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The profile publication shows 29.885 feet = 9.09 metres just to add to the confusion ;) the windsock list's the Italian Airforce museum example at 9.22 metres and the http://www.museocaproni.it/ shows it at 8.00 metres :blink: maybe there was 2 versions? looks fantastic anyway :yes:
looks great Laton I've always liked those crazy A-H designs... there's a smaller pilot here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...04&hl=pilot post 3 if you are in a hurry (i'm sure geezer's will be better, this one is pre expansion pack so a little sparse poly wise)
Prop Engines
p10ppy replied to Rambler 1-1's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
Brake Specific Fuel Consumption in FE works out empiracly to KG of fuel per KW Minute or G of fuel per W Minute (same number) not the same as wiki but any other formula seems to give silly results (in FE) so the engine Wrench posted uses 775840*0.01 grams of fuel a minute = 7.76 kg fuel/minute = 465.5 Kg/hour at full power i think -
HELP! I need a new pilot figure!
p10ppy replied to Wrench's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
dont know if this is any help http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=29704&hl= post 3 WWI but could be reskined (i can make him "footloose" if its still not enough) -
First Attempt at decaling
p10ppy replied to Viggen's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
thought you wanted to learn 100x100 still isn't big enough imho unless its for a very small part of the plane it just gets very stretched and blocky/soft otherwise... just to clarify a few things.. the decal does have to be square but it does not have to be to the power of 16 i.e. 300x300 works just as well as 256x256 the non-alpha layer (the coloured) does not need to be blank around the image because it is alphaed out however a neutral colour (grey) or something close to the skin colour helps blend the decal in have look here http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23485 and I've included the PSD in the rar before I've copied and pasted the alpha layer into the channels so you can see what it looks like as its being built Decal.rar -
First Attempt at decaling
p10ppy replied to Viggen's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - General Discussion
its a bit small to make a nice decal (64x64) should really be in the same range atleast as the underlying skin putting on a 512 x 512 wing map make it fill the same pixel area as it would if you painted it directly on the skin decalscale = x is in metres on the real aircraft imho and too close to the edges in a few places (atleast 1-2 pixels solid black around the edges on the alpha layer) anyway this will work after a fashion have a look at the alpha layer Insignia202a.rar -
not sure about the animation stuff really either I've always assumed it was for the overall timing/speed of a given animationID (e.g Animation01 = animationID=1 in the data.ini) there is MaxPowerAnimationTime=0.1 MinPowerAnimationTime=0.2 in the data.ini engine section which does that for the engine animation but why that stuff is in the decal.ini (and its only a guess...i've never seen anything written about it and i think it appeared with the expansion pack) more decals will mitigate your problem somewhat (i usually do about 40 for generic great war skins, depends on how complicated the decal is) and of course it looks silly for AC numbers, they never seem to go much over 20.... The default unnumbered decal never used to work as advertised but it could have been fixed in one of the later patchs there's also the new alias list to play with...http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5734 and you also can make repeats of your sn.tgas i.e the set of tga's copied multiple times and each set renamed to the next batch of numbers (eg SN001-SN020.tga copied and renamed SN021-SN040.tga, repeat...) a bit of a hack but it works...
whats happening "i think" is you are running out of numbers (have a look at loadout before you fly) when it randomly selects a individual aircraft number for the flight you(player) are always lowest random iirc and so the next bunch of random numbers selected for the next mission is your AC number + all number of ac in the your flight + some random amount ...it quickly goes beyond 20 = no decal ... restarting the game resets it... Its kind of a bug really i guess ... I don't think it affects the campaign (for a while anyway) as your squady's keep their numbers till they are mia/kia and if you use a numbers.lst its easy (but boring) to select numbers in the loadout screen for single missions no solution i know of except to have a bucket load of level 2 decals (what happens in stock, 100+) the animation stuff should be there, its a newer feature...
http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=25101&hl http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=25117&hl http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23523&hl have fun :yes:
the pilot is a "typo" by me...sorry edit your SPAD_XII_DATA.INI in a text editor find [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=wwiPilotNewF PilotHeadNodeName=head Position=0.00,-0.707,0.639 MinExtentPosition=-0.29,-0.87,-0.16 MaxExtentPosition= 0.29,-0.37, 0.70 and change PilotModelName=wwiPilotNewF to PilotModelName=wwiPilotNew3 alternately have a look at this thread (a bit tricky) http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=29704&hl= as for the guns ... I'm not sure ? did you open the modified Gundata.ini in the gundata editor http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...mp;showfile=707 and save it (it needs to be saved to mod some other files) and make sure you have this bit right [GunData0XX] //////////////////////////////////XX is the next sequential number e.g. GunData042 TypeName=37MM_SAMC FullName=37mm SAMC Moteur canon Caliber=37.000000 otherwise it wont work... good luck
Changing Single-Mission Default Altitudes
p10ppy replied to Mike Dora's topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2
that works for me Mike make sure you put the MISSIONCONTROL.INI in the Flight folder numbers are metres (you probably know that ) -
Saving edited gun.ini file with gun editor: in what new file exactly & how to proceed?
p10ppy replied to nestor's topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2
Giggle yeah it is quite hard to hit with... i would have liked to make it even harder but then its not a lot of fun... AI does/did hit with it occasionally during testing... but i haven't flown it for a while I tended to fly it by itself, with SPAD VII for wingmen/AI it was very much a experten (sic) aircraft and there never seemed to be more than a couple at the front at any one time certainly never a whole Escadrille (of course you can fly it anyway you like :yes: ) have a look at this later gunsight mod if you are worried about gun convergence http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=28472&hl and unconverge the guns if they are (AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0) I've got the addon gunsight attached here AttachmentPosition=0.000,0.5000,0.0000 on my local XII and it certainly seems to help the AI to have uncoverged guns.... it a bit of a pain to implement i'm afraid... -
think Wrench meant MissionData.cat I changed some of mine a while (never finished it tho ) ago here they are if you just want to C+p cant remeber if i finished them so YMMV RANKSFAM.LST [FullName] Caporal Maréchal des logis Maréchal des logis chef Adjudant Sous Lieutenant Lieutenant Capitaine Chef d'Escadron Lieutenant Colonel Colonel [ShortName] Cpl Mdl MdlChef Adj 2Lt Lt Capt ChefEsc LtCol Col RANKSGAS.LST [FullName] Unteroffizier Feldwebel Vizefeldwebel Offizierstellvertreter Leutnant Oberleutnant Rittmeister Major Oberstleutnant Oberst [ShortName] Uffz Feldwbl Vzfw Off-stl Ltn Oblt Rttm Maj Obstlt Obst RANKSRAF.LST [FullName] Sergeant Sergeant Major Warrant Officer 2nd Lieutenant Lieutenant Lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant Colonel Colonel [ShortName] Sgt SgtMaj WO 2Lt Lt Lt Capt Maj LtCol Col they go in the flight folder
unwanted roll under hard mode
p10ppy replied to orsin's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
both the vert tails are set to the same min/max extents (and their related fuel tanks) not sure that the min/max extents will effect the FM (will affect the DM tho) but the fuel load may... the other slightly weird thing is all the control surfaces are set to RotationAxis=X-Axis...guess they must have rolled the pivots in MAX? Edit: actually the tanks probably wont matter to the FM they are both set on the centre line.... -
3D modeling animation question
p10ppy replied to serverandenforcer's topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 1 Series - Mods/Skinning Discussion
you don't really need to link them at all really.... any mesh on the model with animation keys set in the chosen range will animate when the relevant animationID is triggered ,,, you could have the pilot eject and the collective move on the same animationID if you REALLY wanted if you do want to link them set it up like a chain (where you put the pivots are crucial)e.g.... (just an example, the other way round may work better on your model) RotorBlade .............\ ..............Linkage .......................\ .....................Swatchplate animate the rotor (and key it) which drives the link which drives the swatchplate once you have the rotor movement good, correct the link's movement and key it then correct the swatchplates movement and key it or do it from the middle where the link drives the other two bits (again where you put the pivots is crucial) the trickier bit which i think ? you are trying to do is moving one mesh with 2 differing key sets the hierarchy's get really complicated because I don't think you can set keys in two different slots for the same mesh e.g. RotorMesh keys set to animate in slot 31-40 and 51-60 ( i could be wrong about that) so you have to do it with hierarchy linking and sometimes "dummy" meshes (tiny hidden meshes that are solely for being the top level of a animation chain and driving all the mesh animations) you can model just about any animation with TK's system it just takes a bit of lateral thinking sometimes And you have to forget about RL systems, 3d animation almost never works like a real mechanical system hope that was some help If i misunderstood you perhaps you could post some screenys