version, so you can choose which you like best.
    It is designed for use with any/all weapons paks, or none. I've incuded the Alkali A & B missiles from the 06 Bunyap Pak; still in their RS-2US and RS-2U naming conventions, in the 'seperate folder' format now usable in all post patch games. For those with SF2 and SF2:V, the weapons data ini for each missile is included in each of the folders. As I don't have these games, you all'll have to figure out the numbering on your own. But, with TKs release of the SF2 weapons editor, this should pose no major problem
    As always, it's reccomened you unzip this package to a temp folder, or your desktop, to gain access to the rest of this readme for the full, easy to follow install instructions.
    Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  9. MiG-19S 1024x1024 Skin templates

    MiG-19 Farmer 1024 Skin template:
    These are new templates, based off and resized from the original little itty bity ones as originally issued by 3rd Wire. I call these "semi-HiRez, as they are now resized to 1024x1024
    This set is designed to allow you to create new skins, either natural metal or camoflague types.
    I've redrawn, as best I can, all the panel, rivet lines, inspection plates, etc. Some of the rivet placement is a 'best guess', as the original size of the bmp was ONLY 256x256, and are badly blurred.
    The base skin color is a 10-15% gray, which when adjusted for in the textureset ini, will look like semi-polished natural metal.
    Please see the enclosed readme for more information, and other interesting tid-bits.
    Happy Skinning!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)

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  10. MiG-19s, Iraqi AF Generic Camo

    MiG-19S/F-6 "Farmer-D" Iraqi Air Force skin and decal set; for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and probably SF2
    This is a new skin for the stock 3rd Wire Mig-19S. I assume it's "representative" of Farmer-D as used during the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s. Filling a request for one of the CombatAce members.
    This skin was created using my home-grown 1024x1024 templates, where were based off the original 3W skin maps, resized and with redrawn panel and rivet lines. The camo pattern depicted here is also loosly based off the Syrian AF as seen in WoI. The colors are as close a match as I could make, given the lack of visual information available on the web. Basically, it's a "sand and spinich" as seen in a profile on ACIG.
    A VERY simple, easy to follow readme is enclosed with REEEEAALLLLYYY easy instructions.
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  11. MiG-21F Fishbed-C, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)

    MiG-21F Fishbed-C, Fuerza Aérea Revolucionara (Cuba)


    = For SF2, Any and All, Merged or Not, With Access to MiG-21F =

    As stated above, you MUST have an install that has the MiG-21F in it. As this is pretty much ALL installs, it should work in all types, merged or not. It also assumes you've made the aircraft flyable. If not, consult the CombatAce Knowledge Base for instructions.
    The skin is a base natural metal with a partly repainted (from a partial template) tail bmp to add the FAR rudder flash. The stock in-game Bort number decals are used, as all the photographic evidence seems to point that way. (in fact, other than the repainted tail bmp, everything is stock!)
    The latest (as of 1/11 patch) _data ini is included, as I've activated the canopy, and included a modified Loadout ini, that adds the centerline drop tank to the base Air-to-Air loadout, and reset the RECON loadout. The engine sound has been set to the old TMF "MiGEngine.wav" (not supplied), but there are several good/better ones out there for you to find.
    A replacement main ini (MiG-21F.ini), and a NEW avionics ini that activates the gun-ranging radar are included. When installing allow for the overwrite. Any other skins will be automatically added (so, not to worry!)
    The canopy is activated via a manual animation key (use shift/0 to open and close it). As all the decals used are stock, there are no additional decals to be added.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, highyl detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Kevin Stein


    1 comment


  12. MiG-21MF 1024x templates

    MiG-21MF Fishbed-J 1024x Skin template:
    These are new templates, based off and resized from the original little itty bity ones as originally issued by 3rd Wire. I call these "semi-HiRez, as they are now resized to 1024x1024...to me HiRez is anything OVER 2048!!
    This set is designed to allow you to create new skins, either natural metal or camoflague types. I have NOT plotted out the overlaps for camos, but this can easily be done in you imaging program (Photoshop, Gimp, PSP, etc) by enlarging the camo skin bmps, and adding them as another layer. Repainting should be relatively easy after that.
    I've redrawn, as best I can, all the panel, rivet lines, inspection plates, etc. Some of the rivet placement is a 'best guess', as the original size of the bmp was ONLY 256x256, and are badly blurred.
    The base skin color is a 10-15% gray, which when adjusted for in the textureset ini, will look like semi-polished natural metal.
    (the accompanying screenshot shows this new skin, with the 'Blue Bort' number decals)
    Happy Skinning!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  13. MiG-21MF Fishbed-J "Global Sedition"

    "Global Sedition" MiG-21MF Fishbed Skin/Decal Pak


    -- For SF2, any and all that have the 21MF --

    Yet another in the Series of "Things I'd Forgotten I'd Done, and Found On My Hard Drive"...
    This is, basically, a redecalling of the stock MiG-21MF, but with new insignia decal for the 'Global Sedition' (an Evil Force ™, bent of World Domination (etc, and so forth). It's just another skin that can be used in the "What If..." world of the GS vs the North American Alliance.
    Just for fun!
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  14. MiG-21MF Fishbed-J, EAF, Hi-Viz Markings

    MiG-21MF, EAF, Hi-Viz Markings
    = For SF2, Any/All (albeit Designed with SF2:I in Mind) =
    A simple repaint for the stock MiG-21MF Fishbed-J in Egyptian Air Force service. This skin repsents 'late model' versions with the Hi-Visibiliby Orange Triangles.
    Based off the stock skin, and run though my Home-Grown Template Set ™; all markings use stock in-game items.
    This skin makes use of the 'start default year' statment in it's textureset.ini, and is set for 1983. My "best guess" as based on photos and other researched kinda stuff.
    This skin is in jpg format for post-Nov 2011 patch level. If you are not at that level (for whatever insane reason), you'll have to convert them back to bmp. Also included are slightly modified Data and Loadout inis, making some small, but needed, adjustments. The canopy is activated via the Standard Manual Animation Keystroke ™ -shift/0. The engine sound has been changed to the TMF "MiGEngine.wav", also included.
    It is also quite possible this skin can be adapted for use on other Fishbed variants, as used by the EAF.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
    Obviously, this mod makes the assumption (Oh! That Word!!) you've made this aircraft flyable.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein




  15. MiG-21MF, Fuerza Aérea Ejército de Nicaragua

    MiG-21MF Fishbed-J, Fuerza Aérea Ejército de Nicaragua


    For SF2 only, Full-4 Merged (or possibly unmerged) Game installs

    Just a little something I started a couple of years ago; thought I'd just go ahead and finish it off.
    Represtents fictional MiG-21MF Fishbed-Js, had they actaully arrived and gone into serivice with the Nicaraguan Air Force. This mod makes use of pretty much all stock items; weapons and so forth (excepting the cockpit by Palandrin), just using ini edits to create this "What If..." bird. It is a Nationalized, non-exported, single user aircraft. A new hangar screen, SF2 style only, is incuded. The canopy has also been activated via an animation key, use Shift/0 to open and close it.
    It'll probably work in ANY install, merged or not, as the 21MF is pretty much a stock- in-all versions aircraft. It may even work in SF/Wo* at the 08 patch level, but this has =NOT= been tested. Some minor editing, to remove the UserList callout, and some changes in the Data ini will be necessary for 1stGen usage. All inis are saved in ANSI, for ease of possible backdating. This has NOT been tested, however, and you do so at your own risk; no support will be available from this modder. Be advised, the data ini IS setup ONLY for SF2, making use of several SF2-only avionics statements and flight modeling.
    As always, read the enclosed readme text for fairly easy to follow install instructions, and a historical/semi-historical background in the "Notes" section.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    PS: another that should be in the "What If..." section, but be that as it may....


       (0 reviews)



  16. MiG-21UM Mongol by AmokFloo

    MiG-21Um "Mongol" by AmokFloo
    = For SF2, Any and All* =
    *Reccomended for Full-4 merged, as it references some decals from SF2:E and SF2:I*
    Fairly Complete SF2 package of the MiG-21UM "Mongol", with a collection of skins (well, those that I had ... feel free to add others!). 10 skins/decal sets are included in this package. Looking through the 1stGen downloads shows several more skins that can be easily added.
    You have these skins in this package:
    4 Indian AF (24 Sq, 101 Sq, HAL, IAF Gray)
    2 Czech
    1 East German
    2 Soviet (NM & Camo)
    1 "Generic" overall Desert (tagged for EAF)
    A new "Userlist.ini" is included (may not be fully accurate, and changes/updates are welcomed!). Minor tweeks to data, loadout and avionics inis. The avionics ini now as a gun-rangine radar and an audio-only RWR. A new Hangar screen is also included. All lighting has been adjusted to fit the aircraft, however, a landing light was NOT added. It also references the 'MiGEngine.wav' from TMFs MiGs (not included)
    Decal randomization is set to true, for the most part. With a little luck, I got them all dialed in correctly!!! Feel free to make any/all adjustments and correction.
    Weapons, with the exception of the MG pod are NOT included, as they use all stock in-game items.
    The KV-1 seat is also included in the /Pilots folder.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


       (4 reviews)



  17. MiG-25PD Foxbat-E, Libyan AF

    MiG-25PD Foxbat-E LARAF Mod
    A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
    This package will create a complete 'nation specific' aircraft; the MiG-25PD as used by the Libyan Air Force. To make installation as simple as possible, EVERYTHING is included; the complete aircraft, cockpit folder (based off Paladrin's work, as included in the original Foxbat Pack), all the inis, skin, etc. New serial number decals have been created, using the best intell possible; some are speculative, but based from known sources. Included in the data ini are my lighting fixes, as seen on the CA Message Boards.
    It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory. If using the BunyPak, no additional work is required; unzip and fly away!
    For those using the TMF Pak, I've included an alternate Loadout.ini, that using the same NATO style naming conventions for the Soviet/WarPac weapons (See Install Instruction below). The data ini is already set for "WP,SOVIET", so you should encounter NO problems in that respect.
    As it is a complete aircraft, it also be usable in WoI, I've tested it in ALL iterations of the game, it works just fine. (See NOTES below for more)
    For WoI users: If you haven't added the R-40 missiles, as per the WoI Loadouts Thread at CombatAce, you WILL be adding these, so get your Weapons Editor warmed up!! Remember -- use the WoI ONLY WepEditor!!!
    Included are new Hangar and Loading screens; 2 Hangars actually, one is SF/WoV/WoE setup, and one for WoI.
    PLEASE!!! read the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions, and the usual Notes and Commentaries.
    Happy Hunting!!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  18. MiG-31BM "Foxhound" Field Fix Repair Package

    MiG-31BM "Foxhound" Repair Package
    This package is designed an 'in the field' repair kit to fix several of the unfinished bits in the recently released Mig-31BM Foxhound.
    Included are tweeks to the data, loadout, cockpit, avionics inis, as well as several repainted bmps and tgas for the cockpit itself. Also, are 2 new APU-62 dual IR missile rails, with corrected weapons placement. These are based off the original units, but have been edited for use on the Foxhound -ONLY-.
    Other fixes include:
    Adjusting the operational years to more "Real Life" for this model, and making it "SOVIET" only
    Adjusting the cockpit position to match the pilot position on the external model
    Upgrading cockpit ini to the latest standard (SF/WoV/WoE); this includes adding the latest fixes for several intruments, post Patch 4
    Adding running lights and adjusting the Landing/taxi lights
    Adjusting the Loadout to fit semi-current knowledge and weapons; adding drop tanks,
    Repainting several cockpt bmps and tgas to have correct Cyrllic/Russian labels,
    Adjusting avionics, adding/replacing several display bmps/tgas
    Mod to decals ini, to use stock in-game bort numbers
    Several other tweeks I'm sure will become apparent as you fly (meaning: I can't remember them!)
    Addition of 2 "new" RWR sounds (can't remember where they come from)
    Switching over the engine sound to TMF's "MiGEngine"
    Unfortunately, there isn't anything I can do about the flight model, which still needs some attention by an expert. I don't have the understanding of how those things work, so .... it'll still 'bob and weave' as originally released.
    To complete the package, I've included The Insky Boys AA-9 Amos, and the weapons data to be added to your WeaponsData.ini, just in case you didn't have it before. Instructions to add the weapons in the 'Weapons' folder in the kit.
    Note: weapons loads are designed for use with the Bunyap Pak. If you're using another WepPak, you MAY need to add several weapons to it. This is of particular insterst for the A-G guided missiles (which are a 'best guess' at best!)
    READ the enclose readme for fully detailed, step-by-step instructions, plus a full listing of contributors. Without their help, I couldn't have fixed this bird
    Clear Skies!
    kevin stein


       (8 reviews)



  19. MiG-9 "Fargo" SF2 Upgrade Pak

    MiG-9 "Fargo" (by Timmy & Lexx_Luthor) -- SF2 UpDate Pak
    = For SF2, Any/All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
    An upgrade pack for Timmy/Lexx_Luthor's early Soviet Jet Fighter. This mod will replace any others, including the one I did several years ago. This'll give another early 1stGen Jet Fighter for the Red side, for whatever use you see fit to put it to.
    This is the complete aircraft package, with a new cockpit - a slight modification of Stary's Mig pit-, all new 90% SF2 compliant FM, and 7 skins (all the ones I could find). All weapons (ie: the drop tank) are included. You should already have the necessary guns, so they are not supplied. A pilot figure and seat are also included, as are new Hangar and Loading screens. Also new are dds damage textures.
    The skins are basically the same as when first released, with the additon of a nicer natural metal Soviet by p10ppy (shown in the accompanying screenshot). The Soviet skins have been renamed slightly. Check the drop down on the loadout screen for the selection. Included is Timmy's fictional Polish AF camo*. Where necessary, all decal inis have been pointed to stock items; decal randomization is set to TRUE for all skins.
    *Please note, the Polish skin references bort numbers that may only be available in SF2E*
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! Don't forget the 'Notes' section for other usless information, clarifications, and general ramblings.
    For historical purposes, the Original Release Read-me is included. Other credits are listed further down this (the readme) document.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


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  20. MiG-9 Fargo (upgraded for SF2)

    MiG-9 "Fargo" -Update Pak for SF2 (all, merged or not)

    This is a "minor" rebuild of the flight model for this 1st Generation Soviet Jet fighter by Timmy. It borrows heavliy from other work; I've just tried to combine and adjust to get it a little better (it's like around 110% better than it was!)
    Everything has been tweeked to SF2 standards; folderized decals for the PLAAF skins, use of stock in-game decals for Soviet Borts (and some other decal tweeks), the 260gallon/900 liter drop tanks, my semi-craptastic "PilotER" (we really do need a new early soviet jet pilot figure!) and the 'migengine' sound borrowed from TMF's MiG-21F, a new SF2-style hangar screen, and cockpit (modded from Kesselbruts Spitfire pit, called "1JetCockpit", that while not perfect, works pretty damn good). Instruments are still in English characters, but have been converted to metric readings in the cockpit ini.
    This is a complete aircraft, ready to unzip and fly away. While the flight modeling is VASTLY improved, it could still use a little fine-tuning. I welcome compentent modders to take this one, and bring it all the way home.
    As always full, detailed install instruction are included in the pack, so READ them!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  21. Mirage 2000H "Vajra", Indian AF

    Mirage 2000H "Vajra", Indian Air Force
    =For SF2, Any & All* =
    -An additon for the India-Pakistan Mod-
    *Note: reccomended/required to have at least one stock 3W Mirage available in your game install(s), as this aircraft references the Mirage destroyed model for it's own*
    Modifications/Corrections/Additions and general 'clean-up' of the M2000H from ace888's "Foreign Users Pak" create a more accurate representation of the IAF variant. See 'Change List' below the Install Instructions for details.
    All skin textures are jpg, and Decal randomization is set to TRUE. All weapons, droptanks, seat, etc are included. Canopy operates on the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0.
    Skins for 3 squadrons are included;
    No. 1 Squadron "Tigers"
    No. 7 Squadron "Battleaxes"
    No. 9 Squadron "Wolfpak"
    Each skin uses the Squadron Crest as the paint chip on the loadout screen. A new SF2 compliant Hangar screen is included, as are 2 Loading screens to select from.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for a more detailed changes/corrections list. Be advised, this mod REPLACES the Mirage2000_HAL in its entirety!!! Do NOT install this mod over the original. You WILL create problems!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin 'wrench' Stein
    Sandesh 'ghostrider883' Kanchan


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  22. Mirage 3C PN (Panama Servicio Aérea Nacional)

    Dassault Mirage IIIPN, Servicio Aérea Nacional (Panama National Air Service) 7/20/09

    -- For SF2 Full-4 Merged Installs !ONLY! --

    This is a mod of the stock 3W MirageIIIC into a "What If..." MirageIIIPN if used by the Panama Air Force. It makes use of various stock lods, cockpit, and cockpit bits that are ONLY in a full-4 merged install. It is also completly non-usable in any 1stGen versions of 3W games due to extensive use of various lods, inis and tgas ONLY available in a Full-4 Merged install.
    Extensive editing of all the inis created a 'mix-match' of old and new; old airframe with modern avionics. All weapon fits, excepting the R-530F are stock. I've included the R-530F (and variants), for those that don't have Gunny's Ordanance Shop installed. The canopy has also bee activated, use Shift/0 to open and close it.
    You =will= be extracting the Nations.ini, to add the new nation of Panama. Instructions are below, in the "To Install" section.
    As always, it's reccomended -no, REQUIRED- that you read the enclosed document through before installing this mod. If you are unfamiliar with any procedures, post questions in either the Release Announcment Thread, the regular CA forums, or via PM to me. It really isn't all that hard.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    ps: should maybe have been posted in the "What If..." section, but that's Spinner's section!


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  23. Mirage III, Pakistani Air Force Pak

    Mirage III Set, Pakistani Air Force
    - For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged Installs -
    -- Another Addition For The India-Pakistan Mod --
    *Please note if not fully merged, at minimum, you =MUST= also have SF2:V, SF2:E, and SF2:I, as the ROSE Mirage references the A-7D_78 cockpit, and various "parts" from the F-15 and F-16 Netz. Hence, the call for "Full-4/5 Merged" If you do NOT meet these requirements, do NOT download this mod as you'll be unable to use it.*
    This pack contains 3 complete aircraft:
    MirageIIIEA (ex-RAAF, hence "A" for Australia), with ROSE upgrade
    MirageIIIEL (ex FAL, Lebannon)
    MirageIIIEP (for Pakistan)
    All skin textures are jpg, and Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Almost all weapons are supplied; several of the unguided rockets and the AIM-9L/9P use stock 3W items (of course, if you have 3rdParty ones in your install, it'll use them). ECM/CM pods have been updated to the latest SF2 standards.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! For Historical Purposes, all original TMF readmes are included.
    Dedicated to the memory of bpao; Oli you're missed!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin steinh


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  24. Missing Decals for Mosi FB.VI(S) 633 Squadron

    this is the missin decals folde for the "SOE" Mosquito
    unzip to a temp folder or your desktop, then copy/paste the "Decals" folder directly over your existing one
    sorry about that guys!


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  25. Mistubishi F-1 HUD Fix Pak

    Mitsubishi F-1 Avionics HotFix For SF2
    = For SF2, Full-4 Merged = ONLY!! =
    Updates for my recently released SF2 mod of the Mistubishi F-1 by Veltro2k.
    This package will update several main inis, giving the aircraft a full, complete working HUD with CCIP, IRM markers and other cool stuff.
    As this mod makes use of several items that are 'borrowed' from inside several different ObjectData.cats, it is absolutely =NOT= compatable or downgradable for 1st Gen SF/SFG/WoV/WoE usage.
    The full aircraft, to which this HotFix is to be applied can be found at the URL below:
    Again, this is for SF2, a full-4 merged install ONLY!!!
    As always, read the simple instructions included in the 'readme'.
    kevin stein


       (1 review)




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