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Files posted by Wrench

  1. "What If..." 2011 MiG-21MFU (Upgrade), New Iraqi Air Force

    "What If..." MiG-21MF(U), New Iraqi Airforce for SF2
    =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended*)
    *Note: should work in any install with access to the MiG-21MF lods. Which, iirc, are available in all versions*
    While doing research for the "Operation Darius" mod, I came across some statments about rebuilding the New IrAF, possibly using upgraded/updated/rebuilt versions of many that were outside Iraq when OIF kicked off. This mod is the result, albeit beyond speculation, into the realms of pure fantasy.
    This assumed (oh! that word!) that the GoI chose to refurbish 18 MiG-21MFs that were in Serbia in 2003 to modern 21st Century capabilities. Think along the lines of the Mig-21-93, Lancer or even closer, the HAL-built Bison for the Indian AF. These aircraft would be used for border security, in-country airspace control, ground support and martime strike. If required.
    This aircraft has a modern HUD, TEWS, full avionics suite with multi-mode AA and AG radars, and a defensive pak with jammers and expendable decoys (ie: chaff and flares). It's speced/cleared for weapons of NATO, French and US origins, as well as being able to (re)use old Soviet/WarPac munitions. Offensive weapons mounts carry standard IRMs and medium range radar guided missiles (Magics and R-530F)
    This mod also makes use of dtmdragon's 'generic' RWR listing, so make sure you have that installed and updated. As expected, the canopy operates via manual animation keystroke, the ever popular Shift/0.
    All new serial numbers using the 2010-stle 'YI' codes have been created, as is the new IrAF insigina (same as the new flag). This is the same prefix code now seen on NIrAF C-130s, Cessna 182s, various helicoptors, and T-6A Texan IIs now in service.
    2 versions of the insignia are included; one is full color, the other a Low-Viz version. It's set for the full color now, but you can switch it, if wanted, by a simple edit of the decals.ini.
    No weapons are included (other than a "new" 2-IR mount); they are either stock, from pre-existing mods and/or reference those from the GunnyPak.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! The usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff, explinations, and general musings and things.
    Good Hunting!!
    kevin stein


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  2. Mig-15UTI Midget by Pakso, SF2 Updated Pak

    MiG-15UTI "Midget" Jet Trainer by Pasko, for SF2
    =For SF2, Any and All (but Full-4 Merged Prefered/Reccomended)
    Modification, tweeks, compilations and other adjustments to Pasko's MiG-15UTI trainer, to bring in more in line with SF2 requirements.
    Data ini tweeks include an all new FM, based off the stock 15bis; please note that as that is usually an AI-only aircraft, there may be some small issues. Fly accordingly.
    Several skin/decal sets have been compiled from the Archives, to try and present as complete a set as possible. Included skins are:
    Soviet Silver
    EAF Silver
    LSK Silver
    Mozambique (a pale blue)
    Desert camo (Iraqi)
    Also included are the weapons (ok, the slipper-style drop tank), 'Early MiG' pilot figures and M15 seat, and the VK-1 sound. New Post-Oct patch SF2 hangar screens are included, rebuilt from the original 2004 release version. As expected, the canopy still operates via the standard or garden variety manual animation keystroke -shift/0.
    Is should be noted, that most of the original work was done by suhjake, and is taken from his MiG-15bis & 15UTI pack from 2009 (available here at CA). I just did a little fine tuning and compiling. THIS pak replaces the UTI from that one.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them!! As always, the usual "Notes" section for other interestering details and stuff.
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


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  3. Gray drop tank for Super Etendard (M)

    this is the missing gray drop tank for the SUE(M)
    just unzip, and drop into the /Weapons folder.
    sorry I forgot it from the package
    kevin stein


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  4. Planning Maps for Sweden Terrain

    Just some quickie maps made with the old SFMap program, that will replace the 3 planning maps for Gilig's newly released Sweden map
    just unzip, and drop into the /Sweden terrain folder and allow the overwrite.


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  5. North Cape Hotfix Correction Pak

    HotFix for North Cape Terrain
    Due to a senior moment, I forgot to create and add the _water.bmp the SF2 mission builder needs.
    Here it is, with the necessary pointer line added to the main ini (NorthCape.ini)
    Also, is a modified ini for the Pit1 object, that will remove the offending tractorbeam shadows that I just discovered!
    have fun!
    kevin stein
    ps: a notes sections in the readme, please read it about certain airbase "oddities"


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  6. North Cape Terrain (Beta+) for SF2 by Baltika

    North Cape terrain (Beta+) by Baltika for SF2
    A slight revamp of the 1stGen Beta terrain, with all new tga tiles for the sea and sea/land transition tiles (aka: "Working Water"). Consider this perhaps as a kinda sorta Ver. 0.8
    As with the original release, the targeting is not finished, but at least now the water will work. The data ini has been brought up to the latest standards (as of Aug 2011). I did do some cleanup on the targets ini, but nothing major.
    I figured with all the Swedish aircraft now available, this would be a fun sandbox (ok, snowbox) for them to play in. Eventually, I'm sure somebody will get around to finishing it!
    As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions.
    Have fun!
    kevin stein


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  7. Dassault/Convair F-114A "Mirage'

    Dassault/Convair F-114A "Mirage" (A What If...)
    -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or any combination with SF2:E & SF2:I --
    It =REQUIRES= a Full-4 Merged install -The PREFERRED Way ™, or at the very least, SF2:I for the various and sundry bits used herein. To, wit; the SF2E Mirage 3C and/or DLC3, and SF2:I for the Shahak (MirageIIICJ) Cockpit. If you do NOT have the minimum required game installs, DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS MOD, as you won't be able to use it.
    This is a mod of the SF2:E/I Mirage III as seen in the SF2 "What If Forums", fully extrapolated into a production aircraft as used by the USAF Air Defence Command and Air National Guard units (supplimenting and replacing the F-102 in many cases, until the F-106 arrived a bit later than is historical). You can read the backstory there (with additons by me in the "Notes" below)
    This is a complete aircraft, with 4 skin sets.
    The skin sets are:
    119th FIS, New Jersy ANG
    196th FIS, California ANG
    317th FIS, Alaska ADC
    509th FIS, USAF, PACAF, Southeast Asia 3-Tone
    Skins are based off the stock NM Mirage 3C, from new partial templates I created. All inis included reflect it's Primary Usage as an Air Defence Interceptor; however, all ground attack capabilities and mission statements are retained.
    All new serial number decals have been created, extrapolated from the end-of-production run of the F-102s. The "FM" buzz number code is a real code, once assigned to Fisher P-75. I thought it would be fitting, what with it being a =M=irage. (a name it keeps, as I couldn't think of a good 'D' name to fit with Delta Dart and Delta Dagger. Delta Dirk?? Just don't sound right!). All markings are decals, thereby making it easier for other skinners to create other USAF/ADC/ANG/etc units by simply making new unit marking decals. The PACAF skin makes use of stock, in-game decals for the serials.
    Basic armament is 'standard' for early/mid 1960s USAF Interceptors; the AIM-4 Falcon and nuke-tipped AIR-2 Genie. Sidwinders will load automatically after 1972. Alternatively, for non-nuclear missile carriage, a revamped (read: repainted and ini tweeked) conventional warheaded AIM-26B Advanced Falcon is included. For mission builders, there is a Conventional Loadout statement in the loadout ini. All A-G loadouts use standard, USAF in-game weapons. I've also supplied the AIM-4G from the GunnyPak, for those poor unfortunates that might not have it.
    As always, the canopy is activated via a manual animation key. Use Shift/0 to open and close. Landing lights have also been added, as well as corrected positioning for other running lights.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop). As expected, the usual "Notes and Other Nonsense" section, that lists the changes/modification/improvements/whatever that Convair did when 'Americanizing' the Mirage.
    Have fun with it!! I sure did building it!
    kevin stein


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  8. Vought F4U-5 Corsair, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force)

    Vought F4U-5 Corsair, Fuerza Aérea Hondureña (Honduran Air Force)
    - For SF2, Any and All,
    This is a modification of The Mirage Factory's F4U-7 (French Navy version), into the earlier, and almost identical (albiet modified), F4U-5 version as used by the Honduran Air Force in the 1950s and 60s. TMFs original -7 readme is included. This is an SF2 revamp of the version I uploaded a few years ago.
    This mod makes use of the latest patch level tweeks for randomization of aircraft serial/ID numbers. So, make sure you're at least at June 2011 or above level. Included are a new SF2-style hangar screen, some weapons, engine sound and a pilot figure. A Userlist is included, even though this is a "Nationalized" version. The WW2-era bombs are NOT included; you can find them in the GunnyPak, or edit the loadout ini to use stock 3rdWire ones, if you have SF2:Is Expansion Pak 1.
    This is a COMPLETE aircraft, with almost all the trimmings, ready to unzip and fly away. Many tweeks have been performed on this, mostly by Column5 to the FlightModel. Some data ini mods by me (duplicating the HVAR stations) allow for wingfold and the ordanance to "stay put" the pylons. Canopy & wingfold is activated by manual animation keys; use Shift/0 for the canopy, Shift/9 for wingfold. Obviously, the FAH dosen't have carriers, but research indicated that the wingfold was never disabled. As always, all the external lighting has been updated to be historically/mechanically correct.
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install. Also, please review the Legal disclaimers at the bottom - some changes have been implimented.
    Special thanks to TMF, and Sony Tuckson in particular for permission to include all the bits and pieces. Many Thanks man!
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein
    (as stated in another recent upload, the proper terrain for it's operation is still in the works)


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  9. 3rd Wire F-16A Netz Templates

    Layered Templates for Stock 3rdWire F-16A "Netz"
    These are the PSD templates that I created from the stock bitmaps for the Netz from SF2:I.
    These are NOT hi-rez, but only 1024 x 1024 maps. You can experiment with upsizing, but I personally feel that 1024 is perfect 'in middle' size, that looses no detail in game, and will keep frame rates smooth. (after all, the game engine WILL resize to fit)
    Feel free to make changes, repaint -the purpose of the upload- and correct any/all errors that I may have induced. Remember, folks, I ain't Sundowner, so things won't be as pretty has his!! (Ant being the Skinning Deity)
    I've left ALL my 'working' layers intacat, so there's undoubtedly a bunch of stuff you won't be needed there. Also included are templates for the pylons and drop tanks.
    kevin stein


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  10. Mistubishi T-2 (for SF2)

    JASDF Mitsubishi T-2 Trainer For SF2
    For SF2 (may require SF2E or I for some of the HUD bits)
    As stated above, due to the use of pointers to the F-15A HUD markers, this may best be used in a Full-4 Merged install, or at the very least, those with SF2:E.
    This is a mods package of Veltro2K's JASDF advanced trainer, to bring it into SF2. This is the complete aircrft package, containing everything needed to unzip and install. Most of the mods are to the various inis, and new serial number decals. Otherwise, it is the complete pack as Veltro released it (just slightly tweekificated).
    The data ini has also had some minor mods; mostly in engine thrust, weight, etc. The FM is not perfect, but it handles just fine for me on Normal flight mode. A userlist is supplied, even though these are Japanese-only aircarft; not built for export. Weither that makes a difference for not, don't know! But, it IS locked into a 'nationalized' usage. Also, my first attempt at a DDS damage texture -- please don't laugh too hard at it <grin>!! A new SF2-style hangar screen is also included.
    Loadouts have been adjusted, leaning slightly more for the attack/strike role than the Real Life ™ aircraft. In this respect, its more like the fighter-trainer version (FT-2B??) than the pure trainer. Most of the weapons used are stock in-game items, although one or 2 used (in particular the JM117-GSC1 EO bomb) are availble in the Mistubishi F-1 upgrade, to be found at the following url:
    (however, this weapon is only avaliable after 1977; before that you'll get standard US EOGBs)
    All serial number decals ARE the actual ones as used; The info sheet in the Burindo book is/was a little vague and as I can't read Japanese... As is what I believe to be the 4 Hikotai tail badge; although it does look good!
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, highly detailed, step-by-step install instructions. This package is set up for a 'drag and drop' style of installation -- everything has been divided into the proper folder format that SF2 needs/wants/requires. Of course, the usual "Notes" section for other important stuff; might want to read it, eh?
    Happy Landings!
    kevin stein


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  11. Royal Navy Skyraider Mk.1 (What If..)

    Royal Navy Skyraider Mk.1 (What If...)
    = For SF2 (Full-4 Merged) or SF2:V ONLY!!!- =
    As stated above, you MUST have a Full-4 merged, or at the VERY LEAST!! SF2:V to make use of this mod, as it accesses the A-1H lod from SF2:V. All other parts are supplied herein (except the engine sound and the centerline droptank; they're included the A-1H/A-1J updates, which you should have. If not, what's stopping you? They're available at the following URLs:
    Yes, shamless self-promotion <grin>) Other than the aformentioned, this is a complete, new aircraft for Royal Navy usage.
    This is a complete update of the "What If..." RN Skyraider I released in 2005. The aircraft has 3 sets of skins (created from a HomeGrown ™ template with redrawn panel and rivet lines and etcs). The skins cover:
    830 NAS, in dark gray/white during the 1950s (includes Suez War 'Invasion Stripe' decals)
    813 NAS, in dark gray/white for other 1950s/early 60s usage (no stripes)
    814 NAS, in sea blue/white during the 1960/70s
    All decals from the original pak have been reused, as everyone knows how I hate to waste good decals <grin>. Like my other USN Skyraider mods, this has a working canopy (use shift/0 to open and close), and corrected light positions, including a landing light. A new SF2-style hangar screen, and a short historical essay are included.
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Good Hunting!
    kevin stein


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  12. F-4K Phantom II, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm

    MDD F-4K Phantom (FG.1) Royal Navy/Royal Air Force
    -- For SF2, Full-4 Merged (Prefered) and/or SF2:E ONLY!!! --
    As stated above, you =MUST= have either a Full-4 Merged install, or at the VERY LEAST SF2:E to make use of this mod package, as it references all stock items for the aircraft and cockpit that are =ONLY= found in SF2E or Full4 Merged game installs; is uses the F-4M lods for the aircraft and cockpit, as well as the various other inis. Some, however, ARE supplied, as I made adjustments and so forth.
    This package represents F-4K/FG.1 Phantoms of the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, and later as serving in the RAF
    Skins and decals in the pak are for:
    767 Squadron, FAA (?Land based in UK and The Continent?)*
    892 Squadron, FAA (aboard HMS Ark Royal)*
    "Generic" RAF Camo (stock skin; uses stock decals for 19 Squadron)
    111 Squadron RAF (Barley Gray)**
    *Skins and decals were created by Sundowner some years ago
    **maybe non-historical; it's possible that 111 used FG.1s upgraded to FG.2, with addition of the RWR 'box' on fin. But the skin is too nice to let go!
    All weapons used are stock in-game items. Minor data ini edits allow for carrier useage, and a maunaly operated canopy. Use Shift/0 to open and close. A new artwork loading screen is also included.
    Remember: this is the early model, withOUT the ECM/RWR fairings on the tail, and no RWR of any kind!! So watch you be-hinds!!
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs/requires/should have, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Catch a 3 Wire!
    Kevin Stein


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  13. Templates for 3W Harrer GR1

    Someone requested these, so I'm uploading them.
    These are HomeGrown ™ templates, based off the original 3W skins, with redrawn panel, rivet lines and some weathering and staining. I've left all my layers intact, so you can use or not use whatever you like!
    Standard photoshop PSD format. Mapping appears to be identical to the WoE AV-8A/Harrier GR.1 (I haven't really checked this, but it 99.999999999999999%)
    no readme, as these are templates, and those that know how to use them, don't need a read me!
    kevin stein


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  14. F-100D "Air Pirate"

    F-100D, Air Pirate


    -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:E/V =ONLY!!!= --

    (Can be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the F-100D)
    A "just for fun" mod . . .
    This package represents aircraft from the fictional Post-WWIII world of the novel series "The Wingman", by Mack Maloney.
    These are F-100D SuperSabres as flown by either Air Pirates, or a Freelancer ('guns for hire/Mercenaries').
    This package comes with 2 skin sets:
    "The Stukas" infamous Air/Ground Pirate gang that operated in Westen New Jersey, parts of New York, eastern Pennsylvania, parts of Ohio and that general region.
    A Plane-Jane natural metal for generic usage.
    This mod creates a new, stand-alone aircraft (not exported, with no other user). It is best used in a stand-alone mods folder that is based on the post-WW3 world of "The Wingman". Although, it may fit into the 'alternate' world of the Global Sedition vs the North American Alliance. (as do many of my terrain mods)
    Loadouts have been adjusted to reflect the 'lack' of sophisticated weapons in the Post-WW3 world (especially for the 'Bad Guys'), and include a 'nation-specific' AirPirate AIM-9B. The canopy has been set to use a manual animation key. Use Shift/0 to open and close it.
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
    Again, as usual, the expected "Notes & Ramblings of a Mad(Wing)man" section for fun.
    Go Git 'em!
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  15. F-104G Starfighter "Air Pirate"

    F-104G, Air Pirate

    -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:E =ONLY!!!=
    (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the F-104G)

    A "just for fun" mod . . .
    This package represents aircraft from the fictional Post-WWIII world of the novel series "The Wingman", by Mack Maloney.
    These are F-104G Starfighters as flown by either Air Pirate, or a Freelancer ('guns for hire').
    This package comes with a single skin set; A Garish Red/Yellow, as described in the first book. Those wishing other skins are advised to extract the USAFSilver1 and drop it into the main skin folder. Other, more "unusual" skins may be forthcoming. Depends on End User ™ demand, and my free time. Other than the 'pirate' badges, there are no other markings.
    This mod creates a new, stand-alone aircraft (not exported, with no other user). It is best used in a stand-alone mods folder that is based on the post-WW3 world of "The Wingman". Although, it may fit into the 'alternate' world of the Global Sedition vs the North American Alliance. (as do many of my terrain mods)
    This is a COMPLETE aircraft package, including the Zipper's cockpit and the hi-rez repaint by Batman1978; all is ready to just unzip, install and fly. The avionics ini has been modified to give you an 'audio-only' RWR.
    Loadouts have been adjusted to reflect the 'lack' of sophisticated weapons in the Post-WW3 world (especially for the 'Bad Guys'), and include a 'nation-specific' AirPirate AIM-9B. The canopy has been set to use a manual animation key. Use Shift/0 to open and close it.
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
    Again, as usual, the expected "Notes & Ramblings of a Madman" section for fun.
    (this'll give the ADF somebody to contend with!)
    kevin stein
    Aferthought: this might also make a good skin for use in a Mercenary Campaign! For either side!


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  16. F-105D Thunderchief, "Aerodrome Defense Force"

    F-105D, Aerodrome Defense Force


    -- For FULL-4 Merged SF2 (Prefered) and/or SF2:E/V =ONLY!!!=
    (it can acutally be used in any SF2 install that has the access to the F-105D_66)

    A "just for fun" mod . . .
    This package represents aircraft from the fictional Post-WWIII world of the novel series "The Wingman", by Mack Maloney.
    These are F-105D Thunderchiefs, as flown from the Free Territory/Trade Zone know as 'The Aerodrome', based at what used to be Syracuse, New York, as owned/operated by Mike Fitzgerald.
    This package comes with 2 skin sets; one Natural Metal for the 'deconstruction era', after WW3 and during the time The Aerodrome was established and Fitz began building up business (so to speak), and a 3-tone camo, most likely used during The Circle War and and beyond.
    All are based of stock 3W items. New decals are supplied with Fitz's trademark "Shamrock"
    This mod creates a new, stand-alone aircraft (not exported, with no other user). It is best used in a stand-alone mods folder that is based on the post-WW3 world of "The Wingman". Although, it may fit into the 'alternate' world of the Global Sedition vs the North American Alliance. (as do many of my terrain mods)
    Loadouts have been adjusted to reflect the ADF role in air convoy escort and so forth. The canopy has been set to use a manual animation key. Use Shift/0 to open and close it.
    As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install (read: drag and drop).
    Again, as usual, the expected "Notes & Ramblings of a Mad(Wing)man" section for fun.
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  17. Replacement "nose" skin bmp for Warbirds Phantom

    Replacement texture for "Warbirds" F-4E_86:
    After I'd uploaded it, Dave noticed the very tip of the nose and the pitot tube were painted incorrectly.
    This replacement f-4e_5.bmp will fix that, adding the black at the very tip.
    Instructions for use (as no readme is included) A screenshot can be seen in this thread:
    Unzip to a tempfolder or dessktop or where that's easy to find.
    Then, simply copy/paste the f-4e_5.bmp into EACH of the 3 skin folders (377,378,379) Allow for the overwrite.
    that'll fix ya' right up!
    sorry for the slight incovience! And thanks to Dave's much-sharper-than-mine eyes.
    kevin stein


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  18. Country Flag Set for Terrains #1

    Country Flag Pak #1 -


    = For SF/WoV/WoE/WoI/FE, and all SF2/FE2 series terrains

    This includes MANY of the country flags that I've used on several terrain mods, more or less packaged together for other budding Terrain Engineers ™, and any other that might need them, to add to whatever terrain they might fit on. Many of these are already out, in the myriad of terrains mods I've done. But this will make it a bit easier to find them. There are also many being held back, for use on forth-coming terrains (Central America, for example) Some are used on terrain still 'in the works', but being released here anyway (examples: India-Pak, Iran/Iraq).
    The lods and inis are all in ANSI, making the fully usable in ALL 3rdWire games.
    This pak includes (with their actual part name): Listed in no particular order.....
    - WW1:
    Imperial Germany - IGFlag (good for First Eagles)
    RFC - RFCFlag (WW1 Royal Flying Corp -uses RFFlag.bmp)
    - WW2:
    Imperial Japan - ijflag (Rising Sun-burst)
    Nazi Germany - 3rflag (swastika)
    Italy (fascist) - itflag (House of Savoy sheild)
    USA - USFlag (48 stars -good until 1959)
    - Post-WW2 and Later:
    USA - AMFlag (50 stars)
    Iraq - IQFlag
    Israel - isflag
    Egypt - egflag
    NATO - NOFlag (Yes, "NO" should be Norway, I'll that that one probably as NW)
    Netherlands - NLFlag
    Belgium - BLFlag
    UK - UKFlag
    Saudi Arabia - SDFlag
    Playboy Bunny - pbflag
    West Germany - GWFlag
    East Germany - GEFlag
    Russia - RUFlag (ok, Soviet Union -- it's still Russia to me!!)
    Canada - CAFlag
    Spain - ESFlag
    China - CHFlag (PRC)
    Global Sedition - GSFlag (the new style, 'dagger-through-the-earth')
    Greece - GCFlag
    France - FRFlag
    Indonesia - INDFlg
    India - INFlag
    Iran - IRFLag
    Italy - ITmodn (post WW2)
    Japan - JPFlag (post WW2)
    Libya - LYFlag
    Malta - MLFlag
    Madagasscar - MDFlag
    North Korea - NKFLag
    NorAm Alliance - ALFlag (new style North American Alliance, against the Global Sedition)
    Pirate 1 - P1Flag
    Pirate 2 - P2Flag (both seen on the Canary Island map)
    Australia - OZFlag
    Saudi Arabia - SDFlag
    SEATO - SEATOF (South-East Asia Treaty Org)
    United Nations - UNFLag
    Tunisia - TUFlag
    Red Cross - RdCros (for hospitals, aid stations, etc)
    RAF - RAFFlg (British Royal Air Force)
    RN - RNFlag (British Royal Navy the "White Ensign")
    Turkey - TKFlag
    Argentina - ARFlag
    Taiwan - RCFlag (Republic of China)
    North Vietnam - NVFlag
    Viet Cong - VCFlag
    South Vietnam - SVFlag
    Pakistan - PKFLag
    Qatar - QTFlag
    Bahrain - BHFlag
    I know I had others, but can't seem to find them! I can always remake them, or make new ones to "fill in the blanks" (especially for Europe ... a LOT more will be/ARE needed)
    It is ALSO highly reccomended you READ this entire document through before trying to use the parts included in this package. If you don't, you're SURE to run into problems. And then, we'll clown on you. HARD, and mercilessly. Because we're just that way
    Happy Terrain Building!!
    Kevin Stein


       (1 review)



  19. WW1 Palestine Ini HotFix

    It seems that I inadvertently removed the QHuts from the types ini.
    Also, the Ashqelon fuel dump was too far inland.
    This pak will fix that...it's the
    A couple of destroyed effects, in the types ini, have also been 'repaired' (ie: spelling eroor)
    Just unzip to a temp folder, your desktop or directly to the /Palestine terrain folder. Allow for the overwrite.
    My sincere apologies for this mistake!!!
    (no screenie included)
    kevin stein


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  20. MiG-9 Fargo (upgraded for SF2)

    MiG-9 "Fargo" -Update Pak for SF2 (all, merged or not)

    This is a "minor" rebuild of the flight model for this 1st Generation Soviet Jet fighter by Timmy. It borrows heavliy from other work; I've just tried to combine and adjust to get it a little better (it's like around 110% better than it was!)
    Everything has been tweeked to SF2 standards; folderized decals for the PLAAF skins, use of stock in-game decals for Soviet Borts (and some other decal tweeks), the 260gallon/900 liter drop tanks, my semi-craptastic "PilotER" (we really do need a new early soviet jet pilot figure!) and the 'migengine' sound borrowed from TMF's MiG-21F, a new SF2-style hangar screen, and cockpit (modded from Kesselbruts Spitfire pit, called "1JetCockpit", that while not perfect, works pretty damn good). Instruments are still in English characters, but have been converted to metric readings in the cockpit ini.
    This is a complete aircraft, ready to unzip and fly away. While the flight modeling is VASTLY improved, it could still use a little fine-tuning. I welcome compentent modders to take this one, and bring it all the way home.
    As always full, detailed install instruction are included in the pack, so READ them!!
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  21. II/JG51 skin for MontyCZ's S-99 (109G6)

    II/JG-51 Skin for MontyCZ S-99


    For SF2 WW2 MTO/ETO installs

    A fairly simple skin for Monty's S-99 (here representing the Bf-109G-6) as used in North Africa/MTO theatre by Jg-51. Simple, because II/JG51 didn't seem to use any stab marking or ID numbers, making this an easy skin.
    As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed (and very simple in this case) instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.
    Kevin Stein


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  22. Mistubishi F-1 HUD Fix Pak

    Mitsubishi F-1 Avionics HotFix For SF2
    = For SF2, Full-4 Merged = ONLY!! =
    Updates for my recently released SF2 mod of the Mistubishi F-1 by Veltro2k.
    This package will update several main inis, giving the aircraft a full, complete working HUD with CCIP, IRM markers and other cool stuff.
    As this mod makes use of several items that are 'borrowed' from inside several different ObjectData.cats, it is absolutely =NOT= compatable or downgradable for 1st Gen SF/SFG/WoV/WoE usage.
    The full aircraft, to which this HotFix is to be applied can be found at the URL below:
    Again, this is for SF2, a full-4 merged install ONLY!!!
    As always, read the simple instructions included in the 'readme'.
    kevin stein


       (1 review)



  23. MiG-21MF, Fuerza Aérea Ejército de Nicaragua

    MiG-21MF Fishbed-J, Fuerza Aérea Ejército de Nicaragua


    For SF2 only, Full-4 Merged (or possibly unmerged) Game installs

    Just a little something I started a couple of years ago; thought I'd just go ahead and finish it off.
    Represtents fictional MiG-21MF Fishbed-Js, had they actaully arrived and gone into serivice with the Nicaraguan Air Force. This mod makes use of pretty much all stock items; weapons and so forth (excepting the cockpit by Palandrin), just using ini edits to create this "What If..." bird. It is a Nationalized, non-exported, single user aircraft. A new hangar screen, SF2 style only, is incuded. The canopy has also been activated via an animation key, use Shift/0 to open and close it.
    It'll probably work in ANY install, merged or not, as the 21MF is pretty much a stock- in-all versions aircraft. It may even work in SF/Wo* at the 08 patch level, but this has =NOT= been tested. Some minor editing, to remove the UserList callout, and some changes in the Data ini will be necessary for 1stGen usage. All inis are saved in ANSI, for ease of possible backdating. This has NOT been tested, however, and you do so at your own risk; no support will be available from this modder. Be advised, the data ini IS setup ONLY for SF2, making use of several SF2-only avionics statements and flight modeling.
    As always, read the enclosed readme text for fairly easy to follow install instructions, and a historical/semi-historical background in the "Notes" section.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    PS: another that should be in the "What If..." section, but be that as it may....


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  24. Mirage 3C PN (Panama Servicio Aérea Nacional)

    Dassault Mirage IIIPN, Servicio Aérea Nacional (Panama National Air Service) 7/20/09

    -- For SF2 Full-4 Merged Installs !ONLY! --

    This is a mod of the stock 3W MirageIIIC into a "What If..." MirageIIIPN if used by the Panama Air Force. It makes use of various stock lods, cockpit, and cockpit bits that are ONLY in a full-4 merged install. It is also completly non-usable in any 1stGen versions of 3W games due to extensive use of various lods, inis and tgas ONLY available in a Full-4 Merged install.
    Extensive editing of all the inis created a 'mix-match' of old and new; old airframe with modern avionics. All weapon fits, excepting the R-530F are stock. I've included the R-530F (and variants), for those that don't have Gunny's Ordanance Shop installed. The canopy has also bee activated, use Shift/0 to open and close it.
    You =will= be extracting the Nations.ini, to add the new nation of Panama. Instructions are below, in the "To Install" section.
    As always, it's reccomended -no, REQUIRED- that you read the enclosed document through before installing this mod. If you are unfamiliar with any procedures, post questions in either the Release Announcment Thread, the regular CA forums, or via PM to me. It really isn't all that hard.
    Good Hunting!
    Kevin Stein
    ps: should maybe have been posted in the "What If..." section, but that's Spinner's section!


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  25. 3rd Wire Parking Enforcement Vehicle

    3rd Wire Productions, Parking Enforcement Vehicle


    = For SF/WoV/WoE/WoI and all SF2 games =

    This is a modification of RussoUK's VW 'Follow Me' van into a, well, "ticket tagger".
    What started out as a joke in the SF2 forums, about not having enough parked aircraft; someone had made a comment about "maybe they'd been towed away for illeagly parking", grew into this little mod.
    It still uses the basic yellow/black checkerboard skin, with the addition of 'identifer placards' on the roof, front, back and sides of the vehicle. Yes, the front ID Placard IS supposed to reversed, just as one sees on other Emergency Vehicles.
    The vehicle's nationality has been set to "GENERIC", so it can be used by both sides. It's GroundObjectRole has also been set to TRANSPORT, which will allow it to show up on ARMED_RECON missions. If this is unwanted, I'd reccomend changing it to RECON, in the data ini.
    Fairly simple install instruction are included; with data for Terrain builders as well, on how to include them scattered around maps as sort of an 'Easter Egg'.
    Have fun with it!! And remember the 3W Parking Enforcement Bureau's Mottos:
    "Move It, Or Lose It"
    and, BTW, the fines associated with the ticket and towing are EXPENSIVE!!! They go up with the size of the aircraft towed. Plus storage....
    Kevin Stein


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