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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. I have no problem with that statement, many Americans are, as are many other people around the world. The thing is to know your biases, weaknesses, and vices and KNOW how you can learn from them or use them to your advantage when the need arises.
  2. Let's see your cars!

    Still working on getting my 0-60 time down to under 7 seconds. Must have had the right mixture of gas, weather, and surface that day.
  3. Movies

    First time I have seen this That guy is a dick with a capital D!
  4. F-15E drops a B-61

    Time to break out the sun block! "When you see the flash, it is already too late..."
  5. Jet fuel Vs Diesel Vs Gasoline - how they burn..........

    Thank god he did not spill, splash, or drop any of that $h!t! He would have gone up quicker than Richard Pryor. (NSFW explicit language)
  6. There's a reason why 'Banker' rhyms

    Perhaps the more money and resources you have the easier it is for you manipulate and skirt the "system". But in some instances there is more to it than that: Local authorities may be scared to "make waves" with someone who is connected, particularly in regards to an election year. Wealthier people can afford bail, which means they don't have to sit in jail for months or years until their trial date comes up(and yes in some cities/states it can't take years just to get "your day in court). People who can afford to be bailed/bonded out are less likely to take a "plea deal", which means they are more willing to go to court (someone a lot of cash and time-strapped local officials don't want unless it is serious or they have political/voting pressure on them). Those who can't afford a bond usually take plea deals in order to shorten their sentences or avoid hard time, regardless of their degree of guilt or innocence. Add this to the human factor, there are some law enforcement officers that go 0-60 on any suspect no matter who or what they are. However, most usually tend to feel out suspects before they move in to arrest, detain, or question. If they believe the person has some type of "status" (be it money, connections, media clout, law-enforcement, etc.) they usually tend to be a bit more guarded and methodical in their approach. Primary reason, said law enforcement officers don't want to get fired, reprimanded, or sued for any perceived violation of policy or the law. The first thing most "good" lawyers do is question how their client was treated while in custody.
  7. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/report-police-officer-shot-near-tennessee-army-recruiting-center/
  8. Or uhh uhmm... old F-4Ds get revenge for being replaced by F-15Es. I guess fuel consumption isn't an issue? I mean it is the Persian Gulf. That will show that damned 4th Fighter Wing!
  9. There's a reason why 'Banker' rhyms

    Not that I'm for or against it (I believe in letting allowing Darwinism to play its course when it comes to personal decisions) I'm pretty sure when more states find a way to tax it (i.e. make money of it) without running a foul of the federal government and socially conservative block-voters more will go the Colorado, California, and Washington route. Even in jurisdictions where it is "legal", legal usually mean you have to have a valid license, can't travel across state lines with it, can't share or distribute, can only have an authorized amount, etc. Furthermore, just because a state or local government says it is ok (which is still rare unless you have been blessed and deemed "special" by local authorities) still does not mean can't be prosecuted on federal charges.
  10. There's a reason why 'Banker' rhyms

    Lots of reasons... Depends on who it is, where it is, if anyone is up for re-election, if there is a "crack down", if it is a repeat offender, if law enforcement and prosecutors want to "stack charges", is the person caught is a "scum bag", etc. Many jurisdictions feel it is not worth their time just want a fine and/or probation, especially if the courts and police are busy, but never underestimate human pride and emotion (particularly when it comes to arena of law-enforcement and criminal justice).
  11. Watch that F-15 come out strutting like he owns the walk....
  12. F-35 pilot says it can't dogfight

    Wasn't there a similar argument before... The F-18 isn't faster than the F-14 The F-18 has a shorter range than the A-6 The F-18 can't carry as much as the A-7
  13. I'll just leave this here... Based on the footage, this war probably filmed sometime around 1986, 87, or 88. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=86&v=NMb9OmXDj4g
  14. Windows 10

    I got those stupid notifications on Windows 7 months ago and they won't go away. So is Mirco$oft shoving this one down or throats or up our rears?
  15. There's a reason why 'Banker' rhyms

    The meme is very fishy and over exaggerated Well it depends... state, jurisdiction, and/or circumstances
  16. How is this an issue? Use to happen on a daily occurrence from 1950 something till around 1991-93. We did it to them and they did it to US.
  17. Getting Ready

    From the album Ironroad

    An early block F-14A of Fighter Squadron One Fourteen (VF-114) the "Aardvarks" starting up on the USS Kitty Hawk. 1977 was the Aardvark's first operational deployment (cruise) with the F-14. VF-114 was disbanded in 1993, after being an active United States Naval squadron since 1945.

    © Ironroad 2015


    Thanks for the kind wishes our brothas from anotha motha country. But damn it, its time to do this thread right! If it wasn't for these generations of men and women there would be no Independence Day in the United States of America!
  19. Prowlers Retired

    I wonder if the USAF has cross-trained any of its pilots into the E/F/A-18 community or shifted any crews to the USMC? When the EF-111 was retired they dumped some of those crews into Prowlers. Also, anyone know what the Marines are going to do once they get rid of their EA-6Bs? They have sworn-off any variant of the F-18E/F. If they get rid of their Prowlers that would leave the Marines without their own dedicated EW aircraft since the early 1950s.
  20. Prowlers Retired

    Thank god I got to see and hear the A-6/KA-6 f and the EA-6B fly on numerous occasions. Those jokers were loud! Maybe the Marines will get some spare parts freed up? Although I believe they are scheduled to start getting rid of their Prowler airframes in less than two years. Now if the Navy can figure out how to fit a radar dish on top of an F-18, they will truly get their wish...a hornet only service with more money to throw at F-35 "testing".
  21. Another group of moving "screenshots"
  22. If I ran the country that guy would have been ordered tied to a fence post and flogged till he passed out. But thankfully I don't run things...
  23. Near the end for US F-4s

    Hopefully it will not suffer the same fate as the QF-106s did. The last of them were taken out to the Gufl of Mexico and dumped into the ocean. I'm glad I had the opportunity to see the fullymanned F-4 fly towards the end of its of career. I was taken back when I happened to see an QF-4E painted up in SEA colors fly at an airshow a few years ago. My first thought was "that can't be right."

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