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TeargasHorse last won the day on July 8 2018

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About TeargasHorse

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    Gaming (flight sims and, unfortunatly, FPS). Airsoft (kinda like paintball, but for adultminded folk).

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  1. Improved Dassault Rafale C3

    Cool, that's what I did. It works fine except for an issue looking out the cockpit, the HUD projector clips when I turn my head with TrackIR, kinda like the intakes on the Phantoms from the same view.
  2. Improved Dassault Rafale C3

    The folder names flight and sounds with lowercase are used. Can I change the names to caps (Flight, Sounds) so the files merge into my existing folders, or will the change make it crash?
  3. my SF2 got hijacked

    I've used nothing but Saiteks since they came out. Cyborg, X36, 2-X45s, and now my X52 Pro is at least 15 Y.O. and should be replaced, but it keeps on trucking. Yes, some of the buttons need attention, and the J/S is wobbly, but it works. I will get a new one when the boss authorizes a new PC.
  4. Thank you for your contributions and hard work in keeping this site and the game alive for so long. We've lost friends before, and each one is a wound to the community, but the spirit will live on. RIP Neils. Also for RIBob, my condolences on your loss.
  5. Sunset doggo! Drop the bags, time to distribute the MiG parts!
  6. I didn't even know about the place. It is a bit over 5 hours away. What could I tell the BOSS to get a road trip out to BFE? I dunno, but it looks cool af! If I figure it out before xmas, Ill let you know.
  7. EF-4C Phantom Wild Weasel IV for SF2

    Hey Wrench, I know this is an old upload, but the cockpit is not showing up. I can see the plane over the shoulder, and the reticle, but no cockpit. The EF-4C.ini points to the F-4C_67_cockpit.ini, but there's no ini in that folder. I'm not sure how this is supposed to work.
  8. Sometimes you're just out for a cruise in the THUNDER DOME (with Santa presents)!!
  9. Super Sunday

    Super jacked up! Super close-up
  10. Super Sunday

    SuperTurkey! Waiting their turn... And a SUPER Team!
  11. Hey Tom, I see a whale down there. SHUT UP, CARL, DO SOME OF THAT PILOT SH17! Let's goooo! The faster, the higher. Flying along, singing a song...
  12. Humpday Heavies

    Hey there, big momma, "How you doin'?" I' I'm not sure if I posted this Arc Light pic before, but here it is again. Badgering the hornets.
  13. Your First Sim

    Not my first game, but it was the first game I ever saw on PC. In the late 70s, my friend down the street's dad was a professor at the university and had a TRS80 at his house. Phone cradle modem, reel to reel and cassette tape. Paul (friend) was so excited to show off Star Trek to us! Not exactly the most blood-boiling game, and certainly not to an 8-year-old. My first game was Microsoft Flight Simulator in 1984 on an Apple IIe. No joystick, and 16 fps [if that] on a green monochrome monitor. Once I moved to IBM, the jig was up for Apple! Then it was Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer, Lucas Arts Battle of Britain, SWOTL and MicroProse titles...anything I could get. I still have the 5.25" and 3.5" disks for many of the games. They would likely crumble to dust if I tried to insert them though. Fond memories of being a loner without a guitar.
  14. Welcome aboard! There are tons of add-ons and mods for the sim, and the community is always helpful.

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