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Files posted by Wrench

  1. Sea Harrier FRS Mk.51, Indian Navy Pak

    Sea Harrier Mk.51, Indian Naval Air Service
    = For SF2 series Games, Full 5 Merged and/or SF2NA ONLY!! =
    -An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod-
    *As stated above you MUST have a Full-5 Merged install with SF2:NA, at the latest (6/2012) patch level to take advantage of the 'carrier operations' in brings. Also, you'll need any/all version of the game with access to the "bits and bobs" from the stock F-15A Eagle's avionics, as this is referenced for the LUSH variant.
    If you do not meet this minimum requirement, do =NOT= download this, as you'll be unable to use it.*
    This package contians 2 complete aircraft;
    Sea Harrier Mk.51 (with 4 skins)
    Sea Harrier Mk.51 LUSH (upgraded, with Derby & New avionics)
    These aircraft have been upgraded to the latest patch standard (as of June 2012) and are designed to work in a Stand-Alone India-Pakistan mods folder. They have NOT been tested in an "all-is-everything-game install". It is highly suggested it be used as created. If used otherwise, you're on your own; as no support is or will be available for those not following instructions.
    They are fully carrier rated. All weapons are included (almost), including new 'loviz' gray fuel tanks for the LUSH and 'standard' Mk.51 with lo-viz skin. Rocket pods, Magic missiles and dumb bombs use stock 3rd Wire versions.
    All skins are in jpg format - End Users ™ NOT up to speed with the latest patch levels take note.
    Decal randomization is TRUE on all skins.
    Also included is a modified Nations.ini, and a new 'RanksINAS.LST', adding the correct rank structure for the Indian Naval Air Service. This goes into your /Flight folder.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for more details, and of course the credits -without the hard work of several people, this mod wouldn't be possible.
    For historical purposes, all the TMF Original Release Readmes are included.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (6 reviews)

    1 comment


  2. Seahawk F.1A, "What If..." Korean War Mod

    Seahawk F.1A, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm - A "What If..." mod for SF/WoV/WoE, Korean War installs
    This is a mod of Bunyap's Seahawk into a "What If..." version, as might have been used by the FAA during the Korean War. It's a sort of "kitbashed" version, as I've combined the F.1 and FB.3 versions, to give a sort of field-modification feel to the weapons loadouts. I say 'kitbashed', when perhaps I should say 'combined', as the F.1s never had any provisions for A-G munitions; no rockets, no bombs, no napalm -- just their guns. So, I figured, due to the extingincies of war, the MoD and/or crews in the field, perfromed a hack-job, and "borrowed" the mounts and wiring and other etc bits off other aircraft to give them the capability to load and fire the 60-lb rocket, so prevalent on RAF/FAA aircraft.
    The skin, which is 'borrowed' from the FGA.6, has been repainted, from a new partial template (new panel lines added where necessary), with the black-and-white Invasion Stripes used in the KTO for identification of Allied/UN/FAA aircraft (as seen on the Sea Fury, Firefly and Seafires). One of the best things about Buny's Seahawks, is they're all mapped identicaly, making the job soooo much easier.
    The skin represents 898 Squadron, Fleet Air Arm, embarked aboard HMS OCEAN in the very-late 1952/early 1953 time frame. New decals have been created by me, with serial numbers for 24 aircraft (probably at least twice the number in a Royal Navy carrier squadron). The serials are 100% accurate, as they ARE all from production F.1s, but since this is obviously a 'What If...' aircraft, they can't be considered accurate for the Korean War. (neither can the aircraft, but what the hell...it's a game and all for fun!!!)
    This is an almost full aircraft package, with all the inis, skin, new decals, lods etc. Excepting that NO cockpit has been supplied with this aircraft. However, for WoE users, I've included a modified version of the HunterFGA9 cockpit ini, with the pilot positon adjusted to match the physical model. In my estimation, it's the best one available, as it has that nice Post-War/1950s steam gauge look. As an alternative, for SF/WoV users, I've included the cockpit ini from my 'jet-modded-Spitfire pit'. You'll see it as "SeaHawk_cockpit.ini". You'll need to download my WW2:1946 Vampire to obtain all the necessary cockpit bits. More, highly detailed, step-by-step information is below, in the "To Instalate" instructions.
    2 Hangar screens have been supplied; one is my old version and another BRAND NEW!! -only available in this mod- WoE style, repsenting a carrier deck. The Loading screen is still the original from Bunyap.
    =You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak to have the WW2/Post-War/Korean War Era weapons!!! I've not supplied any of the rockets or drop tanks with this mod, as they are already in the BunyPak. If not using the BunyPak (ie: TMF Weapons Pak), you'll need to get the Seahawk Package at CombatAce, as it contains the drop tanks. The Rockets you'll have to add from the BunyPak =
    IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed to be used in SF/WoV/WoE -- it has NOT been tested in WoI. In fact, I don't think I've even flown ANY of the Seahawks in WoI yet!!! But it should be good as is. It's a jet, not a prop job; so hopefully...
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions.
    Happy Landings!!
    kevin stein


       (0 reviews)



  3. Seahawk Mk.101, INAS Tweeks Pak

    Seahawk Mk.101, Indian Naval Air Service
    = For SF2 series Games, Full 5 Merged and/or SF2NA ONLY -WITH- Expansion Pak2!! =
    -An addition for the Indo-Pak Mod-
    *As stated above you MUST have a Full-5 Merged install with SF2:NA, at the latest (6/2012) patch level to take advantage of the 'carrier operations' it brings. Also, if using one of the optional cockpits, you'll need Expansion Pak 2, as one of these optional cockpits references the EE Lightning F.1.
    If you do not meet these minimum requirement, do =NOT= download this, as you'll be unable to use it.*
    This package is designed to upgrade/update the INAS Seahawk Mk.101, from Paulopanz's pak, available at the following url:
    (you won't need the carrier, just the aircraft)
    This mod is designed to be installed OVER that pre-existing one.
    This is =NOT= a full aircraft pak; it does include an optional cockpit howevr; lots of inis and plenty of minor tweeks.
    adjusted decals size/positioning
    added destroyed model to data ini (uses a Hunter)
    SF2-ish radar statements
    Adjusted weapons loadouts, mission statements
    New SF2-style INAS Seahawk101 hangar screen
    New DDS damage textures.
    optional F-86D cockpit (included, ini is called "Seahawk101_cockpit.ini")
    Optional EE Lightning F.1 ini, with adjusted position statements (ExpPak2 Users only!)
    Due to some rather 'odd' changes/behaviors from one of the recent patchs, it seems that radar equipped aircraft having cockpits -without- the scope no longer show the radar screen 'popup' in the corner on Normal Flight mode. This should eliminate that issue, at least on this aircraft. While the 2 radar-eqipped cockpits are not perfect matches, they work pretty well. Details on selection are in the "To Install" section. Screenies included in this pack show the 2 different radar-equipped pits for ease of selection.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Also, the "Notes" section for more details, especially on selecting the optional cockpits.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


       (3 reviews)



  4. SF-2 series March 2012 Tools Kit

    Inside the zipped folder are the exes for....
    March 2012 Cat Extractor
    March 2012 Weapons Editor
    March 2012 Guns Editor
    Happy Editing!!
    (note: I'm taking the chance and approving my own upload, so if it acts funny --like they have before!-- one of the other Moderator/Admins will have to disapprove and re-apporve it! Apologies in advance for any inconviences that may occur)


       (2 reviews)

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  5. SF/Wo* Extractor for 08 levels

    this is the 3rd Wird cat extractor for SF/Wo* games at the 08 patch level.
    unzip, and drop on you deskpop; especially if your machine is Vista or Windows 7. You can run the executable from there, and then navigate to the cat you wish to extract.
    It works on my Win7 machine, with the single remaning 08 game install


       (0 reviews)



  6. SF/WoV/WoE Flag Pak 1

    This is just a small package of flags for use in placment anywhere on (just about) any map.
    Several of these were added to the WW2 Range mods I release a 'ways back, for both Axis & Allied.
    There are also (hopefuly) several modern, more current flags for use in the 50-and up for NATO.
    This pak includes (with their actual part name):
    Imperial Japan - ijflag
    Nazi Germany - 3rflag (for 3rd Reich)
    Italy (fascist) - itflag (house of savoy sheild)
    50s and Later:
    American Flag - AMFlag
    Iraq - IQFlag
    Israel - isflag
    Egypt - egflag
    NATO sheild - NOFlag (I know, NO should be Norway, I'll that that one probably as NW)
    Netherlands - NLFlag
    Belgium -BLFlag
    UK - UKFlag
    Saudi Arabia - SDFlag
    Playboy Bunny - pbflag
    West Germany - GWFlag
    East Germany - GEFlag
    Russia - RUFlag (ok, Soviet Union -- it's still Russia to me!!)
    There are full, very detailed instructions in the readme, with a complete listing of the flags that can be transfered over to your terrain of choice's ***_types ini, and instructions on how to place (or replace) an existing object with one of the flags.
    Please!!! read it!!!!!
    With thanks to Major Lee, who's DBS US flag inspired me to create these! Sorry, there's no screenshot.
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  7. SF2 DH Sea Osprey S.1 "What If.."

    SF2 DH Sea Osprey S.1 Pack (What If...) by Cocas             10/29/2017
    = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) =
    *Note: you =MUST= have, as stated above have, at minimum, a Full-4 merged install, as this mod makes use of many items, most importantly, a (heavily) modified version of the stock F-4B cockpit. Therefore, it's vitally important that your game version has access to this cockpit.*
    The is the release of a new "What If..." bomber by Cocas Air Factory, the DH Sea Osprey S.1 for Royal Navy, Fleet Air Arm usage.  This is 4 jet engined medium bomber for use in the strike, interdiction and recon roles. The aircraft has been tested in the SF2:NA, Full-5 environment, and is carrier capable/certified/capable. Wingfold uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/9.
    The aircraft comes with 2 skins:
    FAA1 - 1950s style, extra dark sea gray over FAA sky (1955-1962) as based aboard HMS Ocean and carries the 804 Squadron "Tiger & Sword" badge on the nose
    FAA2 - 1960s style EDSG over white (1962-1970, land based) RNAS Lossimouth, 738 NAS "Black Pegasus" badge on the nose.
    All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Weapons used are all stock 3W items. Skins are in jpg format, and damage textures are DDS. All other parts (pilots, seats, etc) are supplied. More decals are supplied for the various RN CVs and several other squadrons (see "Notes" for full list).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. One can find more fun reading all the Notes section as well!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    -- for Cocas Aircraft Factory --


       (0 reviews)



  8. SF2 "Beer Bomb"

    SF2 "Beer Bomb" 4/18/2014
    -- Something for Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace --
    = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    With the recent trend in the SF2 Screenshots Thread on discussions and displays of "potables", I thought this would be a nice little funny thing to add.
    Basicly, I took the 55 gallon Napalm bomb and repainted it to "represent" a kind of beer keg. It is fully "combat ready" and will act and explode just like Napalm. Included is the skin template, for those wanting (or nuts enough) to want to make the labels in any other languages, or for your favorite beer.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them.
    Good Drinking!!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  9. SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 1

    SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 1 1/13/2016
    = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED*! =
    *-SF2NA is NOT a requirement, but having SF2:E is, as the terrain references objects in the GermanyCE.cat, as well as several aircraft. There are no "naval units" needed for this. HOWEVER!!! SF2:V is REQUIRED, as the Skyraider is used in this mod. Hence, at minimum, a FUll-4 Merged install in required!!*
    This is part 1 of the incomplete "civil mod" as discussed on the CombatAce message boards. I've done, and gone, as far as I can, and instead of sitting on what I have, am uploading EVERYTHING in several parts in the hopes that someone will pick up the ball and run with it. A full civilian style flght sim may not even be possible, due to the game's central programing as a "combat flight sim", but you never know.
    These packages will be broken down into their various components, and will include the (incomplete) "Forest Bowl" terrain, aircraft, skins and decals, ground objects, what few "weapons" are needed, effects, sounds, and all. Basically, my entire "Civil" mods folder, minus the stock 3W combat aircraft and ground objects.
    Part 1 contains the following items:
    As always, (hopefully!) easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    It is HIGHLY reccomended you download ALL the parts first, and then unzip them together in a temp folder to assemble. I've tried, as best as possible, to keep each part a managable size.
    You WILL be creating a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for this. If unsure how to build one, consult the CombatAce SF2 Knowledge Base.
    Good Luck!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  10. SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 2

    SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 2 1/13/2016
    = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED*! =
    *-SF2NA is NOT a requirement, but having SF2:E is, as the terrain references objects in the GermanyCE.cat, as well as several aircraft. There are no "naval units" needed for this. HOWEVER!!! SF2:V is REQUIRED, as the Skyraider is used in this mod. Hence, at minimum, a FUll-4 Merged install in required!!*
    This is part 2 of the incomplete "civil mod" as discussed on the CombatAce message boards. I've done, and gone, as far as I can, and instead of sitting on what I have, am uploading EVERYTHING in several parts in the hopes that someone will pick up the ball and run with it. A full civilian style flght sim may not even be possible, due to the game's central programing as a "combat flight sim", but you never know.
    These packages will be broken down into their various components, and will include the (incomplete) "Forest Bowl" terrain, aircraft, skins and decals, ground objects, what few "weapons" are needed, effects, sounds, and all. Basically, my entire "Civil" mods folder, minus the stock 3W combat aircraft and ground objects.
    Part 2 contains the following items:
    As always, (hopefully!) easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    It is HIGHLY reccomended you download ALL the parts first, and then unzip them together in a temp folder to assemble. You WILL be creating a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for this. If unsure how to build one, consult the CombatAce SF2 Knowledge Base.
    Good Luck!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)

    1 comment


  11. SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 3

    SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 3 1/13/2016
    = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED*! =
    *-SF2NA is NOT a requirement, but having SF2:E is, as the terrain references objects in the GermanyCE.cat, as well as several aircraft. There are no "naval units" needed for this. HOWEVER!!! SF2:V is REQUIRED, as the Skyraider is used in this mod. Hence, at minimum, a FUll-4 Merged install in required!!*
    This is part 3 of the incomplete "civil mod" as discussed on the CombatAce message boards. I've done, and gone, as far as I can, and instead of sitting on what I have, am uploading EVERYTHING in several parts in the hopes that someone will pick up the ball and run with it. A full civilian style flght sim may not even be possible, due to the game's central programing as a "combat flight sim", but you never know.
    These packages will be broken down into their various components, and will include the (incomplete) "Forest Bowl" terrain, aircraft, skins and decals, ground objects, what few "weapons" are needed, effects, sounds, and all. Basically, my entire "Civil" mods folder, minus the stock 3W combat aircraft and ground objects.
    Part 3 contains the following items:
    The terrain is a full 4-season, using Stary's GermanyCE set.
    As always, (hopefully!) easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    It is HIGHLY reccomended you download ALL the parts first, and then unzip them together in a temp folder to assemble. You WILL be creating a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for this. If unsure how to build one, consult the CombatAce SF2 Knowledge Base.
    Good Luck!
    Kevin Stein


       (4 reviews)



  12. SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 4

    SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 4 1/13/2016
    = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED*! =
    *-SF2NA is NOT a requirement, but having SF2:E is, as the terrain references objects in the GermanyCE.cat, as well as several aircraft. There are no "naval units" needed for this. HOWEVER!!! SF2:V is REQUIRED, as the Skyraider is used in this mod. Hence, at minimum, a FUll-4 Merged install in required!!*
    This is part 4 of the incomplete "civil mod" as discussed on the CombatAce message boards. I've done, and gone, as far as I can, and instead of sitting on what I have, am uploading EVERYTHING in several parts in the hopes that someone will pick up the ball and run with it. A full civilian style flght sim may not even be possible, due to the game's central programing as a "combat flight sim", but you never know.
    These packages will be broken down into their various components, and will include the (incomplete) "Forest Bowl" terrain, aircraft, skins and decals, ground objects, what few "weapons" are needed, effects, sounds, and all. Basically, my entire "Civil" mods folder, minus the stock 3W combat aircraft and ground objects.
    Part 4 contains the following items:
    As always, (hopefully!) easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    It is HIGHLY reccomended you download ALL the parts first, and then unzip them together in a temp folder to assemble. You WILL be creating a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for this. If unsure how to build one, consult the CombatAce SF2 Knowledge Base.
    Good Luck!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  13. SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 5A

    SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 5A 1/13/2016
    = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED*! =
    *-SF2NA is NOT a requirement, but having SF2:E is, as the terrain references objects in the GermanyCE.cat, as well as several aircraft. There are no "naval units" needed for this. HOWEVER!!! SF2:V is REQUIRED, as the Skyraider is used in this mod. Hence, at minimum, a FUll-4 Merged install in required!!*
    This is part 5a of the incomplete "civil mod" as discussed on the CombatAce message boards. I've done, and gone, as far as I can, and instead of sitting on what I have, am uploading EVERYTHING in several parts in the hopes that someone will pick up the ball and run with it. A full civilian style flght sim may not even be possible, due to the game's central programing as a "combat flight sim", but you never know.
    These packages will be broken down into their various components, and will include the (incomplete) "Forest Bowl" terrain, aircraft, skins and decals, ground objects, what few "weapons" are needed, effects, sounds, and all. Basically, my entire "Civil" mods folder, minus the stock 3W combat aircraft and ground objects.
    Part 5A contains the following items:
    (please note this is the 1st half of the aircraft folder. Part 5B will contain the rest. It was just way too large to make one zip of)
    As always, (hopefully!) easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    It is HIGHLY reccomended you download ALL the parts first, and then unzip them together in a temp folder to assemble. You WILL be creating a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for this. If unsure how to build one, consult the CombatAce SF2 Knowledge Base.
    Good Luck!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  14. SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 5B

    SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 5B 1/13/2016
    = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED*! =
    *-SF2NA is NOT a requirement, but having SF2:E is, as the terrain references objects in the GermanyCE.cat, as well as several aircraft. There are no "naval units" needed for this. HOWEVER!!! SF2:V is REQUIRED, as the Skyraider is used in this mod. Hence, at minimum, a FUll-4 Merged install in required!!*
    This is part 5b of the incomplete "civil mod" as discussed on the CombatAce message boards. I've done, and gone, as far as I can, and instead of sitting on what I have, am uploading EVERYTHING in several parts in the hopes that someone will pick up the ball and run with it. A full civilian style flght sim may not even be possible, due to the game's central programing as a "combat flight sim", but you never know.
    These packages will be broken down into their various components, and will include the (incomplete) "Forest Bowl" terrain, aircraft, skins and decals, ground objects, what few "weapons" are needed, effects, sounds, and all. Basically, my entire "Civil" mods folder, minus the stock 3W combat aircraft and ground objects.
    Part 5B contains the following items:
    (please note this is the 2nd, and last half of the aircraft folder.)
    As always, (hopefully!) easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    It is HIGHLY reccomended you download ALL the parts first, and then unzip them together in a temp folder to assemble. You WILL be creating a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for this. If unsure how to build one, consult the CombatAce SF2 Knowledge Base.
    Good Luck!
    Kevin Stein
    this concludes the uploads!
    Have at it folks; make something of this or at the very least, HAVE SOME FUN!!


       (3 reviews)



  15. SF2 "Sub Chaser" for WW2 and Post-War

    SF2 "Sub Chaser" for WW2 and Post-War 9/3/2014
    = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) =
    *Note: This is the SF2 version. A 1st Gen, SF/Wo* version will be relased shortly.*
    *Note #2: as there exists another version of this type of ship by the DAT, THIS mod has a unique folder name that will -NOT- conflict for those End Users that may have that version.*
    This mod represents a 'generic' Sub Chaser type patrol craft, but resembles closely the SC-497 class as used by the US Navy and Allies during WW2. Many other nations also used them after the war, for various patrol/security/escort functions.
    It is classed as a "Patrol Boat" in the data ini, so it most likely will NOT show up attached to Battle Groups. However, it can be added via the 3w Mission Editor (like to convoys in Antishipping missions)
    This was a collaborative effort by RussoUK (after discovering the ship deeply archived!) Spectre8750 for finalization and exportation, plus ini works by all of us. Very few tweeks by me. It was all pretty much done!
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  16. SF2 "What If" Corsair Mk.V FAA Skin Pack

    SF2 "What If" Corsair Mk.V FAA Skin Pack 3/30/2015
    *For SF2 -ONLY-!! Full-5 Merged Reccomended*
    This package contains 2 late service "What If..." skins for the RN FAA Corsair Mk.V recently released in the "KAW FAA What If Aircraft Pak". You can find the base aircraft at the following URL (and you'll need it to add these skins to):
    Reminder: this is ONLY a skin/decal pak!
    These 2 skins 'represent' FAA Corsairs in the post-Korean War time frame, up until the Suez Crisis.
    Units represented are:
    813 NAS, HMS Eagle (crica 1953-55)
    830 NAS, HMS Eagle (1956 -with Suez War Id bands)
    Both aircraft are finished is standard FAA dark grey uppers/sky sides and unders.
    The SF2 date switch is used for both skins; 813 activating post-Korea, and 830 activating for the Suez War. Both use the same pool of decals. All markings are decals. Decal randomization is set to "TRUE"
    Included also is the Mk.5 rocket rack, with corrected End of Service date. This will replace the one in the original package listed above (sorry about that!).
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as usual, give the "Notes and Comments" section a read, too.
    Happy Landings!!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  17. SF2 "What If" Royal Navy Malta Class CVA

    SF2 "What If" Royal Navy Malta Class CVA 4/5/2015
    *For SF2 -ONLY-!! Full-5 Merged Reccomended*
    This is a slight rebuild of Hinchbrooke's VINDICTIVE class 'what if' fleet carrier into an even more what if.
    This represents the HMS MALTA class CVAs of the 1960s. (see Notes for 'historical notes'). All 4 ships of the class are represented.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as usual, give the "Notes and Comments" section a read, too.
    Happy Landings!!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  18. SF2 1950s USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider Skin Pack

    SF2 1950s USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider Skin Pack 12/13/2015
    = For SF2 (or Any & All =at= Full- Merged) =
    *Note: must have SF2:V as part of your merged install to access the A-1H aircraft itself.*
    The package represents USMC AD-6 (A-1H) Skyraider squadrons of the mid-1950s. Included in this set are skins for:
    *Note: In Real Life ™ service, these 2 squadron used AD-4B (and AD-5) aircraft, but as there is little difference between the marks, for gaming purposes, are used with the AD-6/A-1H. (they =CAN= be added to the "SF2 AD-4B Skyraider, KAW Era" mod here at CA, but you'll have the blue drop tanks on your grey/white skins, but that DID happen in Real Life. Or one can hand-load the 'white' drop tanks.)
    All aircraft use a pool of modex and BuNums, with individual air group letters. In this respect, they should be considered "generic" in nature. All markings, excepting special squadron paint schemes (VMA-225 only) are decals. All skin maps are in jpg format. Decal randomizaion is TRUE. For those squadrons that are listed in the stock 3w "squadronlist.ini", a decal is used to activate the squadron name display on the loadout screen.
    Reminder: nothing is included herein that makes them Player Flyable. There is a superb cockpit by Dels you should have already! If you don't, what ARE you waiting for?? :)
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (2 reviews)



  19. SF2 3W B-52D/F Upgrade/Mod Pack

    SF2 3W B-52D/F Upgrade/Mod Pack           9/28/2022
    -For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended =MUST= have SF2:V installed!!)-
    This pack contains some mods to the stock 3rd Wire B-52D & the user made B-52F model "Stratofortress" as used by SAC during the 1950s through the 1980s. 
    There are actually 3 aircraft in this pack; due to "oddities" with some loadouts, I found this was easier to do:
    B-52D (57-64) nuclear strike
    B-52D (64-83) conventional, with "Big Belly" mods
    B-52F (58-78) conventional & Nukes. 
    The F, while retaining is nuke abilities, is mostly for conventional iron bombing after 1965. 
    Almost all markings are decals, with very few things painted on. All serial numbers are historically correct for the models depectied. BUT the D cereals should be considered 'generic' in nature as they represent no particular unit. The F serials, OTH, and the nose arts, are also correct, but not 'per squadron/wing'. It should be noted, the F gets all serials for the 89 aircraft produced. These are updated version of the originals issued in 2009. The D model gets all new decals, made for this mod.
    Decal randomization is true. Most skins remain in their 1stGen bmp format. New sounds, effects, pilot/gunner figures, weapons, and hangar & loading screens. Various effects are included for the nuclear weapons. The SF2 date switch is used for some skins, and also in the loadout ini with year-specific loadouts. These aircraft are equipped with an "optical" bombsight for you perverts that inisist on flying the Heavies <g>. In each aircraft's folder is an instructional jpg on "how to". There are also different loadouts for conventional or nuke, accessable through the games' mission editor.
    An example of the skin listing, from the 52F:
    2nd BW >1964
    7th BW (3960th BW) <1964
    the >1964 (less than or 64 and eariler) and <1964 (after 1964 ie: 65 start date). This should give the general idear.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! As always, =PLEASE= read the "Notes" section for various thoughts and musing on this mod. There might even be valuable data/information for you to find! ALL original readmes have been included, when discoverable.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (3 reviews)



  20. SF2 3W F-84F "Thunderstreak" USAF & ANG Skin Pak

    SF2 3W F-84F "Thunderstreak" USAF & ANG Skin Pak 5/17/15
    -- For FULL-5 Merged SF2 WITH SF2E Expansion Pak 2!!! --
    *Note: MUST have (whichever!) Expansion Pack gave use the F-84F Thunderstreak. IIRC, it was SF2E Expansion Pack 2*
    Here are several new skins for the stock 3rd Wire F-84F Thunderstreak (this is the swept wing one, not the slab-winged C/D/E/G). These represent USAF and Air National Guard units in the 1950s through the A/Cs retirment in 1971 (ish). This packge ONLY contains skins and decals. I've not supplied any parts for you to make it Player Flyable ™. There are other mods that do that.
    You have:
    55th TFS, 20th FBW (1950s, based in the UK, in NM)
    182nd TFS, Texas Air Guard (post-68 in SEA Camo)
    119th TFS, New Jersey Air Guard (circa 1961-ish, in NM)
    Most markings are decals, excepting the 55ths color bands. Decal randomization is TRUE. For the 55th, those numbers displaying a star (*) on the loadout screen (individual aircraft dropdown) are 100% historically correct for the unit. Those withOUT the star, while having served with the 20th FBW, could not be traced to a specific squadron.
    The other two units use "generic" sets, either created by me, or in the case of the 119th, using stock 3W number decals.
    The SF2 "date switch" is used for the 182nd, activating it automatically in 1969. By that time, all remaining American units HAD been swtiched to SEA camo.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! And have fun!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (4 reviews)



  21. SF2 A-1H Skyraider (3W) VA-75 Skin Pack

    SF2 A-1H Skyraider (3W) VA-75 Skin Pack       1/11/2024
    -For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended-- must have access to the A-1H Skyraider in your mods folder(s)
    This here is a new skin for the stock 3W A-1H Skraider, depicting VA-75 "Sunday Punchers" in approx 1962 aboard USS INDEPENDENCE in Southeast Asian waters.
    Most markings are decals, excepting for the squadron color bands on the rudder. Through the magic jiggery-pokkery of Level 2 decals, the CAG color bands are also available when you select modex #500. The line birds have their correct markings. All serial numbers are 100% historically correct for this unit at this time period.
    It should be noted, nothing is provided to make this AI aircraft flyable; you should have alread done that. This is just the textures and decals.
    As is always reccomendified, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.
    Happy Landings and Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


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    1 comment


  22. SF2 A-1H/J Skyraider (mcz) Remod Pack by MontyCZ

    SF2 A-1H/J Skyraider (mcz) Remod Pack by MontyCZ       1/8/2024
    -For SF2, Any and All-
    Another 1stGen Salvage Project...
    This is an SF2 Remod of MontyCZ's A-1H Skyraider. Historically this was the VERY first aircraft mod released for SF1 in 2005. While the model still has some issues (see "Notes"), it's fully functional, with some limitations, in the SF2 environment.
    This mod is supplied with just about all the original (many rebuilt) skin sets I could find from the 1stGen SF mods section and from Marcfighters. These skin sets cover US Navy, US Air Force and South Vietnam Air Force units.
    You have ...
    VA-35 "Black Panthers" USS Saratoga, 1959 Med cruise, (Beirut crisis?)
    VA-52 "Kinghtriders" USS Ticonderoga, 1966-67 VN cruise
    VA-65 "Tigers" USS Intrepid, 1960-61 Med Cruise
    VA-75 "Sunday Punchers" USS Independence, mid-1962 SEA-VN cruise
    VA-145 "Swordsman" USS Ranger 1958-59 WesPac (tagged "VA145E")
    VA-176 "Thunderbolts" USS Intrepid, VN cruise 1966-ish (bumblebee art)
    1st FS, Bien Hoa, 1961 (VNAF1 - overall very light grey, blue/red devil fues band )
    514th FS, Dan Nang ~1963 (VNAF2 - overall medium grey, tiger stripe fues band)
    518th FS, Bien Hoa AB ~1970 (VNAF3 - 3 tone SEA camo, yellow/black checks fues band)
    602nd SOS, 56th SOW (various RVN & Thai bases 1962-1970)
    2nd SOS, 56th SOW (nite black unders, ~1968)
    There is also an extra blank USN skin called, oddly enough, "USNGrey1" This can be used to create any other units as one desires in the Gull Gray/White scheme.
    The texture set ini for each skin has a small notation at the bottom with historical notes.
    While many skins had to be remade, some are still 'as issued' (un-retouched). All are in bmp format. As is usual, serial/BuNums are as historically accurate as possible. Those 100% are marked with the star (*), those correct, but unable to match to a modex are marked with the plus/cross (+), those with no mark are generic. All skins have been updated to use the last known LOD (5/2009), and have been updated to use the latest decal style. Decal randomization is TRUE. For those units listed in the game's SquadronList ini, my (patent pending) 'fake SqTail' decal is used to activate their name displayed on the Loadout screen. The SF2 'date switch is used for all services on their respective skin sets. Sounds and drop tanks are included. All weapons used are stock in-game 3rd Wire items. The data ini has been brought up, as much as possible, to current standards.
    When in-game, you'll see
    A-1H/J Skyraider (MCZ)
    on the Aircraft Selection dropdown. This will differenize this one (MontyCZ) from the 3rd Wire or Razbam Skyraiders. This mod DOES (sorta) cover both the H & J variants, as there's very little (actual) difference between them. The wing fold is active, it uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/9. The canopy CANNOT manually be controled; it's linked to the flaps.
    As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Also, give the "Notes" a browse, as it explains certain issues this model has, and the change logs.
    Good Hunting and Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


       (0 reviews)



  23. SF2 A-1J Skyraider VA-115 Camo Skin

    SF2 A-1J Skyraider VA-115 Camo Skin 11/30/2015
    = For SF2V (or Any & All at Full- Merged) =
    *Note: must have SF2:V as part of your merged install to access the A-1H aircraft itself.*
    This skin/decal pak represents VA-115 "Arabs" during their Oct 1965-June 1966 deployment in South East Asia aboard USS Kitty Hawk. It represents the experimantal 2-tone green camoflague use during that cruise. It should be noted, sources only point to 3 aircraft actually being painted such, but I've given you a full 12 aircraft squadron.
    The skin is in jpg format, and decal randomization is TRUE. I've also included a new, fully updated data ini, that has all the corrected lighting and so forth. Canopy and wingfold operation are the Standard Keystrokes (shift/0 canopy, shift/9 wingfold). Be advised, folding the wings with ordanance loaded, the items don't move with it. Also included are new sounds for flaps, gear and engine.
    The skin uses the SF2 "date switch statement" that will (hopefully!) turn it on in October 1965.
    What is NOT included are the cockpit or other items that make it flyable. You should have these already. If not, what are you waiting for???
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them ....
    Happy Hunting!
    Kevin Stein


       (6 reviews)



  24. SF2 A-26C Invader Pak (Revamped) by Bobrock, Gerwin & Wrench

    SF2 A-26C Invader Pak (Revamped) by Bobrock, Gerwin & Wrench        3/5/2023
    = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccommended/Preferred) =
    *Note: This a semi=major overhaul of the original A-26C released in 2013. Gerwin has reworked many aspects of the model, and THIS MOD WILL REPLACE ALL OTHER EARLIER VERSIONS!!!  You are advised to move, remove, or delete any other versions of this you have in any/all mod folders. This new packaging covers the WW2 and post-war time frame. *
    *Note: (again!) In 1947, the "A" for "Attack" designation was removed from use, and the A-26 Invader renamed to B-26 Invader (for Light Bomber Squadrons). Also, with the retirement of the Martin B-26 Marauder after WW2, the number was "open for reuse". However, the displayed name on the Single Mission screen will read "A-26C Invader"; as that's what it be. BTW, this is the GLASS NOSED bomber version, with working Norden bombsight. Instructional PDF included.
    The revamp is supplied with 3 skins:
    552nd BS, 386th BG, 9th AF ETO (1944 start date)
    13th BS, 3rd BG (<1950) Korean War Era
    Generic NMF for any time period (10/47 start date)
    All skins are "natural metal", some with painted on national or squadron markings. The Generic NMF marking are ALL decals, and carries post-1947 USAF markings. The serial/Buzz numbers =ARE= correct for this aircraft, but represent no particular unit. This is true for the WW2 skins serials as well. The SF2 "Date Switch" is active, and will change from the WW2 to the post-war skin in October 1947.
    Weapons are =NOT= included; all stock items are used.The engine sound are included, it's been switched to the AvHistory R2600 x2 wav. Each skin has its own Hangar Screen.
    This aircraft is also equipped with a fully functional bombsight/bombadiar position. Included is Kesselbruts pdf on "How To Use the Bombsight". I'd suggest reading it however many times it takes, and to practice, Practice, PRACTICE!!! using it on the Bombing Range Terrain.
    The canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0.
    When 'in game', you'll see
    A-26C Invader (BRG)
    on the Aircraft Selection Drop down menu. This, also, will help to differentiate the aircraft from any other Invader you may (or may not) have. It stands for "Bobrock/Gerwin" as they did the real heavy lifting.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    from the KAW Team, circa 2013


       (6 reviews)



  25. SF2 A-26N Invader Nightfighter Pack

    SF2 A-26N Invader Nightfighter Pack       2/21/2020
    -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
    "Quarantine Approved - Essential Mods"
    This is a mod of the WW2/KAW era A-26 Invader into a make-shit night fighter/interceptor as used by the French Air Force during the Algerian War of Independence in the late 1950s-early 1960s. This mod was started at the beginning of the year (as you can see from the date above), and got lost in the shuffle, what with all the world wide insanity. I now present it to YOU! Because I can't think of anything else to do with it!!! :)
    In the early 1960s, during the aforementioned war, 8 French Air Force A-26B Invader bombers were modified to carry an Air Intercept radar and were used to counter airborne smuggling of arms and supplies to the rebels. They were assinged to ECN I/71.
    This model is finished in overall night black, with standard AdA markings. All markings, excepting the French tri-colored rudder, are decals. Decal randomization is TRUE. On the number list ini, you'll see 4 serial marked with the star (*). These have been matched as having been used by ECN 1/71. The other unmarked serials are just 'generic', but those aircraft were used by the AdA (either in Indo-china or Algeria or both).
    All other bits are supplied; sounds, pilots, weapons - including a "version" of the SNEB 68 rockets and rocket pod "modified" for air-to-air usage (inis only -- I've tagged them to use the stock 3W Matra pods. And they DO work, with a little practice.)
    When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop-down menu, you'll see:
    A-26N Invader (NF)
    Designating this as a "night fighter" variant.
    As is always reccommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Also, as usual, PLEASE give the "Notes" section a look at!!
    Good Hunting & Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    "Another Find From The Archives!!!"


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