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About GASCAN39

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Arifjan, Kuwait
  • Interests
    Simming, my divorce, travel


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  1. Fairey Vanquish B2

    Totally loving this one! Nice "What If" aircraft for sure!
  2. The Fighter Pilot podcast

    Watched him on aircrew interview on Youtube. He was a great interview, will def tune in to the podcasts
  3. Darts Vs Vipers

    AWESOME!!!!! "Old age and treachery....."
  4. Amazing machine, love the sound of it, looks like it is well kept
  5. A-5A/A3J

    That was cool. Love that old Viggie.
  6. Nice video!!! Spending six to eight hours for a mission in that might suck though!
  7. Holy Hailstone, Batman!

    That's some serious damage! Look what it did to the back of that guy's head!
  8. Prowlers Retired

    A proud career for that bird....yeah, I too fell in love with it after reading the FOTI novel, the movie and the game. The Blue Blasters and the Main Battery had some bad a$$ helmets also
  9. Soccer with a tennis ball......doused in gasoline......and set on fire. "Swerving" in a Ford Pickup on a dirt road, (Long before arab punks used it a substitute for dating girls) taking turns riding in the passenger window with only your gluteus maximus inside the vehicle. (What could go wrong). Swimming with alligators, drunk driving and not even having a driver license. Crawling through sewer gutters until we wound up on the alert ramp at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base....."Wow, a B-52 with nukes on alert.....no one has been this close before!!!!"
  10. Jug Has Passed Away

    Sorry to hear that. Much Respect. Had some PM activity with him years ago. He was living close to Auburn AL (as was I) and we talked about meeting up there during football season. I am sorry I never got the chance.
  11. Our department responded to the one in Kuwait that is mentioned. Reported as "on fire" though just a little smoke in the cockpit. It landed safely, no injuries. I am thinking that the Sea Dragon community is small compared to other aircraft in the inventory, could the stats be alarming because of that? I only know that we have them in our pattern quite a bit, and it is a nightmare scenario for me
  12. Wow, I created almost the same thing over the last few days, calling it the Marauder. Had my own Green Cheese(SRAM) and Golden Eagle (Land attack version of Sea Eagle). Thing hauls lorries full of 1000lb bombs. Just for my private amusement of course, no need to send the Mod Squad over to rough me up....
  13. I know you had been working on it for a while....Thank you. Getting my stealth on now....we could get all "Broken Arrow" up in here....mythical B-3....Travolta in a flight suit, fictional patches. Yeah.
  14. "Negative Ghostrider, the pattern is full"

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